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Vibrations, Frequencies, Harmonics

Vibrations, Frequencies, Harmonics
Exploring Ascension Main Page - Turtle Section - What's New? Related Articles: Dear Reader, The up coming channelling has been the most, interesting, frustrating and satisfying articles that I have done so far. Generally, when I channel something a picture is built up over the days, weeks and months. Each day adds and clarifies a new piece of information. The Back to Basics series has been a totally new and different process of producing articles. Communicating non verbal technical information into a format that is comprehensible has certainly been a challenge. Notwithstanding, I have found that there is usually a certain level of distortion in all information being channelled, irrespective of who that is; that which was yesterday and today may not necessarily be the same tomorrow. The back to basics series stemmed from my desire to understand exactly what the nature is of this destructive energy known as "electrical energy". Regards Ken McKelvie Please read the following quote: Cube - Earth Related:  lynnylouwho`test 1021`test 1021

Ascension Alchemy ®: Sacred Geometry, The Language Of Light New Formula: Preface New: in the winter of 2005 we had a square wave frequency generator built for us with multiple programmable channels utilizing a quartz oscillator that creates very precise frequencies with square wave forms. With frequency generators, whether used with plasma tubes, sound waves, etc. most researchers prefer square waves because they propagate harmonics. The reason for usng multiple channels was to create a standing, or scalar wave from the six individual Solfeggio healing frequencies UT - 396 Hz -associated with releasing emotional patterns after: see RE-417Hz below.RE - 417 Hz -associated with breaking up crystalized emotional patternsMI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra; Dr. Puleo suggests an association with "DNA integrity"FA - 639 Hz - associated with whole brain quadrant interconnectednessSOL - 741 Hz - associated with intuitive states, non linear knowing LA - 852 Hz - associated with a pure love frequency: unconditional love. Dr. "Dr.

8 Telex External Link Internal Link Inventory Cache This nOde last updated April 8th, 2008 and is permanently morphing... (2 Ik (Wind) / 5 Pohp (Mat) - 2/260 - The Law of Octaves by Pythagoras the Science of Yoga - the Eight limbs (steps) Buddha and his Noble Eight Fold Path to enlightenment one of the particle symmetries in high energy physics is called "the eightfold path" The word 'byte' is a contraction of 'by eight.' Timothy Leary's 8-Circuit brain model 1st circuit: Survival/security Things are okay or they're not, or somewhere in between. time may compensate by eating, especially sweet things, pudding, 'nursery food' that makes them feel better for a while. 2nd circuit: Territorial/Emotional This is a very particular definition of 'emotional' - are you feeling up or down? defend it against others by throwing shit at each other (in the form of words, lawsuits, horn honking, or however you prefer to 'dump on' people). One of the ideas that came up in feedback information

Vastu Shastra and Sacred Architecture | Sri Narasingha Chaitanya Ashram Temple built according to Vastu Shastra With the passing of the ages empires are created and destroyed, new cultures appear and then again fade, like changing seasons into the shadows of eternity. Vanishing into oblivion, all that remains of those that were once great and powerful in this world are but a handful of relics. Time, the destroyer of all things, vanquishes even the most invincible empires leaving behind their remnants to be marveled at by future civilizations. And marvel we do at the wonders of the past, especially the architectural wonders. Until recent years modern society has viewed much of the world's ancient architecture and art as "simply decorative" or, in a general sense, as a tribute to God; not that it might have any "practical" function in helping us to understand tha nature of the world we live in. Yali, Protector of the Temple. Most sacred architects maintain that the ultimate reality exists beyond the mundane plane of temporary forms. Jagannatha Puri Temple

Week Numbers In Excel Week Numbers In Excel This page describes how to work with week numbers in Excel. Many applications and organizations use the week number of a date for some sort of identification, classification, or formatting purpose. However, what constitutes a week number, specifically when does Week 1 begin, is not always the same from one organization or application to another. This page describes worksheet formulas and VBA procedures that you can use to calculate a week number in a number of different manners. The formulas and functions described on this page work with the following definitions of the first day of week 1 of a year: The first day of Week 1 is January of that year, regardless of what day of the week that might be.The first day of Week 1 is the first occurrence of some specified day of the week. This is the simplest method. =TRUNC(((StartDate-DATE(YEAR(StartDate),1,0))+6)/7) where StartDate is the date whose week number is to be returned. The VBA code for this function is:

Brainwave/Cymatic Frequency Listing This is a listing of frequencies that various parties have claimed can affect the human mind or body in some way. The following sorts of frequencies are included : Brainwave Frequencies - These are frequencies associated with various mental states. Using brainwave entrainment, you can coax your brainwaves to a certain frequency, and in doing so, achieve the mental state associated with that frequency. "Healing" Frequencies - These are frequencies that various parties claim could be used to heal illnesses of different kinds, or stimulate some region of the body (chakras). The medium used to do this varies - some of these parties used devices that generated EM fields which were applied to a precise part of the body, while others used vibration and sound. The original page that I began building this compiled information from is (*archived copy*) The information in green is from this original page. Sincerely, Michael Triggs Disclaimer!!

PHI - SOUND AND HEALING updated 9-12-10 by Dee Finney Author Marilyn Ferguson relates one such experience given by a physicist: "I saw cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I saw the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I heard its sound, and at that moment I knew this was the Dance of Shiva... Occultist Alice A. "The new religion will be one of Invocation and Evocation, of bringing together great spiritual energies and then stepping them down for the benefitting and the stimulation of the masses. GEOFFREY HODSON, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand 1952.. My consciousness was caught up into a realm radiant with that light which never was on land or sea. There is a complete science for invoking devatas -- gods. Actually, in the same space, there is a multidimensional existence. The reverberations of sound is one which re-echoes many times. Fractal Music Generation OM.

Golden Ratio Discovered in the Quantum World | Science By Rakefet TavorEpoch Times Staff Created: January 19, 2010 Last Updated: June 17, 2012 PICTURING THE GOLDEN RATIO: Scientists fired neutrons at cobalt niobate particles, finding resonant notes with the golden ratio. (Tennant/HZB) The “golden ratio,” which is equal to approximately 1.618, can be found in various aspects of our life, including biology, architecture, and the arts. But only recently was it discovered that this special ratio is also reflected in nanoscale, thanks to researchers from the U.K.’s Oxford University, University of Bristol, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and Germany’s Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin for Materials and Energy (HZB). Their research, published in the journal Science on Jan. 8, examined chains of linked magnetic cobalt niobate (CoNb2O6) particles only one particle wide to investigate the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Neutrons were fired at the cobalt niobate particles to detect the resonant notes. Dr.

Un cinquecentenario nel silenzio Questo articolo è stato pubblicato in origine su Domus 983 / settembre 2014 “Io chiamo secolo non la ordinaria misura del tempo, ma quelle grandi tappe dell’umanità in cui appariscono dei principi nuovi e si trasforma la faccia del mondo. Questo avviene per una lenta e costante elaborazione di tutti gli elementi sociali, i quali vi lavorano inconsapevolmente; ma prima di dare il colpo mortale all’edificio crollante, si aspetta un uomo che è destinato a riassumere in sé tutto quel movimento, al quale tanti elementi cospirano senza saperlo, e che è destinato a dargli il nome”. In apertura: dettaglio del progetto di Donato Bramante per la costruzione di una cittadella attorno a San Pietro in occasione del Giubileo (da un disegno del taccuino di Menicantonio de Chiarellis). Sebastiano Serlio, Terzo Libro d'architettura, disegno del Duomo di San Pietro Donato Bramante, Tempietto della Chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio a Roma, eretto tra il 1502 e il 1509.
