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Grande Bibliothèque Poétique

Grande Bibliothèque Poétique

Inside Google Book Search Le Club des Poètes Cette page a pour ambition de vous faire partager notre passion pour quelques-unes des grandes voix de la Poésie francophone que nous interprétons, depuis 1961, au Club des Poètes, sous l'égide de Jean-Pierre Rosnay. Chaque poète est illustré par au moins un article et un extrait d'un de ses recueils de poèmes, dont vous trouverez aussi la liste ainsi que celle des éditeurs qui les publient. Certaines présentations sont enrichies par des documents inédits qui nous ont été confiés par les poètes eux-mêmes ou par leurs proches, comme par exemple, un poème de Robert Desnos offert par sa femme Youki à Jean-Pierre Rosnay, une lettre de Paul Claudel que nous a confiée son petit-fils François Claudel, etc. Au-delà de ces grandes voix francophones qui fondent notre tradition poétique, la poésie poursuit son aventure ici comme ailleurs, aujourd'hui, comme demain. Vive la Poésie.

LA BIBLIOTHEQUE ELECTRONIQUE DE LISIEUX La Toile de l'Un Technology Review: Emerging Technologies and their Impact Jason Epstein worked in book publishing for more than 40 years. He was editorial director of Random House and founded Anchor Books, the New York Review of Books, the Library of America, and the Readers Catalog. Now in retirement, he wants to digitally reconstruct publishing, as digitization is re-creating the music industry. I became a publisher by accident. When I entered Columbia College in 1945, I was only 17, but I found myself surrounded by veterans in their 20s, some still in their flight jackets and peacoats, many of them married, some with infants. In September 1950, after wasting a year in graduate school, I was on my own financially. In those days, paperback publishing was an offshoot of maga­zine distribution. What I was proposing was a paperback program that would expand the market for publishers’ backlists – that is, books that sell year after year and in the aggregate contain nearly all that we think we know about ourselves and the world.

Free eBooks Wired 12.10: The Long Tail Forget squeezing millions from a few megahits at the top of the charts. The future of entertainment is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the bitstream. By Chris AndersonPage 1 of 5 next » Chris is expanding this article into a book, due out in May 2006. Story Tools Story Images Click thumbnails for full-size image: In 1988, a British mountain climber named Joe Simpson wrote a book called Touching the Void, a harrowing account of near death in the Peruvian Andes. Random House rushed out a new edition to keep up with demand. What happened? Particularly notable is that when Krakauer's book hit shelves, Simpson's was nearly out of print. This is not just a virtue of online booksellers; it is an example of an entirely new economic model for the media and entertainment industries, one that is just beginning to show its power. For too long we've been suffering the tyranny of lowest-common-denominator fare, subjected to brain-dead summer blockbusters and manufactured pop.

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