www.burnmonkey.com/burning_man_best/content/IMG_3006_large.html Home About Photo Tutorials Burning Man Stories Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling: Illegal Tour of Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans [75 Pics] Hurricane Katrina killed this clown. According to the photographer, “An abandoned Six Flags amusement park, someone spray painted ‘Six Flags 2012 coming soon’ on the wall above the downed head. But they were clownin.’ Six Flags will never rebuild here.” That’s sad, but much of New Orleans has not been restored to her former glory. This defunct amusement park on the city’s eastern edge must surely serve as a constant reminder that Katrina tried to wash them off the map.
A Father Who Creatively Captures His Kids (20 photos) If there was a prize that could be given out to the most creative father, I'd hope that it was awarded to Jason Lee. A wedding photographer by day, he's used to capturing some of the most important moments in a couple's lives. As a longtime fan of Jason's photos on Flickr however, I think the real magic happens when he turns the camera onto his daughters. koikoikoi.com - Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials Born in 1968 in Yokohama, Japan, Nobuyuki Taguchi first began his photography back in 1991, when he was studying Fine Art in Sculpture at University in London. After finishing his MA course in 1995, Nobuyuki soon developed a deep interest in Information Technology and he became an IT professional. In 1999 he started “Digital” photography and has been spending more time on his photography since.
A Mirrored Memory (8 Photos Texas based photographer, Tom Hussey reflects on his recent collaboration with the pharmaceutical company, Novartis for their ”Reflections” campaign. “Based on an earlier portfolio image, I was awarded a job for an Alzheimer’s drug called the Exelon Patch made by Novartis. The Exelon Patch helps patients maintain long-term memories during the early stages of this horrific disease. I was fortunate to be included in a lot of the early concept stages for the campaign. I knew immediately location scouting and casting were going to be very important to evoke the emotions associated with the disease.
www.burnmonkey.com/burning_man_best/content/IMG_8031_large.html Home About Photo Tutorials Burning Man Stories Let me say morning glory « letmesay letmesay we wander Aug 17 2011 The Great Geek Manual » The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries I make no secret of the fact that I’m a hardcore bibliophile, but we’re a common enough lot these day. And the one sight that always makes me linger over a webpage is rows and rows of neatly organized books. So, in an effort to draw more like-minded read here to my little blog, I decided to round-up a gallery of photos of some of the most beautiful libraries I’ve ever seen photos of. Enjoy. 106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos - Year 2010 More info. More info. More Banksy on Street Art Utopia. More info.
Create paintings from photos Did you ever wanted to be a great artist? But unfortunately you are really bad at it? Well that's ok because now with Psykopaint you can be a great artist with no skills.
Dear Joseph, I am the founder of fotoii.com. Get information about photo exhibitions, events, festivals and workshops world wide at And find the selected work from photographers recommended by fotoii. I invite you to upload photographs of your works as essays. If you don’t have time please send us the pictures, statements etc. as zip file. We also bring to your attention our new feature, which allows you to post the details of your personal photo exhibitions or other events on your profile page. Best regards, Marcel by fotoii Feb 15