Mystery Skype - Microsoft in Education I, Meenakshi Uberoi, Education Evangelist & Founding Director of De Pedagogics, am passionate about coaching, teaching and learning. I design curriculum and train educators to equip and assist them in creating innovative, challenging and enriching classroom environments that are conducive to students becoming life-long learners. I am based out of Gurgaon, India and am proficient in conversing in 3 languages- English, Hindi and Punjabi. In my career as an educator I faced a challenging job of catering to some very diverse students in the classroom with a Korean student (almost no English speaking skills), a French student (very basic English speaking skills), 1st generation school goers (Indian but no English Language skills), one student with Asperger’s who had shifted base from Australia and a student who had regressed due to a tragic demise of both his parents in an accident. · Parental engagement: We provided a plan to the parents to help the students learn beyond school hours.
Content Curation Tools: 21 Criteria To Select And Evaluate Your Ideal One Nonetheless we are just at the beginning of a new era, in which content curation will be as important as search, there is already an apparent abundance of content curation tools of all kinds. Photo credit: Hand filling out checklist on clipboard with a pen by Shutterstock To the superficial eye, many such curation tools also appear to be very similar to one another, especially if evaluated exclusively from the type of news streams or visual collections that can be produced with them. On the other hand it is not realistic for someone to go out and test each and every one of the available solutions. For these reasons, it is quite difficult and time consuming to select and identify the most appropriate content curation tool for a specific need and as a consequence most rely on the tools they have tried and that satisfy their basic needs but remain quite ignorant about what options they are leaving on the table only because they have not yet tried them. 1) Import and Export functions Conclusions
#NotAtISTE? How To Participate In ISTE 2018 Remotely No matter where you live in the world, if you’re interested in edtech, you’ve probably heard of The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). ISTE is a non-profit organization that serves educators interested in technology in education. The annual ISTE Conference and Expo is the biggest educational technology conference in the world, attracting over 16,000 attendees. It’s held annually in different US locations. ISTE 2018 is being held on June 24-27 in Chicago. Living around 10,000 miles (16,000 km) from Chicago, I won’t be attending this year but I’ve learned from Sue Waters and others that there are many ways to participate in the conference remotely! This post explains 10+ ways that you can attend ISTE virtually (for free!) Don’t have time to read the post? Print it off and scan the QR codes with the camera of your phone or tablet to go directly to some of the resources. 1) NotAtISTE Google+ Community Social networking is an important part of attending conferences. Voxer 1.
The Problems With Content Curation Tools: Part I Content, content and more content. People consuming more information nowadays than ever before. Every day the web is flooding with new and interesting content waiting to be consumed, shared and remixed. There are many tools/services nowadays trying to solve this content overload problem, but none of them makes me happy. Where’s the content? We can’t even list (Robin Good tried) the quantity of platforms made with content creation in mind. Another very well-known example is Facebook where people share everything: from personal photos to opinions and thoughts about almost any existing topic. Recommended for YouWebcast: Advanced Social Media: Finding, Engaging, and Converting Consumers People are already grouping this information in multiple ways to make it easier to filter what they want to read from what they don’t. So… How can we reach and filter all this interesting content from all around the web? Google it? What’s the problem with RSS feeds readers and other content curation tools?
Content curation: cos'è, a cosa serve, tool indispensabili Di Riccardo Esposito | Pubblicato il 19 Ago 2013 - Aggiornato il 6 Apr 2024 Con il termine content curation nel web marketing intendiamo l’attività di recupero, arricchimento e condivisione delle informazioni. Rappresenta una soluzione per creare valore e condividere qualità con clienti e utenti social. La content curation è un processo che consente di raccogliere, organizzare, arricchire e condividere attraverso piattaforme specializzate. Tutte le specializzazioni del web sono circondate da miti e false credenze. Non è così, assicurato. Cos’è la content curation: definizione La content curation (cura dei contenuti) raccoglie e arricchisce, per poi ripubblicare, contenuti di fonti differenti. Si tratta di un’operazione che lavora su un binario differente rispetto alla content creation, alla pubblicazione di contenuti. Qual è il significato di content curation? Da leggere: come gestire una pagina Facebook Passaggi della content curation Ci sono persone che creano contenuti in modo diverso.
Global Competence | Center for Global Education By Anthony Jackson In matters of national security, environmental sustainability, and economic development, what we do as a nation and in our everyday lives is inextricably intertwined with what governments, businesses, and individuals do beyond our borders. This new reality helps us more clearly define the role that education must play in preparing all students for success in an interconnected world. The United States have invested unprecedented resources in education, betting that our outmoded, factory-age system can be fundamentally transformed to prepare students for the rigors of a global economy. They have challenged states and school districts to set clearer, higher standards and assess student progress in more creative ways, prepare more productive teachers, and provide effective intervention in failing schools. These are necessary strategies for change, but insufficient to create the citizens, workers and leaders our nation needs in the 21st century. Investigate the World.
AppoLearning: creare, organizzare e condividere... The Hashtag Trick Twitter chats, conferences and EdCamps are some of the best PD around, in my opinion. The learning is great and often you don't even need to be at the conference because there is almost always a hashtag (#) to follow so you can get the learning virtually on Twitter. This is all great until you are the one tweeting and it comes time to remember the hashtags and/or remember to add them to your post. I also find it can take up time to add them in and in the moment you might miss other stuff - especially if you are tweeting quotes from a keynote. Fear not! Shortcuts allow you to type something short that will be automatically changed into longer text.
Surplus cognitivo da uso di dispositivi tecnologici Solitamente si comincia al mattino appena svegli con un controllo veloce dello snartphone per verificare l’arrivo di eventuali messaggi SMS, WhatsApp o email. L’occhio offuscato è sufficiente a scorrere le icone colorate del display e a determinare quanto urgente possa essere fornire una rapida risposta o, al contrario, soprassedere. Facile immaginare che tutti i messaggi riceveranno una risposta, un modo per facilitare il risveglio di amici e conoscenti e l’esercizio mattutino dei loro occhi, anch’essi sicuramente offuscati. Se si dispone di un tablet il tavolo da cucina attrezzato per una sostanziosa colazione offre lo spazio perfetto per rapide consultazioni della Rete che permettono di essere aggiornati sulle grandi notizie politiche italiane, sui migranti che sembrano moltiplicarsi ogni giorno e in ogni luogo e sul papa comunista che ha deciso di spiegare le pratiche sociali del cristianesimo ai cattivi capitalisti americani. POV Headband workshop, performance, 2015
Information overload, come le notizie più importanti trovano il loro pubblico Il modo in cui consumiamo informazioni è cambiato rispetto a qualche anno fa: oggi sono le notizie a raggiungere noi, e se non lo fanno, forse non sono importanti Pubblicato 204 milioni di email inviate. 4 milioni di ricerche su Google. 347 mila foto condivise su WhatsApp. 2.4 milioni di contenuti pubblicati su Facebook. Ma soprattutto 83mila dollari guadagnati da Amazon e 416mila swipe su Tinder. Leggi anche: Perché è giusto che Reuters elimi i file Raw Tutto ciò – e, a dire il vero, molto altro – è quello che accade ogni minuto su Internet. C’è un piccolissimo problema: il tempo a nostra disposizione è una risorsa limitata, e, nonostante gli smartphone ci permettano di accedere alle informazioni in moltissimi momenti completamente nuovi rispetto a ieri, è ovviamente impossibile fruire di tutto ciò che viene creato. Questo paradosso viene chiamato Information Overload, ed è facilmente comprensibile osservando questo grafico che evidenzia anche quanto velocemente sia cambiato lo scenario:
Welcome To Projects By Jen Web e Conoscenza: Content curation | AulaMagazi...