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OpenStreetMap und NaviPOWM OpenStreetMap (OSM) hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, freie geographische Daten wie zum Beispiel Straßenkarten zu erstellen und allen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie brauchen können. ist ein Programm das auf verschiedenen Betriebssystemen (u.a. auch unter WinCE auf dem PNA/PDA) läuft und OSM-Karten darstellen kann. Es ist in der Entwicklung und soll später ein richtiges Navigationsprogramm werden. OSM-Karten für NaviPOWM (MAP-Dateien komprimiert mit 7z): Zukünftig werden die Kontinente der Geofabrik (und Cloudemade) ergänzt durch Direktabfragen an die XAPI. Ebenso werden Kacheln, die in 2 Kontinenten liegen (und somit 2 unterschiedliche MAP-Files generieren) gelöscht und dirket aus der XAPI erzeugt. Weiterführende Informationen zu OpenStreetMap: OSM bei PNav

Mapnik Available languages — Mapnik is an open source toolkit for rendering maps. Among other things, it is used to render the five main Slippy Map layers on the OpenStreetMap website. Mapnik is written in C++ and can be scripted using binding languages such as JavaScript (Node.js), Python, Ruby, and Java. the Mapnik Installation Wiki. You can learn more about using Mapnik at The Mapnik Wiki and by joining the #mapnik channel on freenode Note that Mapnik is a software project and should not be confused with any of the common map stylesheets that might be named after Mapnik. Overview Mapnik can output map images to a variety of graphics formats - PNG, JPEG, SVG, and PDF. Mapnik Styles Mapnik allows for customization of all the cartographic aspect of a map - data features, icons, fonts, colors, patterns, and even certain effects such as pseudo-3d buildings and drop shadows. There are a number of external tools that can assist in the creation of Mapnik styles. Data Sources PostGIS Shapefile GeoTIFF

OSM Inspector | Geofabrik Tools Long segments Segments (direct connection between two nodes in a way) longer than about 0.3 degrees. Ways with long segments Ways containing segments longer than about 0.3 degrees. Long ways Ways with more than 1900 nodes. Way with single node Ways containing just a single node. Way with duplicate node Ways containing a node twice (or more times) right next to each other. Self-intersecting ways Ways that touch or intersect themselves. Intersection points Points where a way intersects itself. GPSylon - an Open Source Java GPS Map Application/Framework. The dinopolis gpstool package is an open source (LGPL) Java GPS application. It consists of different modules that may be used as a programmer's framework or as an application. The main application is GPSylon. News 2006/10/23: New Release 0.5.2: Serial communication with gps devices fixed - no installation of java serial libraries needed. 2006/02/10: Minor bug fix on loading gpx tracks. 2006/02/01: Giving Google Ads a try. 2006/02/01: Finally, separated the gpsinput library from the rest, redesign of homepage (css'ed it). 2003/05/12: As the name GPSMap is already used by several other projects/products, the main application is renamed to GPSylon. Short Description of GPSylon GPSylon is able to show maps downloaded from the expedia map servers. The main feature is the display of various maps. It allows the download of a single map or for a given location or for multiple maps in a given rectangular area from mapblast or expedia map servers. Features The following features are implemented.

Amenity Editor for OpenStreetMap Tile Splitter The format used for Garmin maps has, in effect, a maximum size, meaning that you have to split an .osm file that contains large well mapped regions into a number of smaller tiles. This program does that. There are at least two stages of processing required. The two most important features are: Variable sized tiles so that you don't get a large number of tiny files.Tiles join exactly with no overlap or gaps. First You will need a lot of memory on your computer if you intend to split a large area. The Europe extract from Cloudmade or Geofabrik can be processed within the 2G limit if you have sufficient memory. On the other hand a single country, even a well mapped one such as Germany or the UK, will be possible on a modest machine, even a netbook. Download Download from the splitter download directory The source code is available from subversion: at Usage Splitter requires java 1.6 or higher. java -Xmx2000m -jar splitter.jar file.osm > splitter.log Options

Derek Swingley's App Engine Landing Page Free GPS Software - An Up-to-Date List @trip PC can auto-map your photos with GPS information easily. With @trip PC, you can organize your journey in Google Map. Then you can upload to @trip Service and share with your friends easily. 3DEM is free GPS software for Windows that will produce three dimensional terrain scenes and flyby animations. 3D Route Builder lets you build or edit GPS routes in Google Earth with altitude and time-stamp information. Real-time playback is possible. Active GPX Route Player is an easy to use "media player" for GPS files. AddMagMap adds custom objects to MapSend maps. Agis is a user friendly mapping and simple geographic information system for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. Atom GPS geotags your photos directly from your GPS device or track log. Averaging Coordinates averages and displays geocache coordinates for better accuracy. Async & RINEX - Programs to log and use raw data from the following Garmin handheld receivers: GPS12, 12XL, II+, III+, Etrex, Emap GPS-Route - In German

Start Was ist flosm? Auf flosm finden sich Landkarten, die auf Daten des OpenStreetmap Projektes basieren. OpenStreetMap ist eine Community, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, eine freie Weltkarte zu schaffen. Jeder kann mithelfen, diese Karte zu entwickeln. Informationen visualisieren Die Kartendaten enthalten mittlerweile sehr viele Informationen. Dafür entwickeln wir nach und nach verschiedene thematische Karten,die zeigen sollen, was für ein Potential in diesem Projekt steckt. Neu ist unsere Karte mit den Verwaltungsgrenzen. Die Informationen der POI-Karte werden laufend erweitert und inzwischen sind über 250 verschiedene Kategorien darstellbar. Die erstaunliche Vielfalt der vorhandenen Daten zeigt sich unter anderem bei der Stromnetzkarte, die neben den Kraftwerken und Umspannwerken auch die weltweiten Hochspannungsnetze visualisiert. Download von Rasterkarten Fast alle Karten lassen sich über den Download-Button in hoher Auflösung für die Verwendung im Druck exportieren. Servertechnologie
