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Un pour cent pour la planète

Un pour cent pour la planète

KissKissBankBank — Libérez la Créativité ! WarrenBaldwin green blog Form an LLC: Which state should I form in? -, Inc. Wyoming is most famous for its national parks, geysers, expansive prairies and cheap land, but this state is always ready to lead the pack when it comes to business issues. It’s a wonder that it hasn’t exploded yet, but just wait…it will happen. Wyoming is also a tax haven and has many of the same benefits that Nevada has - including no business or franchise taxes of any sort. Officers are also allowed to maintain their privacy and remain anonymous, like in Nevada. But there’s more! Wyoming isn’t as popular as Nevada and I am not certain for the exact reason; however I have a sneaking suspicion that Las Vegas, “The Entertainment Capital of the World” has something to do with it.

Connecting the Collaborative Economy Incorporate Online | Online Business Incorporation Services There are many Online Incorporation sites that offer differing degrees of incorporation service. Many offer Articles of Incorporation forms and templates for a set fee. However, these forms and templates are just part of the incorporation process. A complete Online Incorporation service provider will also address the paymet of filing fees, franchise fees, business licences, foreign corporation matters and offer standard company bylaws. They will also address what matters you need to deal with once incorporation is complete. Incorporate Online Today with one of our recommended specialists below: Business Incorporation Services have formed over 100,000 corporations and LLCs and could incorporate your business in as little as 48 hours. Their service package is comprehensive, and veryhighly recommended. Corporate Creations Legal Zoom Save time and money on common legal matters!

Qu'est-ce que le "crowdfunding solidaire"? En 2004, un couple américain séjourne en Afrique et y découvre les bienfaits du microcrédit, ces petits prêts permettant à des personnes en situation de précarité, exclues du système bancaire classique, de développer leur petite entreprise. Le couple a alors l'idée de créer un site Internet permettant de mettre en relation des individus disposant d'une petite épargne et des micro-entrepreneurs en demande de financement. C'est la naissance de Kiva, le précurseur et leader du crowdfunding solidaire. Crowdfunding, le "financement par la foule" Le Web a profondément changé nos comportements, que ce soit dans nos achats, dans notre façon de communiquer, et aujourd'hui dans nos moyens de financement. Le crowdfunding -traduit en français par "finance participative"- peut prendre différentes formes: don, prêt (rémunéré ou solidaire) ou investissement en capital; et permet le financement de projets très variés (artistiques, culturels, écologiques, entrepreneuriaux...).

“Slugging it out:” Building A Consulting Firm in a New MarketScoop According to small business consultant Elynn Fish (and almost every business owner out there), “slugging it out” as a small firm in a new market isn’t easy. Some of the most important things in building a consulting firm include getting and keeping clients, creating cash flow, and convincing your prospects that they need your services. Last Thursday in the grand return of #scoopitchat, I teamed up with Elynn to discuss some best practices for developing a small consulting business in a digital world. Some key takeaways include: 1. Have passion for what you do, and be willing to take action on that passion.Don’t only work hard; work smart as well.Pace your growth. 2. Have proof of skills, build credibility, engage targeted areas. 3. 4. Help them identify the gap – where are they now vs. where they could be with your services.Share case studies and previous clients’ outcomes. 5. 6. Don’t try to be perfect. Miss this week’s chat?

1er site de Financement Participatif - crowdfunding - Environnement - Finance verte -

Green Republic est membre de l'association 1% pour la planète. Le principe est simple : 1% du chiffre d'affaire est reversé à des associations sérieuses pour la promotion du développement durable. by greenrepublic Jul 7
