Les astronomes ont découvert la plus vieille galaxie connue à ce jour EGS8p7 vient de s'emparer du titre de galaxie la plus vieille, mais aussi celui de galaxie la plus éloignée, grâce au travail d'une équipe d'astronomes de l'Institut de technologie de Californie. Et malgré ses 13,2 milliards d'années, elle se comporte encore comme une jeune galaxie. De son temps, le Big Bang était encore à la mode. Normal, elle est presque aussi vieille que l'Univers lui-même. Il s'agit même de la galaxie la plus âgée et la plus éloignée à avoir été observée à ce jour. EGS8p7 a surpris les astronomes de l'Institut de technologie de Californie (Caltech) qui ont déterminé son grand âge à cause de son activité. Une galaxie unique en son genre Il y a 13,8 milliards d'années, notre Univers naissait à la suite du Big Bang. En général, lors de leur formation, les étoiles émettent d'importants rayonnements ultraviolets qui chauffent l'hydrogène environnant. La vieille, mais aussi la plus éloignée
Get Tangled in These Mythical God Family Trees If a member of the royal family were coming to your home, you’d probably spruce it up a bit—maybe rearrange the furniture and plop some peonies into a vase. The king of Jaipur, however, went above and beyond what's expected of a host. In an effort to impress the Prince of Wales ahead of his state visit in 1876, it is widely believed that the king had the entire city painted pink. Nestled in the state of Rajasthan in northern India, Jaipur is about a one-hour flight from New Delhi. Today, this popular tourist site is affectionately known as the “Pink City,” but its streets weren’t always so rosy. Prior to a state visit from Prince Albert Edward—the eldest son of Queen Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert—Jaipur’s buildings were either white or a “sallow yellow,” according to The Rough Guide to India. In hopes of dazzling his royal counterpart, the reigning maharaja (“great king”) of Jaipur, Sawai Ram Singh II, decided to undertake something of a remodeling project.
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar system Mercury Venus Earth You Are Here Moon Mars Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Saturn Titan Uranus Neptune Pluto(we still love you) That was about 10 million km (6,213,710 mi) just now. Pretty empty out here. Here comes our first planet... As it turns out, things are pretty far apart. We’ll be coming up on a new planet soon. Most of space is just space. Halfway home. Destination: Mars! It would take about seven months to travel this distance in a spaceship. Sit back and relax. When are we gonna be there? Seriously. This is where we might at least see some asteroids to wake us up. I spy, with my little eye... something black. If you were on a road trip, driving at 75mi/hr, it would have taken you over 500 years to get here from earth. All these distances are just averages, mind you. If you plan it right, you can actually move relatively quickly between planets. Pretty close to Jupiter now. Sorry. Lots of time to think out here... Pop the champagne! We're always trying to come up with metaphors for big numbers.
L'axe des étoiles, une structure de land art astronomique Depuis 1976 l’artiste Charles Ross travaille sur cette oeuvre de land art cosmique intitulée « Star Axis » et installée sur le flanc d’une colline dans le désert du Nouveau Mexique. La position et la forme de la structure qui comporte plusieurs composants a été méticuleusement calculée pour correspondre à des mouvements de notre planète, à notre position au milieu des étoiles et à la perception que nous en avons. Lorsqu’on arrive on passe par la chambre équatoriale dont une ouverture dans notre dos au plafond montre les étoiles qui passent à cet instant au dessus de l’équateur. En se retournant on fait face au tunnel des étoiles, un escalier abrupt qui pointe directement vers la position de l’étoile polaire et qui est la pièce maîtresse de l’installation. Au bout se trouve une ouverture circulaire dans une pyramide, au fur et à mesure que l’on monte il dessine un cercle dans le ciel de plus en plus grand.
Want 60+ Free Light Leaks, Assets, & After Effects Templates? Then Check out RocketStock Whether you're working on a commercial, music video, or feature film, it's always good to have a collection of assets and effects to use in post. If you're looking to beef up your collection, there's a really easy way to do it. RocketStock, a site that curates a collection of After Effects templates, wants to give you a bunch of light leaks, circle bursts, distortion effects, and other assets for free -- over 60 total. And these are quality assets, too. Here's a list of all the free stuff up for grabs: 13 4K light leaks12 circle burst assets, pre-keyed in 3 different speeds"Digital Distortion" template with 9 different distortion effects1 animated ‘Helvetica Neue’ font16 car gauges and 9 sound effects courtesy of PremiumBeat1 Split Layer template Check out the videos below to see what each of the free collections have to offer. These assets are easy to use within After Effects, because, well, they were designed specifically with it in mind -- simply drag and drop and you're ready to go.
Un télescope immortalise une galaxie naine voisine de la Voie lactée L'Observatoire européen australe (ESO) a publié de splendides images de la galaxie naine IC 1613. La particularité de cette galaxie est qu'elle n'est pas "polluée" de poussières cosmiques, ce qui rend son observation d'autant plus facile grâce au Very Large Telescope installé au Chili. Grâce aux progrès des technologies, les télescopes actuels capturent des images de plus en plus précises, de l'Univers qui nous entourent. Et certaines sont particulièrement saisissantes. C'est le cas de celles récemment publiées par l'Observatoire européen austral (ESO). Il est possible d'y apercevoir la galaxie naine IC 1613, installée dans la constellation de la Baleine. Cette galaxie a été observée pour la première fois en 1906 par l'astronome allemand Max Wolf. Une petite galaxie dans un grand ensemble IC 1613 est facilement observable, car elle est particulièrement "propre", explique les astronomes dans un communiqué. Vous êtes déjà abonné ?
World Dream Bank: PLANETOCOPIA Planetocopia is a group of model worlds supporting intelligent life. They fall into four series: Tilt! (Earth with different poles), Futures (set 1000 years from now), the Biosphere Variations (diverse experiments in planetology), and Caprices (whimsically altered Earths). Set 1: TILT! Alternate Earths that evolved with our geography, only tilted. Set 2: Futures Three worlds on the same day 1000 years from now--all of them profoundly transformed: Set 3: The Biosphere Variations Inhabited worlds so unEarthlike that most exobiologists would write them off--prematurely. Biosphere Variations under construction: CAPSICA is a hot world, averaging 50°C (122°F)--that's 35°C (63°F) hotter than Earth, and daytime temperatures in the Capsican lowlands will run 10-20° hotter still. Set 4: Caprices This new set of worlds in progress is a ragbag of whims: poor old Earth with just a few tiny changes... In 2016 I finished Kakalea, in 2017 Abyssia. Inversia's companion-world, Siphonia, is much farther along.
Age de la Terre comparé à la distance Los Angeles - New York We all know that Earth is old, but it’s hard to put into perspective just how old it is. After all, what does 4.5 billion years *really* mean? How do you even comprehend that amount of time with our short-lived human brains? Well, Business Insider has done a pretty incredible job of it in this 3-minute animation, by displaying the timeline of Earth if time was the distance from Los Angeles to New York. We start our journey in Los Angeles, back when Earth first formed 4.54 billion years ago. About halfway across the top of Arizona, the world’s largest rock forms 3.95 billion years ago, and then a few miles down the road – 3.8 billion years ago – the first evidence of life shows up, in the form of replicating molecules. But it’s not until Kansas, 2.7 billion years ago, when oxygen-producing cyanobacteria first emerge, and then 200 million years later that significant amounts of oxygen build up in Earth’s atmosphere. So where do humans fit in?
eVscope | 100 times more powerful than a classical telescope by UNISTELLAR Risks and challenges The development of an innovative consumer product comes with inherent risks and challenges. In order to minimize them, our development was made of constant iterations between our lab and the field. In our last stages of development we committed ourselves to make our prototypes with components that are readily available in large amounts from suppliers. At the same time we regularly demonstrated our advancements to put consumer feedback in the loop. This method culminated this summer when we embarked on a big demo tour on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Before asking for support on Kickstarter we solved all hardware integration challenges in our final product design and tested all key software functions. We also analyzed the remaining work with different industry experts in software and hardware as well as with our components suppliers, and together we came to the conclusion that the tasks to come were standard industrialization tasks.
CG Education Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary ShapesBy Neil BlevinsCreated On: Sept 28th 2006Updated On: Nov 30th 2013 Go here to read this tutorial in Indonesian. This theory in composition comes in many names. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Shapes Big, Medium, Small 1st Read, 2nd Read, 3rd Read (as in, the 3rd time I read (looked at) this image I saw these shapes) Whatever the name, the idea is the same, if your image has a nice distribution of big (primary), medium (secondary) and small (tertiary) shapes, the resulting image will tend to be more pleasing to the eye. First, a definition. Secondary shapes are the smaller shapes that either sit ontop of, or help make up the primary shapes. Tertiary shapes are again smaller than the secondary shapes. Here's three 2D diagrams showing primary, secondary and tertiary shapes in a fake composition. First off, what should the size of these details be? So these could be primary, secondary and tertiary shapes.... But so can these... And these... Looking better.