Die 10 besten QR-Code-Kampagnen | ambuzzador
Einst bloß zur Verbesserung der Logistik in der Industrie erdacht, heute ein Hype: 10 Beispiele, wie QR-Codes im Marketing Fuß fassen. Dass QR-Codes eines Tages einmal Entertainment-Charakter annehmen würden, war alles andere als vorhersehbar: Ursprünglich wurden die rätselhaft-pixeligen Quadrate 1994 für Toyota entwickelt, um Baugruppen zu markieren und damit die Logistik zu verbessern. Doch mit dem Siegeszug der Smartphones wurde der „Quick Response Code“ auch für das Marketing attraktiv – Stichwort Mobile Tagging. Die Anwendung ist einfach: Ein Foto genügt, schon wird der Text, die URL, ein Transaktions- oder Zugangscode entschlüsselt und nebenbei natürlich auch die persönliche Neugier gestillt. Push-Medien werden so im Handumdrehen zu Pull-Medien. Wie Marketing von QR-Codes profitieren kann, wird natürlich am besten an Beispielen ersichtlich. 10 | Gewinnspiel à la Coca-Cola Quelle: 9 | Optik à la Seat Quelle: 7 | Viral à la Audi
QR Codes
Create a QR Code. QR Codes. QR Code. QR Code Generator. Make a QR Code. QR Code Tracking. NFC Tags. Delivr makes creating and tracking short URLs, QR Codes, and NFC Tags simple. - Delivr
Tech Integration Training
QR Codes: 26 MUST-HAVE Facts [Data & Charts
How to use a qr code With increased hype and discussions, QR code usage has moved past its early adopter phase in the US. While QR codes are popping up with greater frequency on marketing materials, ads and other surfaces, much of the population still doesn’t know what they are or how to use them. (Here are twelve examples of QR codes in use.) Background: Smartphone drives QR code usage 1. Since QR code usage depends on having a smartphone with a QR code reader installed, it’s critical to examine US smartphone penetration to understand and forecast QR code usage. 2. To put US smartphone adoption in context, it lags the Spain, Italy and the UK according to comScore MobiLens. 3. Global mobile barcode usage data includes both 1D and 2D codes (e.g. Notes on reporting methodology: To better understand this chart, here’s some background on the methodology. 4. United StatesItalyGermanyHong KongFranceCanadaUnited KingdomNetherlandsThailandSouth Korea 5. CanadaHong KongGermanyNorwaySouth Korea 6.
The Carnegie Cyber Academy - An Online Safety site and Games for Kids
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Professional Development for Educators
What is the Arizona Technology Integration Matrix? The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal directed (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). What is in each cell? Within each cell of the Matrix one will find two lessons plans with a short video of the lesson. Download PDF of the Technology Integration Matrix Print this page Characteristics fo the Learning Environment ← → Levels of Technology Integration Into the Curriculum How should the Technology Integration Matrix be used? The TIM is designed to assist schools and districts in evaluating the level of technology integration in classrooms and to provide teachers with models of how technology can be integrated throughout instruction in meaningful ways. What is the history behind the tool?
Technology: Two Ideas to Move From Enduring It to Employing It
It’s a complaint we hear from both teachers and parents today: the kids are getting lost in technology. Once they start a video game, they wander into another state of mind. Once they peer at their smart phone screen, they get lost gazing at the glow. Many educators question whether technology has made education more difficult. Maybe it’s the enemy. Maybe…but it doesn’t have to be. When it comes to technology, leaders/educators live in one of three camps: Endure it – They feel uncomfortable and wish it would go away.Enjoy it – They love new gadgets, but to them it’s all entertainment.Employ it – They not only embrace it, but use it to reach their goals. Susanne Lajoie, from the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology lives in Camp #3. Lajoie is the Director of a newly funded “Learning Environments Across Disciplines” (LEADS) project in Canada. The Bottom Line for You and Me? Keep your eye on the big picture. A Secret Weapon for Employing Technology I can hardly wait.
Why Technology Truly Matters To Education.
This is the kind of story that makes me love what I do. If I’m ever feeling like the work I do (integrating technology) is not important, I should just watch this video and read the story. This story dovetails nicely with this week’s story on how we’re about to see the end of teaching as we know it . Thanks to the Google Blog for shining a light on the story of Morgan, a 16-year-old student in Wells, Maine. Morgan has a learning disability but has been able to overcome much of the issues using technology such as Google Voice Search. Here’s the key parts of the story from the Official Google Blog : We all have memories of the great teachers who shaped our childhood. One teacher who has taken advantage of the web as an educational tool is Cheryl Oakes, a resource room teacher in Wells, Maine.
The Technology Integration Answer...Well Almost
Earlier this year our district adopted the TPACK model of technology integration. What is TPACK you ask? Basically, it takes the approach that planning for technology integration shouldn't be an event. It should be something that adds to what we are already doing. Through the use of Activity Types, teachers can take the activities they are already doing and match them up with appropiate technologies that may or may not work, depending on the context of learning. You can view this presentation to learn more. According to the feedback we have gotten from the folks who have embraced it has been overwhelmingly positive. Recently I came across something that you can also use to make technology integration easier for you and your staff. There are actually 2 that you can take a look at. The first is the original from The Florida Center For Instructional Technology at the University of South Florida. The other is an adaption from Northern Arizona University. About Steven Steven W.