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Historical representations[edit] Antiquity[edit] In ancient Egypt, the scarab (or dung beetle) was viewed as a sign of eternal renewal and reemergence of life, a reminder of the life to come. (See also "Atum" and "Ma'at.") The ancient Mayans and Aztecs also took a cyclical view of time. In ancient Greece, the concept of eternal return was connected with Empedocles, Zeno of Citium, and most notably in Stoicism (see ekpyrosis). Egypt[edit] The first known appearance of the ouroboros motif is in the Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld, an ancient Egyptian funerary text in KV62, the tomb of Tutankhamun, in the 14th century BC. Greece[edit] Plato described as the first living thing a self-eating, circular being—the universe as an immortal, mythologically constructed entity. In Gnosticism, a serpent biting its tail symbolized eternity and the soul of the world. Middle Ages[edit] Alchemy[edit] Chemistry[edit] Kekulé's proposal for the structure of benzene (1872) Kundalini Yoga[edit] Other traditions[edit]

Chakras. Chakras Tantra. Chakras Sahasrara El chakra del sentido, el chakra maestro que controla a los demás. Ajna El chakra del tiempo, la percepción y luz. Vishuddha La comunicación y el crecimiento. Anahata La emoción, compasión, amor, equilibrio y bienestar general. Manipura La energía, asimilación y digestión. Swadhisthana La sexualidad y la creatividad. Muladhara El instinto, la seguridad y el potencial básico humano.

Cum arată continentul pe care oamenii nu l-au văzut niciodată cu adevărat? Aceasta este adevărata „faţă” a continentului antarctic, aşa cum arată sub scutul de gheaţă care o acoperă. + zoom Galerie foto (1) Sub platoşa de gheaţă care acoperă Antarctica, se ascunde un relief rămas, în mare parte, necunoscut până de curând. Recent, însă, a fost realizată, cu ajutorul unor tehnici speciale, cea mai detaliată hartă a Antarcticii, care prezintă continentul „nud”, aşa cum arată el sub calota glaciară. Harta digitală, numită Bedmap2, a fost creată de British Antarctic Survey, pe baza datelor adunate timp de mai multe decenii. NASA a contribuit la proiect furnizând date colectate de sateliţii săi şi de vehicule aeriene specializate, care au măsurat, timp de mai mulţi ani, variaţiile grosimii stratului de gheaţă din calota glaciară, banchiză şi gheţarii antarctici, în cadrul programului Operation IceBridge. Studiind aceste caracteristici, oamenii de ştiinţă pot înţelge mai bine modul în care Antarctica reacţionează la schimbările climatice. Sursa: Wired

Gaia's Garden : The Natural Magic of Mother Earth Top 3 fenomene ale naturii ce sunt inca inexplicabile - Istetime si cunoastere -Istetime si cunoastere Chiar de la inceputul istoriei umanitatii, omul, fiinta evoluata si cu o capacitate mentala superioara celorlalte mamifere a tins spre cunoastere. Cand vorbim de cunoastere, trebuie inteles faptul ca aceasta nu se rezuma doar la a stii ceea ce se intampla. Cunoastea este mentinuta prin intelegerea motivelor pentru care se intampla anumite fenomene sau procese in natura si chiar si in societate. Odata ce a inceput sa exploreze pamantul, omul s-a lovit de mari semne de intrebare. Chiar si asa, exista inca fenomene naturale care nu pot fi explicate in totalitate de catre oamenii de stiinta ai zilelor noastre, si care continua sa uimeasca prin frumusetea si misterul lor. Poarta spre iad din Turkmenistan Platforma petroliera sovietica ce sapa dupa petrol s-a prabusit efectiv in intr-o caverna de sub pamant, lasand in urma acest crater de 60 de metrii in diametru si 20 de metrii adancime. Globurile electrice Cercurile din lanurile de grau

Wicca, the religion World religions; Neopagan religions Menu Sponsored link. Quotations: About this section: Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan religions. Many, perhaps most, are solitary practitioners. Wicca is a very different religion from Christianity. Topics covered in this section: Sponsored link: Not a sponsored link References: Thanks to WiseGorilla at: for their elegant pentagram image. Site navigation: Copyright 1995 to 2015 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. DOCUMENTARE SPIRITUALE Umbra există în fiecare dintre noi şi se manifestă în fiecare zi. Ea este motivul pentru care ne înfuriem atunci când un prieten apare la întâlnire cu zece minute mai târziu, pentru care ţipăm la părinţii sau la copiii noştri, chiar dacă aceştia nu au greşit cu nimic, şi pentru care ne sabotăm propriul succes în momentele cele mai nepotrivite cu putinţă. Filmul face lumină asupra acelor aspecte neplăcute ale fiinţei noastre pe care le negăm, dar care ne controlează totuşi viaţa. Nu putem descoperi altfel darurile naturii noastre autentice decât prin acceptarea umbrei noastre. Combinând înţelepciunea mai multor experţi, filmul documentar "Efectul umbrei" reprezintă un ghid practic pentru a descoperi darurile pe care le ascunde inconştientul nostru, eliberându-ne astfel de trecut şi continuându-ne călătoria către desăvârşire. Comentariu Să nu înţelegem însă că umbra ar avea vreo virtute în sine! Omul nu este o fiinţă monolitică, ci formată din fragmente. Vizionare online Durata: 1h 10min

Spell A Day: Part the Clouds in Your Head ShareThis Part the Clouds in Your Head Spell Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Color of the day: Maroon Incense of the day: Bayberry Some days, a cup of coffee or yerba mate and a loud noise just won’t get rid of a strong brain fog. Crop Circles Crop circles celebrated twenty five years of age this year. This little known fact will come as a surprise to most people. It will also be somewhat of a revelation to many that when this phenomenon began on that fateful night in Warminster, England, it was in very modest terms in the form of a simple, elegant circle of pressed wheat some 30 ft in diameter. Two and a half decades and some 9000 formations later, crop circles have grown into complex mathematical fractals, in lengths up to three quarters of a mile, in area coverage as large as 36,000 square ft, and in geographic location. key articles, documents & resources Crop Circles: A Brief Synopsis Canadian Crop Circle Research Network (CCCRN) Crop Circles 101: an outline of the current state of knowledge about the phenomenon, including history, the scientific evidence, related anomalies and other types of circular phenomena. The Crop Circle Phenomenon: History, Science and Related Anomalies other articles & documents W. Michael Chorost

cyber cauldron school of eclectic witchcraft Welcome to the cyber cauldron school of eclectic witchcraft. So the first question is what is eclectic witchcraft and how can I learn it? The fact is unlike defined paths like Wicca eclectic paths are very personal and really allow the individual to seek out the divine in a personal way and develop their own path worshipping and practicing magicks, through a simple framework. Now since my formal training is Wicca many of the practices do have a Wiccan flare but will be mixed with northern tradition, shamanic practices, dragon magicks and my own mix of personal insights and developments. I hope to provide a course that can be completed in a single year (well 13 moons), which once complete can be wrapped in to a book and sold. I will try to keep the learning as free as possible but you will need candles, incense etc from time to time. Over the last year I have spent time seeking the basic resources for everyone to complete this course. Lessons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Cosmic Conspiracies - Europe's Largest UFOs and Aliens Database The Gay Witch Network - Home Of Gay Witchcraft > Home List of reported UFO sightings From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of notable reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related claims of close encounters or abductions. UFO's are generally considered to include any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained. Upon investigation, most UFOs are identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena, while a small number remain unexplained.[2][3][4] Antiquity[edit] 16th–17th centuries[edit] 19th century[edit] 20th century[edit] 1900–1949[edit] 1950–1974[edit] 1975–1999[edit] 21st century[edit] By location[edit] The lists below contain UFO reports mentioned above, along with less notable UFO reports from the specific areas. See also[edit] Notes and references[edit]
