52 Shades of Greed | An Illustrated Education Game
Technological Revolution Threatens to Leave Humanity Behind
Old-Thinker News | July 25, 2015 By Daniel Taylor As published in New Dawn Magazine (July-August edition) “…As regards the powers manifested in the aeroplane or the wireless, Man is as much the patient or subject as the possessor, since he is the target both for bombs and for propaganda… From this point of view, what we call Man’s power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.” – CS Lewis, The Abolition of Man, 1943 A strange world is emerging from crises both engineered and natural. In an April 2000 article for Wired magazine, Co-founder of Sun Microsystems Bill Joy warned that in the future, human beings may become obsolete. “Due to improved techniques the elite will have greater control over the masses; and because human work will no longer be necessary the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ‘Will we be the gods? Facebook users are helping to build A.I. systems Dr.
L'obsolescence programmée, bientôt interdite ?
Le groupe écologiste du Sénat a déposé, le 18 mars, une proposition de loi pour lutter contre l'obsolescence programmée et faciliter la réparabilité des produits. Elle pourrait être intégrée à la loi de consommation, prévue avant l'été. Alors que les associations de défense de l'environnement et des consommateurs dénoncent l'obsolescence programmée depuis des années, une proposition de loi, déposée le 18 mars par le groupe écologiste du Sénat, vise à lutter contre ce phénomène et à organiser une économie de la réparation. Les sénateurs souhaitent également lancer une réflexion sur l'économie de fonctionnalité, en demandant au gouvernement un rapport sur ce sujet. Le texte vise d'abord à donner une définition à l'obsolescence programmée, la plus large possible pour englober les différents types d'obsolescence (matérielle, logicielle…) des produits. Durées légales de garantie et de conformité Explications de Jean-Vincent Placé, auteur de la proposition de loiMarie Jo Sader
Geoengineering Expands As Industrialized Civilization Spirals Into Collapse » Geoengineering Expands As Industrialized Civilization Spirals Into Collapse
Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org As the global economic house of cards continues to collapse with increasing momentum, the vast majority of global populations are, unfortunately, still looking through a very tainted and distorted lens. They cannot bring themselves to accept reality on countless fronts. Denial is especially tenacious in regard to the ongoing climate engineering atrocities occurring in our skies. Our sense of reason is our greatest gift, but for most this sense has long ago been overridden by societal conditioning, programming, and propaganda. The image below is of Dubai, a city built on sand, powered by finite fossil fuels complete with toxic geoengineered skies. The Burj Khalifa is the glittering jewel in Dubai’s construction crown. The implosion of the temporary reality we have all known is already well under way, the collapsing Chinese stock markets are only a harbinger of what is to come. An eerily vacant Yingkou is only one of numerous ghost cities in China
Planet Ponzi - Planet Ponzi
The Hegelian Dialectic: the True Culprit
Yet those who favor the decentralization of political power oppose the adversarial approach. They want individuals and groups to have the greatest possible freedom and for decisions to be made in accordance with many different customs and traditions. They reject the Hegelian Dialectic in favor of an approach that is equally old: self-regulated equilibrium that does not end in agreement. This allows those of firm principles to accept and respect each other. Since the 1960s, Hegel's views have been the foundation of postmodern thought, utilized by progressives in pursuit of a nonjudgmental, egalitarian, nondiscriminatory Utopia, in which disagreements are resolved by discussion, compromise, rules, and laws. The Affordable Care Act, popularly known as ObamaCare, was the cause of the dispute regarding the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling that led to a partial governmental shutdown. Would the outcome have been different under the checks and balances of Stability through Equilibrium (StE)?
None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use
The notion of “externalities” has become familiar in environmental circles. It refers to costs imposed by businesses that are not paid for by those businesses. For instance, industrial processes can put pollutants in the air that increase public health costs, but the public, not the polluting businesses, picks up the tab. In this way, businesses privatize profits and publicize costs. While the notion is incredibly useful, especially in folding ecological concerns into economics, I’ve always had my reservations about it. Environmentalists these days love speaking in the language of economics — it makes them sound Serious — but I worry that wrapping this notion in a bloodless technical term tends to have a narcotizing effect. To see what I mean, check out a recent report [PDF] done by environmental consultancy Trucost on behalf of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) program sponsored by United Nations Environmental Program. Here’s how those costs break down:
Humans Why Do We Have To Work?
The attitude that is conditioned into our psyche from a young age is that we have to learn a skill and use that to get a job in order to earn money which in term feeds the growth of the economy. One question I think almost everyday but I find many other people don’t give it a second thought is why do we have to work? “Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.” ― Ellen Goodman Why do we have to work? At face value and viewing life through the brainwashed society we are all born into, the answer may sound rather obvious, we need to earn money to purchase material objects in order to survive. We are led to believe that we are running out of resources and the world is over populated when in fact the reality is completely the reverse. What is Scarcity? Source Comments
obsolescence programmée