[APP][BETA]USB Cleaver - USB Password Recovery Tool [APP][BETA]USB Cleaver - USB Password Recovery Tool Hi there! Those of you who are familiar with USB Haksaw or USB Switchblade then you probably know what this app is all about. For those who a not familiar GOTO Description just like the USB Switchblade you can select the payload you want to use to shorten the hack time. This program is very beta! and welcome as much feedback and I can get! : Description The goal of the USB Cleaver is to silently recover information from a target Windows 2000 or higher computer, including password hashes, LSA secrets, IP information, etc... beauty lies in the fact that the payload can run silently and without modifying the system or sending network traffic, making it near invisible. : Payloads : Disclaimer This program will hold no responsibility for your action. [DualBoot TF101] - [Wx86/Wx64] Tubuntu dual boot one click tool [USB Cleaver] [APP] [BETA] - Password recovery and foresics tool.
PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives Proxy 4 Free - Public Proxy Servers, Anonymous Proxy, Proxy List - Protect Your Online Privacy! Essential Wireless Hacking Tools By Daniel V. Hoffman, CISSP, CWNA, CEH Anyone interested in gaining a deeper knowledge of wireless security and exploiting vulnerabilities will need a good set of base tools with which to work. Finding Wireless Networks Locating a wireless network is the first step in trying to exploit it. Network Stumbler a.k.a NetStumbler – This Windows based tool easily finds wireless signals being broadcast within range – A must have. (NetStumbler Screenshot) Kismet – One of the key functional elements missing from NetStumbler is the ability to display Wireless Networks that are not broadcasting their SSID. (Kismet Screenshot) Attaching to the Found Wireless Network Once you’ve found a wireless network, the next step is to try to connect to it. Airsnort – This is a very easy to use tool that can be used to sniff and crack WEP keys. (Screenshot of Airsnort in Action) coWPAtty – This tool is used as a brute force tool for cracking WPA-PSK, considered the “New WEP” for home Wireless Security.
John the Ripper password cracker John the Ripper is free and Open Source software, distributed primarily in source code form. If you would rather use a commercial product tailored for your specific operating system, please consider John the Ripper Pro, which is distributed primarily in the form of "native" packages for the target operating systems and in general is meant to be easier to install and use while delivering optimal performance. This version integrates lots of contributed patches adding GPU support (OpenCL and CUDA), support for a hundred of additional hash and cipher types (including popular ones such as NTLM, raw MD5, etc., and even things such as encrypted OpenSSH private keys, ZIP and RAR archives, PDF files, etc.), as well as some optimizations and features. Unfortunately, its overall quality is lower than the official version's. Requires OpenSSL. There are unofficial binary builds (by John the Ripper user community members) for Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X.
Surf Anonymous Free - Your Ultimate Free Online Protection How to Hide Data in Image, Audio & Video Files: Steganography Ever wondered to know how to hide secret data in image, audio and video files? Well, in this post I will take you through a concept called steganography using which, it is possible to hide your secret information in image files, songs or any other file of your choice. At the end of this post, you can also download free stegnographic tools and start hiding your data. What is Steganography? Steganography is a means of obscuring data where secret messages are hidden inside computer files such as images, sound files, videos and even executable files so that, no one except the sender and the receiver will suspect the existence of stealth information in it. The main advantage of steganography over other methods such as cryptography is that, it will not arose suspicion even if the files fall in the hands of a third party. What are the Applications of Steganography? Steganography is mainly used to obscure confidential information/data during storage or transmission. How to Use Stego Magic?
SecurityXploit: Pentest web-sorrow - Linux Am Saturday, 19. May 2012 im Topic 'Pentest' A perl based tool used for checking a Web server for misconfiguration, version detection, enumeration, and server information. basic: perl Wsorrow.pl -host scanme.nmap.org -S look for login pages: perl Wsorrow.pl -host -auth CMS intense scan: perl Wsorrow.pl -host -Ws -Cp all -I most intense scan possible: perl Wsorrow.pl -host -e -ua "I come in peace" Do Permalink HackBar 1.6.1 - Add-on Am Friday, 4. This toolbar will help you in testing sql injections, XSS holes and site security. Dow " # Load url ( alt a ) This loads the url of the current page into the textarea. # Split url ( alt s ) When this button is clicked, the url/text in the textarea will be split into multiple lines using the ? Permalink maxisploit-scanner Am Monday, 30. This tool has three purposes : 1. 3. 4. Permalink X-Scan
Ophcrack PET - CyberWiki Thanks for visiting the CIS PET wiki. This is meant to be a list of free technologies aimed at empowering Internet users to gain better control over their data. It's very simple to add an entry---just click the "edit" tab, copy and paste the previous entry, and substitute the name, description, and address. Abine - A Firefox / Internet Explorer plugin that blocks third party advertising networks, manages HTTP, DOM, and Flash cookies, and securely manages site logins. Currently in private beta, but invites aren't hard to get. Abine Privacy SuiteAd Blockers for Browsers - Firefox: Adblock Plus Chrome: AdBlock Safari: AdBlock Anon email services - Send anonymous email awxcnx.de Email drop drop.ioAnonymouse - A Web search portal hosted on an island off the coast of Somalia. There are also a variety of resources describing or otherwise devoted to privacy enhancing technology.
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