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Make a beautiful visual story. In minutes.

Make a beautiful visual story. In minutes.
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The new way to create flipped video in 60 seconds without adding software Use PowerPoint to make tutorial videos for flipped or blended learning Time strapped teachers need support—we all know this. Now there is a quick and easy way to create even more flexible video tutorials for your blended or flipped learning classes. The tutorials can then be watched over and over. Best of all, this solution uses PowerPoint, which many teachers are already comfortable with. Previously I’ve outlined how to create Khan Academy-style video tutorials quickly and easily (using Office Snip) in a recent article. Simple and easy While software and apps that allow screen recording have been available for some time, the solution outlined here is part of an environment that most teachers are already comfortable with and is very easy to use. Office Mix, a free add-in for Office 2013 and 2016 on the Windows platform, simply adds an extra tab to PowerPoint. The Office Mix tab (showing controls) in PowerPoint. Screen recording The Screen Recording Icon.

Trifacta Wrangler to format and clean data | FlowingData Data wrangling — formatting and cleaning — is a sore spot and stumbling block for many, but you often can't do much visualization- or analysis-wise until the data is in order. My projects folder is filled with one-off Python scripts written for specific datasets (and steps within steps). Trifacta Wrangler aims to streamline the process with a click interface and automation. When you open the application for the first time, helpful tips pop up to take you through the usual steps. Then you get a view that resembles the above. This worked well for my dataset with little help from me. Then you can use the Transformer to modify the data. All in all, at first look, Wrangler (still in Beta by the way) looks promising. 4 Tasks and 4 Tools for Creating Digital Narrative | World of Better Learning Published 5 October 2017 Nik Peachey shares some of the tools you can use to help your students tell their own exciting stories through digital media, plus fun tasks to help develop their narrative abilities further. The last decade has shown a meteoric shift from paper based publishing to digital based media. This has had a profound impact on news media, democratising it and enabling access to a much wider range of narrative, but also enabling a vastly greater cross section of the global population to start publishing their stories and making their voices heard. Increasingly these stories are not just text-based but include images, video, audio and other interactive media that can be both more engaging and more inclusive than traditional paper-based narrative. The ability to create this kind of digital narrative is now becoming a key digital skill for both teachers and students, empowering them to participate in the global information exchange. Tootastic – is great for younger learners.

Components Available glyphs Includes over 250 glyphs in font format from the Glyphicon Halflings set. Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free, but their creator has made them available for Bootstrap free of cost. As a thank you, we only ask that you include a link back to Glyphicons whenever possible. How to use For performance reasons, all icons require a base class and individual icon class. Don't mix with other components Icon classes cannot be directly combined with other components. Only for use on empty elements Icon classes should only be used on elements that contain no text content and have no child elements. Changing the icon font location Bootstrap assumes icon font files will be located in the .. Change the @icon-font-path and/or @icon-font-name variables in the source Less files. Use whatever option best suits your specific development setup. Accessible icons Modern versions of assistive technologies will announce CSS generated content, as well as specific Unicode characters.

Common mistakes at writing in French by English Speakers - 3 new essays corrected Reading time: 15-20 minutes Difficulty: Intermediate Level Are you making some silly mistakes at writing in French? Then you should definitely check out this article! I asked some French learners via my newsletter and facebook to write an essay and I just corrected it. 1. Original version: La décision On a habité à Phnom Penh, la capitale du Cambodge, depuis deux ans et demi. À Phnom Penh, il y a beaucoup de restaurants de bonne qualité. On avait une existence assez aisée à de nombreux égards. Malgré ça, après deux ans on a commencé à considérer un retour à l’occident. Alors, on a décidé de retourner en Europe. Corrected version: La décision On a habité à Phnom Penh, la capitale du Cambodge, depuis(Pendant is better. À Phnom Penh, il y a beaucoup de restaurants de bonne qualité. On avait une existence/vie assez aisée/plaisante à de nombreux égards. Malgré ça, après deux ans on a commencé à considérer un retour en l’occident. Alors, on a décidé de retourner en Europe. 2. 3. Emma Conclusion:

The Dvolver Phenomenon - EFL Magazine By Charles McKinney, IV When I started my English-teaching career in South Korea, my Korean co-teacher discovered an interesting website from a teacher-training workshop she attended. The website is called Dvolver, which is a free moviemaking platform that allows users to employ animated characters to develop concise and fun scripts, all in digital format. As soon as I perused the site for myself, I knew it would tickle our students’ fancy. Indeed, we intended to create a 45-minute lesson plan that centered on teaching the upper beginner to lower intermediate high school students how the website worked and how they could experiment with language in cutting-edge, imaginative ways that might improve attitudes toward learning a second language (learning English can be enjoyable). This article sets out to delineate the utility and uniqueness of a simple website like Dvolver for instructors and students alike to maximize its language learning potential in the classroom environment. 1. 2. 3.

Markdown Capture d'écran d'un éditeur de texte affichant un fichier au format Markdown Logo du langage Markdown Évolutions[modifier | modifier le code] Depuis sa création originelle par John Gruber, Markdown n'a pas connu d'évolution notable de la part de ses auteurs. De plus, ce format n'a jamais été formellement standardisé. Un certain nombre de variantes ont été développées par des tiers afin de pallier ce qui était perçu comme des limitations du langage originel. En mars 2016, dans le but de standardiser le langage, deux RFC ont été publiées : RFC 7763[10], qui introduit le type MIME text/markdown à partir de la variante originale de Markdown.RFC 7764[11], qui répertorie des variantes MultiMarkdown, GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM), Pandoc, CommonMark, Markdown Extra et autres[12]. L'initiative CommonMark, débutée en 2012, vise à pallier le manque de standardisation et les ambiguïtés du format en créant une spécification fortement définie du langage. Mises en œuvre[modifier | modifier le code]

La classe de Karine: Lire entre les lignes Les inférences, c'est dur. Et à enseigner, ce n'est pas non plus évident! J'ai donc créé une activité pour décortiquer les inférences. Je sais que les enfants savent c'est quoi (ou approximativement) rendus en 6e année. L'activité débute à la base mais les exercices sont plus poussés. Comme introduction, j'ai trouvé cet extrait du film Madagascar 3 où on peut pointer avec les élèves les différents indices qui pourraient nous permettre d'inférer l'animal qui se cache dans le wagon. Vous pouvez chercher Madagascar Love story XXL dans youtube pour trouver l'extrait. J'ai fait une série d'affiches sous forme d'équation mathématique pour présenter aux élèves que les inférences reposent sur 2 choses: les indices du texte et les connaissances que nous avons. Indices + Schéma = Inférence Ensuite, j'ai créé une activité en 2 temps. Il y a 2 courts paragraphes qui permettent d'inférer plus d'une chose (Exemple: lieu, sentiment, personne). Ensuite vient l'activité qui peut être réalisée seul ou à 2.
