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8 Movie Special Effects You Won't Believe Aren't CGI

8 Movie Special Effects You Won't Believe Aren't CGI
We mean no disrespect to the digital effects artists working in Hollywood, but sometimes it feels like computer-generated (CG) effects haven't improved in 10 years. Every blockbuster seems to have at least one big effects scene that looks like it was lifted from a PS3. So maybe we need to stop and appreciate the mind-blowing scenes that were done the old-fashioned way -- with stunts, models and borderline insanity. The Dark Knight -- The Big Chase Scene It was a chase that destroyed the Batmobile, a Joker-themed semi, a dump truck, a paddy wagon, multiple cop cars and God knows how many bystander vehicles. Batman on a motorcycle. Two specific points during the insane car chase at the halfway point of The Dark Knight are so over-the-top they seem like they would have had to be computer-generated, if for no other reason than they would have killed the stunt drivers. The first is when the Batmobile first shows up to take out the Joker's convoy. Why? CGI is for squares. "Bam. Or Hobbitvision.

5 Classic Cartoons They Don't Want You To See Who doesn't love cartoons? The Man, that's who. They insist on editing away those wonderful animated moments of horrifying violence, profanity and outright bigotry that cartoons from all eras like to slip in from time to time. Typically they only get to slip it in once before parents and advertisers drop the hammer and get the episode pulled forever. Here are some of the moments they don't want you to see... though upon further review, we're thinking they may have been right. Donald Duck Gets in Der Fuhrer's Face The Cartoon: Donald Duck was basically the anti-Mickey Mouse. What many people don't know is that Donald Duck's rise to fame came in 1943 when Disney decided to him dress up like a goddamn Nazi and make fun of the Axis in the animated short "Der Fuhrer's Face": What The Fuck? Yes, this cartoon makes fun of Nazis, but it's still pretty fucking offensive. "Der Fuhrer's Face" was just one in a line of seven Pro-US and Pro-Army shorts done by Disney at the time". The Fallout: Holy shit.

6 Popular Monsters Myths (That Prove Humanity Is Doomed) If you don't believe in monsters, you're part of a tiny minority of humans. Pretty much all of the cultures on Earth have believed in monsters for most of their history and, even stranger, they all believed in the same monsters. We recently pointed out that every culture has some variation of the vampire legend and that's true of all the standard monsters--zombies, werewolves, etc. Mexico's werewolves leave much to be desired. But why? Zombies were inadvertently invented by a nameless stray dog, thousands of years ago. I'm not kidding. Been Around Since... "I shall raise up the dead and they shall eat the living... Where do you think the above line comes from? It's from an ancient Babylonian epic that was written five thousand years ago. Which brings us to that random stray dog. Thousands and thousands of years later, you'll see that exact same image on the covers of zombie novels and movie posters: the rotting hand, clawing up from the ground. For the Love of God, Why? Jesus. No, really.

10 Cool Full Length Amateur Movies on YouTube The movies will make you laugh, will make you think, and some will simply leave you in awe. We’ve sifted through a long long list of movies on YouTube and selected a few that stood out. Bartholomew’s Song Bartholomew’s Song, a 10 minute student film, is A Brave New World-esque story about the consequences of individuality in a society in which conformity is the norm. Through music, Bartholomew 467 finds a sense of individuality and you’d be surprised at the unexpected twist in such a short film. The Sound Machine The Sound Machine, based on the short story by Roald Dahl, is a thought provoking and beautifully made 10 minute short film. A must for all Roald Dahl fans, but definitely not for the faint of heart. Fifty People, One Question More of a journalistic endeavour than a film, Fifty People, One Question deserves a place on this list just for how beautifully it has been made. Heavenly Appeals Deadline Deadline, a CGI car action short film, is more about special effects than plot. Why?

The 15 Worst Album Covers of All-Time We don't expect much from album covers. Wear something revealing if you're a pop starlet. If you're Prince, just make sure to wear something. If your album's called The Wall, maybe sketch some bricks on there. Honestly, our expectations couldn't be any lower. Guns n' Roses- Appetite for Destruction The cover art for a band's debut album is especially important. Luckily for Axl and company, someone talked some sense into them and this cover was replaced with the with the now famous five-skull cross emblem. Birth Control - Operation Feeding infants to a giant insect isn't an effective form of birth control, primarily because, you know, you've already given birth. Boned - Up at the Crack Well Boned, we probably shouldn't be surprised at this point. The Scorpions - Lovedrive This is the album cover equivalent of a bad political cartoon that nobody quite understands. Pooh-Man - Funky as I Wanna Be We might be willing to believe that your nickname has nothing to do with poop. Not so bad, right?

6 Medication Side Effects Straight Out of a Horror Movie Most ads for prescription drugs tell you more about the side effects than they do about the intended use. They're basically three solid minutes of soft-focus couples romping in a field to vivid descriptions of diarrhea. It's pretty informative, we have to admit. But there are some things even the commercials don't tell you. Clomipramine is an antidepressant prescribed to treat depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. GettySo if you take one clomipramine with one Viagra and then flash someone, is that half a sexual offense? But it gets way weirder than that. GettyFiguring out what this woman is doing is like a virginity test. The last patient, a male, had occasional orgasms when he yawned, but not with any predictability. GettyI don't know why, but these constant orgasms really help my depression! His solution? If you've never had a urinary tract infection, consider yourself lucky. Getty"Weed is totally OK, though. Via lifeinthefastlane ... to 2000 Flushes blue. Via

4 Famous Pop Culture Moments Everyone Remembers Incorrectly I pride myself on having a fairly good memory. Not when it comes to directions, phone numbers, people's birthdays or what my friends look like, mind you; I'm just talking about important things, like pop culture. The parts of my brain that are supposed to be dedicated to remembering where I parked my car, math and whether or not I left my front door unlocked have been reassigned to focus on random bits of pointless TV and movie trivia, because I work for a website that covers pop culture in exhaustive detail (and because I don't actually have anything worth stealing, so really, who cares if my door's unlocked?). It always throws me for a loop, then, when I discover that one of my long-held, previously unquestioned beliefs about pop culture is completely and utterly wrong. (See Dan as a damn Jedi in Cracked's new Star Wars mini-series.) #4. The Thing You Remember Star Wars is and was always expanding its library of weird aliens. And they were known as Ewoks, right? But Actually ... Nope!

6 Medication Side Effects Straight Out of a Horror Movie Quick, what do you think of when we say "Viagra side effects?" Is it the four-hour boner? The look of terror in an elderly woman's eyes? Golf? It's probably golf. Well, whatever it may be, you probably don't think "Smurf Vision." iStockphotoWell, the type of people who want to Smurf their Smurf on Smurfette probably do. John Pettigrew just wanted what every 58-year-old man wants: Hot, leathery, waddle-slapping old-people sex. Getty"But ... And he wasn't just making it up: Though it's not advertised in the commercials -- stuffed to the gills, as they are, with physical innuendo for humpin' -- the side effect is listed right on Viagra's official website. This happens because Viagra affects an enzyme in your retinal photoreceptors similar to the infamous boner-inducing one. "I need your Viagra, your boots and your motorcycle. Party Zombie Syndrome GettyTiger Woods calculating his scores. GettyTry not to get carried away. GettyBut it makes a great movie plot. You're a goddamn genius.

5 Amazing Performances From Actors Who Weren't Acting We believe it was Frank Capra who said, and we're paraphrasing here, "If you want to film someone looking genuinely terrified, you have to scare the shit out of them. If you want your actors to cry, make them sad. And above all else, never tell them what's going on." Directors have been taking those wise words to heart ever since. After all, why trust your actors' "training" or "decades of acting experience" when you can just subject them to actual trauma and turn on the camera? #5. Previously on Alien, an astronaut was face-raped by an alien. What sells that scene isn't the creature effects, or the fact that if you were an audience in 1979, it was the absolute last freaking thing you expected to happen right then. If you think the other actors' horrified and shocked reactions were convincing, it's probably because they, like their characters, had absolutely no idea what was about to occur. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to many more long days of shooting." #4. #3.
