The World’s Biggest Companies on Why They Buy Renewables: ‘It’s a Very Clear Economic Issue’ | Greentech Media Many companies, both large and small, continue to struggle with the economics and complexity of procuring clean energy. The Rocky Mountain Institute estimates that for every successful renewable energy deal there are five to 10 failed attempts or significant delays, which impedes overall market growth. Reflecting these challenges, the commercial solar market experienced its first down year in recent history last year. Several companies leading the charge for clean-energy adoption presented on their lessons learned this week at Verge to help other businesses meet their renewable energy purchasing goals. Use what you already have For General Motors, renewable energy procurement turned out to be a natural extension of the company’s core competencies, said Rob Threlkeld, GM’s manager of renewable energy. “The biggest thing I highlight [to other companies] is to leverage the internal resources they already have available,” said Threlkeld. Game-changing PPAs Always efficiency first
Agripellet Many materials originated by agriculture could be used for production of densified biomass fuels agripellet: Some of them are straw, grain hull waste, sugar beet waste, pruning, fruit stone, dry fruit waste, cork, grain, cotton, malt and tobacco waste, with obviously, woody residues. Agricultural residues refer to the portion of plant material that remains after a crop has been harvested and separated. Primary residues are those that are the result of farm-level activities; they include items such as straw, stalks and leaves that are left over after harvest. Secondary residues are those that result from processing , such as sugar beet pulps, cotton mill wastes, peanut shells, etc. For most crops, and said roughly, primary residues are produced in quantities approximately equal in weight to the crop production, and are already used for different purposes (soil conservation, animal feeding and litter, heating). Known pellets what problematic for burning How do we store the pellets?
טיהור קרקע מזוהמת: הנעלמים שהמשרד לאיכות הסביבה שכח בדרך לפיתרון המשוואה במשרד להגנת הסביבה כבר נערכים לקידום הטיפול בקרקעות מזוהמות: המשרד פרסם בשבועות האחרונים את טיוטת מדיניותו בנושא זה להערות הציבור, וזאת בטרם אושרה הצעת חוק מניעת זיהום קרקע וטיפול בקרקעות מזוהמות, התשע"א – 2011. הצעת חוק זו נידונה רבות בכנסת ה-18 ויהיה ניתן יהיה לאשרה במושב זה מכיוון שחל עליה דין הרציפות. מדיניות זו מגלמת את נוהלי המשרד ואופן הפעולה בנושא קרקעות מזוהמות מול מחזיקים בקרקע, העוסקים בפעילות שיש בה סיכון לזיהום קרקע, ואלו אשר מחזיקים בקרקעות אשר באופן היסטורי בוצעה בהן פעילות בסיכון וכעת מעונינים לשנות יעוד במסגרת הליכי תכנון ובניה, לצורכי בנייה או לצרכים אחרים. נושא טיפול ושיקום קרקעות הועלה באופן נרחב גם בסטנדרטים ותקנים של בנייה ירוקה במתחמים אורבנים, באמצעות הענקת קרדיטציה לפרוייקטים מסוג זה. מדיניות זו, השואבת את כוחה מהצעת החוק הנ"ל, מעלה שאלות רבות אשר עדיין לא קבלו מענה ותלויות באופן הטמעת הנושא בגורמי הממשלה השונים ובהתנהגות שוק הנדל"ן בהתייחס לנושא הקרקעות המזוהמות. לדוגמה מה יהיה ערך הקרקע באזור המיועד לטיפול קרקע לאחר מימוש פרויקטי טיפול בקרקע? מתחם תעש בשרון.
השמש לא מחייכת למשקיעים במניות האנרגיה הסולארית - MarketMoney בעולם הכלכלי המודרני אנשים מחפשים דרכים יצירתיות לייצר לעצמם הכנסות מנכסים שהם מחזיקים. יש מי שמשכירים את הדירות שלהם כשהם נוסעים לחופשה. אחרים חולקים כלי רכב בנסיעות ארוכות. חדש! בשנים האחרונות התפתח, בעידודן של מדינות ועיריות תחום פעילות חדש - השכרת גגות לחברות אנרגיה להתקנת פאנלים סולאריים לייצור חשמל. התחום הסולארי מתפתח בשנים האחרונות. לכאורה, נראה שהסביבה הכלכלית תומכת בחברות האנרגיה הסולארית. כך למשל, סולאר־סיטי, שבעל המניות העיקרי בה (25%) הוא אילון מאסק, המייסד של חברת המכוניות טסלה, איבדה 57% משוויה בתוך חמישה חודשים. ענף האנרגיה העולמי תלוי ברובו במקורות אנרגיה מסורתיים - בעיקר נפט וגז טבעי. כדי להפיק חשמל מהשמש נדרשים שטח גדול ותשתית יקרה. אבל בשנים האחרונות חלים שינויים שמוזילים אט־אט את העלות. נתונים של בנק ההשקעות אופנהיימר מראים כי עלויות ההתקנה ירדו בשנים האחרונות מרמה של 7 דולר לוואט עבור התקנה ביתית ו–5 דולר לוואט בהתקנה מסחרית ב–2010 - לרמות של 2.75 דולר ו–2 דולר לוואט בהתאמה. הגז תחרותי יותר "הגברת השימוש באנרגיית השמש היא אינטרס של מדינות. רק 3% מהחשמל בעולם סולארי
Biomass - POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels Biomass acquisition will play an important role in the success of Project LIBERTY. POET-DSM has studied biomass collection, storage, and transportation since 2006, partnering with universities and government programs (ISU, USDA, REAP) to better understand the relationship between biomass removal and soil health. POET-DSM has also worked extensively with biomass producers themselves to develop a number of "best practice" guidelines for sustainable biomass collection. "Why should I collect biomass?" Additional Revenue Residue Management Decreased Tillage Rural Development and Job Creation Yield Increases What else can you do today that will add $40-50/acre of additional profit? Feedstock Pricing Click here and look for the link to "Project LIBERTY 2014 Pricing". Give us a call! Tell a Friend POET-DSM is already signing contracts for biomass collection/sale in Emmetsburg, Iowa and surrounding counties.
Clean Power Plan - Wikipedia United States energy plan from President Obama The Clean Power Plan was an Obama administration policy aimed at combating anthropogenic climate change (global warming) that was first proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in June 2014.[1] The final version of the plan was unveiled by President Barack Obama on August 3, 2015.[2] Each state was assigned an individual goal for reducing carbon emissions, which could be accomplished how they saw fit, but with the possibility of the EPA stepping in if the state refused to submit a plan.[3] If every state met its target, the plan was projected to reduce carbon emissions from electricity generation 32% by 2030, relative to 2005 levels, as well as achieving various health benefits due to reduced air pollution. Aims[edit] Requirements[edit] States may use regionally available low carbon generation sources when substituting for in-state coal generation and coordinate with other states to develop multi-state plans.[27] Benefits[edit]
America’s First All-Renewable-Energy City To understand what makes Burlington unlike almost any other city in America when it comes to the power it consumes, it helps to look inside the train that rolls into town every day. The 24 freight cars that pull up to the city’s power plant aren’t packed with Appalachian coal or Canadian fuel oil but wood. Each day 1,800 tons of pine and timber slash, sustainably harvested within a 60-mile radius and ground into wood chips, is fed into the roaring furnaces of the McNeil Generating Station, pumping out nearly half of the city’s electricity needs. Much of the rest of what Burlington’s 42,000 citizens need to keep the lights on comes from a combination of hydroelectric power drawn from a plant it built a half mile up Vermont's Winooski River, four wind turbines on nearby Georgia Mountain and a massive array of solar panels at the airport. The environmental sustainability revolution has spread to other sectors of civic life. Story Continued Below Tidy it is, and also financially effective.
Our Biomass Turbine - Zilkha Biomass Energy The Zilkha Biomass Unit can be designed in different configurations to produce between 1.5 and 20 megawatts of electrical power, which can be used on-site to serve the specific electrical needs of the host, or sold to a local utility or neighboring facility. We can install multiple units in parallel to serve customers who have larger energy demands. Distributed power plants like the Zilkha small-footprint units offer advantages that large-scale, capital-intensive central-station power plants cannot provide. As we move to a smarter grid that allows multiple smaller energy producers to contribute to a region’s energy demand, the Zilkha Biomass Unit provides flexibility to position the plant close to the user and avoid transmission and power distribution losses inherent in grid-dependent systems. Grid independence also opens up alternative site locations for customers looking to build new facilities. This greatly simplifies bringing power to expanding residential and industrial areas.
What is the Clean Power Plan? A Climate Game Changer Power plants account for nearly 40 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. That's more than every car, truck, and plane in the U.S. combined. On August 3, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized new rules, or standards, that will reduce carbon emissions from power plants for the first time. Previously, power plants were allowed to dump unlimited amounts of carbon pollution into the atmosphere — no rules were in effect that limited their emissions of carbon dioxide, the primary driver of global warming. These standards, known as the Clean Power Plan, have been developed under the Clean Air Act, an act of Congress that requires the EPA to take steps to reduce air pollution that harms the public's health. These historic standards represent the most significant opportunity in years to help curb the growing consequences of climate change. How the Clean Power Plan works States must submit a final plan, or an initial plan with a request for an extension, by September 6, 2016.
Trash From Hurricane Irma Will Add Energy to Florida’s Power Grid When it comes to garbage, geography is destiny. Look at Texas and Florida, recovering from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Homeowners and businesses not incapacitated by the storm have begun the arduous and emotional work of separating destroyed possessions and materials by type and placing them curbside. Cities have begun the intimidating logistics of picking it up and transporting it to its final destination. And what is that destination? Texas’s waste-disposal strategy takes advantage of the state’s vast land. Florida, by contrast, is a peninsula with a longer coastline than any state other than Alaska, and much less room for trash. Florida burns a disproportionate amount of U.S. trash. But the main point is to make stuff disappear. Waste-fueled power plants were built mostly in the 1980s and early 1990s, encouraged by a 1978 federal law. Burning stuff up doesn’t make it entirely disappear, even once the ash is disposed of. Hurricane or no hurricane, people are comfortable with garbage.
It is a little long, but a great plan for an overall energy production from multiple sources. by joannaas Apr 19