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Match Stick Rocket

Match Stick Rocket
Match Stick Rocket SUBJECT: Rocketry TOPIC: Propulsion DESCRIPTION: A small solid propellant rocket is made from a match and a piece of aluminum foil. CONTRIBUTED BY: Steve Culivan, KSC EDITED BY: Roger Storm, NASA Glenn Research Center 2 match book matches or wooden stick matches Small square of aluminum foil Paper clip Safety pin Take one match and wrap a small piece of aluminum foil around the match-head. Caution: Be sure the match rocket is pointed away from people or burnable materials. it is recommended to have water or some other fire extinguishant available. DISCUSSION: The match stick rocket demonstrates Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion as they relate to rocketry. In an interesting variation of the experiment, try making holes of different diameters to let the combustion products out at different rates. Return to Rocket Activities Return to Aerospace Activities Page Newton's Third Law Rocket Thrust Aerospace Education Services Project Oklahoma State University

30+ Adobe Illustrator Tutorials : Mastering Your Tools and Options Sep 07 2008 Illustrator is capable of creating stunning effects, all waiting at your finger tips in the Tools palette. Illustrator Tools can transform a single path into a work of art. In this post we present a collection of excellent Adobe Illustrator tutorials that shows you exactly what needs to be done in order to create professional artworks using which tool and option. These tools and effects may or may not be new to you, but i am sure you will find interesting. You might be interested to check other related posts for more useful illustrator tutorials: “Pen” Tool - Illustrator’s Pen Tool: The Comprehensive Guide This comprehensive guide aims to introduce or remind you of features, shortcuts, and methods for working with what is arguably Adobe’s most essential tool, the pen tool. - Illustrator Pen tool exercises The first thing that you need to master and become proficient in is the Pen tool. - Illustrator Tutorial: Pen Tool “Magic Wand” Tool - Utilizing the Magic Wand’s Tolerance Levels

Thermal Physics Jokes As we all know, it takes 1 calorie to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree centigrade. Translated into meaningful terms, this means that if you eat a very cold dessert (generally consisting of water in large part), the natural processes which raise the consumed dessert to body temperature during the digestive cycle literally sucks the calories out of the only available source, your body fat. For example, a dessert served and eaten at near 0 degrees C (32.2 deg. F) will in a short time be raised to the normal body temperature of 37 degrees C (98.6 deg. F). For each gram of dessert eaten, that process takes approximately 37 calories as stated above. Obviously, the more cold dessert you eat,the better off you are and the faster you will lose weight, if that is your goal. Frozen desserts, e.g., ice cream, are even more beneficial, since it takes 83 cal. Happy eating! School of Physics, University of Sydney

Crazy Domestic: Melted Snowman Cookies I saw a picture of these the other day on and thought it was such a cute idea, I had to try it. After googleing it, I found a good tutorial on Stacy's Sweet Shop. I modified a few things to make it more simple for me (less homemade more store bought). To see the original Melted Snowman Cookie, and meet the inventor herself, go check out Meaghan (great name) @ The Decorated Cookie! Here's what I used: •1 package Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix•10 large marshmallows•Betty Crocker Cookie Icing (white and orange)•Wilton Decorating Icing Tubes in Black, Red, Green, Blue and Pink***it would have been a lot cheaper if I had just made the icing myself, see Stacy's tutorial for a good recipe)*** Here's what I did: •Mix cookie mix according to directions, or prepare your favorite cut out sugar cookie recipe, then just grab a golf ball sized chunk and squish it down until it's about 1/4-1/2 inch thick. To have your ideas featured on Crazy Domestic, click HERE

30 Mind Blowing Pieces of 3D Street Art at DzineBlog Learn how to earn $125 or more per hour as a freelancer - Click Here Looking for hosting?. We recommend MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off In this post we have put together some awesome and mind blowing 3d street art to inspire you. Escape of the Mummy Medici Garden Desert Baby 1 Poseidon & the Trevi Fountain Jaguar Temple 3d street art chalkfestival12 tracy lee stum Lagoon Mysterious Caves appear Ice Age Lava Burst Waterfall Johnnie Walker in Taipei A fair in Cologne Schiphol luchthaven Alice in Wonderland Astana tracy lee stum Chess with the Dalai Lama 3D Pavement art workshop 3d_24 Indian Fantasy A Midsummer Night’s Dream 3 Cranes Sky HDTV at Waterloo station-London About brantwilson Brant Wilson is a staff writer for the DesignMag network.

Chandra :: Photo Album :: The Big Chandra Picture The Big Chandra Picture In more than a decade of operation, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has transformed our view of the high-energy Universe with its ability to make exquisite X-ray images of star clusters, supernova remnants, galactic eruptions, and collisions between clusters of galaxies. As Chandra expands the realm of the known, it continues to raise new questions and point the way for future exploration. This photo blog presents some of Chandra's most spectacular images in a large and shareable format. 10 Apr 2014 G352.7-0.1: Supernovas are the spectacular ends to the lives of many massive stars. 03 Apr 2014 El Gordo: This is a composite image of X-rays from Chandra and optical data from Hubble of the galaxy cluster ACT-CL J0102-4915, located about 7 billion light years from Earth. 20 Mar 2014 DEM L241: When a massive star runs out fuel, it collapses and explodes as a supernova. 05 Mar 2014 RX J1131-1231: A quasar located about 6 billion light years from Earth. 04 Mar 2014

Disable All Notification Balloons in Windows 7 or Vista If you find the popup notification balloons in the Windows system tray to be too annoying, you might be interested to know that you can completely disable them. This would be an extreme option, of course… typically you can just turn them off in any offending applications, but if you want to disable them across the board, this is the solution. Note: This should work in any version of Windows. Note: I’m not necessarily recommending that everybody do this… you should only bother with it if you need to solve this particular problem. Manual Registry Hack Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Right-click on the right-hand pane, and create a new 32-bit DWORD with the following values: Name: EnableBalloonTips Value: 0 You’ll have to logoff and back on in order to see the change… or to be more correct, you won’t see any popup balloons anymore.

UberGallery - The simple PHP photo gallery Earth, Meet Your Long-Lost Sibling: The Christmas Planet It may sound like something from a very special episode of Doctor Who, but the Christmas planet is real. What's more, it's the most Earth-like world yet discovered. The planet, more properly known as Kepler 22-b, was revealed to the world Monday via a press conference at NASA Ames Research Center. So why call it the Christmas Planet? "It's a great gift," said William Borucki, the telescope's principal investigator, who came up with the seasonal name. Actually making our way to the Christmas Planet might take a little longer, however. But we do know it's about twice the size of Earth, and that the average surface temperature is a balmy 72 degrees Farenheit.

LCD Calculator - Least Common Denominator Least Common Denominator Calculator Use this calculator to find the least common denominator of fractions, integers and mixed numbers. We also have calculators for least common multiple, fraction operations, simplifying fractions, mixed numbers operations, and comparing fractions. See additional notes below. How to Find the LCD of Fractions, Integers and Mixed Numbers: To find the LCD first convert all integers and mixed numbers (mixed fractions) into fractions. Steps to find the LCD of fractions, integers and mixed numbers Convert integers and mixed numbers to improper fractions Find the LCD of all the fractions Rewrite fractions as equivalent fractions using the LCD Example using this calculator default sample: Input: 1 1/2, 3/8, 5/6, 3 Convert integers and mixed numbers to improper fractions 3/8 and 5/6 are already fractions so we can use those as they are written. 1 1/2 is the same as (1/1) + (1/2).

Build PDF files dynamically with PHP Sometimes you need control over exactly how pages are rendered for printing. At times like those, HTML is not the best choice. PDF files give you complete control over how pages are rendered and how text, graphics, and images are rendered on the page. When you search the web for PDF support for PHP, the first thing you are likely to find is the commercial PDFLib library and its open source version, PDFLib-Lite. Another choice is the Free PDF library (FPDF), which is native PHP. To demonstrate building PDF files dynamically, you'll use scores from women's roller derby tournaments. Listing 1. <events><event name='Beast of the East 2011'><game score1='88' team1='Toronto Gore-Gore Rollergirls' team2='Montreal La Racaille' score2='11'/><game score1='58' team1='Toronto Death Track Dolls' team2='Montreal Les Contrabanditas' score2='49'/> ... The root element for the XML is an events tag. Listing 2 shows the PHP code that you use to read the XML. Listing 2. getresults.php <? Listing 3. Figure 1.

Scientists find monster black holes, biggest yet CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Scientists have found the biggest black holes known to exist — each one 10 billion times the mass of our sun. A team led by astronomers at the University of California, Berkeley, discovered the two gigantic black holes in clusters of elliptical galaxies more than 300 million light years away. That's relatively close on the galactic scale. "They are monstrous," Berkeley astrophysicist Chung-Pei Ma told reporters. The previous black hole record-holder is as large as 6 billion suns. In research released Monday by the journal Nature, the scientists suggest these black holes may be the leftovers of quasars that crammed the early universe. The scientists used ground-based telescopes as well as the Hubble Space Telescope and Texas supercomputers, observing stars near the black holes and measuring the stellar velocities to uncover these vast, invisible regions. Black holes are objects so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape. Online: black holes

Bates Masi Architects - Portfolio Profile Bates Masi + Architects LLC, a full-service architectural firm with roots in New York City and the East End of Long Island for over 50 years, responds to each project with extensive research in related architectural fields, material, craft and environment for unique solutions as varied as the individuals or groups for whom they are designed. The focus is neither the size nor the type of project but the opportunity to enrich lives and enhance the environment. The attention to all elements of design has been a constant in the firm’s philosophy. Projects include urban and suburban residences, schools, offices, hotels, restaurants, retail and furniture in the United States, Central America and the Caribbean. The firm has received 94 design awards since 2003 and has been featured in national and international publications including The New York Times, New York Magazine, Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Metropolitan Home, and Dwell.

Mysterious planet-sized object spotted near Mercury | The Sideshow A mysterious object is seen following in Mercury's path Is a giant, cloaked spaceship orbiting around Mercury? That's been the speculation from some corners aftera camera onboard NASA's STEREO spacecraft caught a wave of electronically charged material shooting out from the sun and hitting Mercury. Theorists have seized on the images captured from the "coronal mass ejection" (CME) last week as suggestive of alien life hanging out in our own cosmic backyard. Of course, there's another scientifically sanctioned explanation for the curious images, though we're not certain that skeptics and UFO enthusiasts such as SiniXster will endorse it. Head NRL group scientist Russ Howard and lead ground systems engineer Nathan Rich say the mysterious object is in fact Mercury itself. The analysts say the practice works even better when applied to far-off objects such as stars, which don't move much relative to the sun. Other popular Yahoo! • Video: Labrador rescues kittens trapped inside bag

Improve Your Google Search Skills [Infographic] Don’t limit yourself to just plugging in simple search terms to Google; check out this infographic and learn a search string search or two. You don’t need to limit yourself to searching just for simple strings; Google supports all manner of handy search tricks. If you want to search just’s archive of XBMC articles, for example, you can plug in XBMC to search our site. Get More Out of Google [HackCollege via Mashable] Jason Fitzpatrick is a warranty-voiding DIYer who spends his days cracking opening cases and wrestling with code so you don't have to.
