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Captioner: Add comic book style captions to your photos!

Motivator: Create your own motivational posters! First time here? Welcome! We have a lot of fun stuff to play with like ourMotivational Poster maker, Magazine Cover maker, Pop Art poster, and much more! Play as much as you like—everything is free. Create, share, and buy your own customized motivational posters. Inanimate Alice - About the Project Born-digital Created as a reading-from-the-screen experience for the digital generation, Inanimate Alice stands alongside the best novels for pre-teen and emerging teen readers. Interactive Requires the reader to drive the action forward at their own pace and encourages readers to co-create their own versions of the story, either filling in the gaps or developing new strands. Multimedia Uses text, images, music, sound effects, puzzles and games to illustrate and enhance the narrative. A Novel A reading-from-the-screen experience for the “always on” generation. Episodic Designed originally as entertainment, Inanimate Alice has been adopted by teachers eager to develop their students’ digital literacy skills. Click here to begin with Episode #1 Designed originally as entertainment, ‘Inanimate Alice’ has been adopted by teachers eager to connect with students through media they inherently understand. Available in French, German, Italian and Spanish

Creative Commons Flickr Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license. Here are some recently added bits and pieces: Attribution (CC BY 2.0) » 91732101 photos (See more) Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND 2.0) » 24408272 photos (See more) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) » 113393925 photos (See more) Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 2.0) » 61662235 photos (See more) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) » 131111998 photos (See more) Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 2.0) » 47741154 photos (See more) Public Domain Dedication (CC0) » 4243611 photos (See more) Public Domain Mark » 11006645 photos (See more) "Creative Commons is a non-profit that offers an alternative to full copyright." Briefly... Attribution means: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit. - Create your own comics! ToonDoo - The Cartoon Strip Creator - Create, Publish, Share, Discuss! Comment faire des collages photos qui ont la forme Shape Collage est un superbe utilitaire graphique permettant de réaliser en deux temps trois mouvements de superbes montages et collages photo. Il s’agit d’un programme pour Windows (XP, Vista, Seven), Mac OS X et Linux, son interface est disponible en français et sa version gratuite permet de réaliser des collages tout à fait spectaculaires. Une version pro de Shape Collage est proposée au prix de $25. Les collages photos réalisés avec Shape Montage peuvent prendre différentes formes. A partir de différentes photos, on peut les assembler sous diverses formes, Rectangle, Cœur, Cercle, Texte… pour former un photo montage du plus bel effet. L’interface du programme est divisée en trois zones. La zone Photos permet d’ajouter les images qui doivent constituer le collage. La zone Etat est la zone de travail qui permet de visualiser et de lancer le montage photo à réaliser. La zone à droite est la partie configuration et paramétrage de Shape Collage.

Commons Tout – Captura en vídeo los mejores momentos de tu vida Definido ya por muchos como el Instagram de los vídeos, Tout nos permite grabar desde un iPhone, o enviar desde cualquier vídeo de Youtube, un fragmento de nuestra vida que sea digno de compartir. En el caso de hacerlo desde Youtube, solamente tenemos que incluir la url y decidir el origen y final del pedazo de vídeo que queremos enviar a Tout, publicándose en su galería, donde podemos disfrutar de material de varias categorías. Aunque aún estén dando los primeros pasos, es una buena forma de empezar a competir con Youtube (a largo plazo), registrando de forma instantanea pequeños momentos que quieran ser registrados, dejando en Youtube creaciones de mayor calidad. En mi imaginación futurista veo a Tout como la colección de vídeos entretenidos de menos de 20 segundos, a youtube como el conjunto de vídeos más trabajados, más extensos, y a Vimeo como la base de vídeos profesionales creados por especialistas en la grabación y edición.

Digital Is Step 1: Formulate a Narrative Some graphic novelists start from scratch and visually draft their narrative as they go, acting as both writer and illustrator; others create visual adaptations of existing prose work, “translating” the written word into visual-verbal form; still others work in collaboration from the onset, in a partnership where a writer creates a narrative script that an illustrator uses to craft the comic. There is no one “right” way to begin the composition process. That said, I have found that in teaching my students to focus on the nuances of a new form of writing, it is easiest for them to adapt an existing narrative than to try to create new content at the same time they are being asked to apply elements of visual literacy. INSTRUCTIONS: Find (or create) a poem, short story, or excerpt from a longer work of prose that you would like to experiment with adapting into a visual-verbal format.
