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Almost Everyone Involved in Developing Tor was (or is) Funded by the US Government

Almost Everyone Involved in Developing Tor was (or is) Funded by the US Government
“The United States government can’t simply run an anonymity system for everybody and then use it themselves only. Because then every time a connection came from it people would say, “Oh, it’s another CIA agent.” If those are the only people using the network.” —Roger Dingledine, co-founder of the Tor Network, 2004 In early July, hacker Jacob Appelbaum and two other security experts published a blockbuster story in conjunction with the German press. Internet privacy activists and organizations reacted to the news with shock. But the German exposé showed Tor providing the opposite of anonymity: it singled out users for total NSA surveillance, potentially sucking up and recording everything they did online. To many in the privacy community, the NSA’s attack on Tor was tantamount to high treason: a fascist violation of a fundamental and sacred human right to privacy and free speech. The Electronic Frontier Foundation believes Tor to be “essential to freedom of expression.” NSA? Tor at the NSA? Related:  Darknet

Onion Routing: Our Sponsors This research was supported in part at NRL's Center for High Assurance Computer Systems (CHACS) by: Office of Naval Research (ONR), Basic R&D work in addition to support for the coding of all generation systems (0,1, and 2). Support for deployment of generation 2 (Tor) testbed and open source development site. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), High Confidence Networking Program, and Fault Tolerant Networks Program Support for system performance assessments and system improvements. Support for robustness, survivability, traffic management, and congestion control. Historical page reflecting as of 2005, not regularly maintained.

Bar Association Exposed Note to all people, when you have to navigate in the court rooms, know that these quasi-courts so called judges are really Magistrates or Administrators, and they are practicing Law over the bench and making legal determinations for the people, which is an absolute violation of due process of Law. Also know that there are only two courts, such as Criminal and Civil, there is no indices in the Constitution for Traffic Court, which means that every ticket they give you is illegal. So when you are in Criminal Court, there must be indictment papers before any acceptance of you of charges against you, in which most courts want you to take a plea, which is really to give up your rights. This is why the Bar Association "licensed" Attorneys must keep to their oath, pledge and terms of allegiance, to the Crown Temple, if they are to be "called to Bar" and work in the "Legal" profession. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. 5. a. 6. 7. 8. Officer's Oath

Tor and HTTPS Click the "Tor" button to see what data is visible to eavesdroppers when you're using Tor. The button will turn green to indicate that Tor is on.Click the "HTTPS" button to see what data is visible to eavesdroppers when you're using HTTPS. The button will turn green to indicate that HTTPS is on.When both buttons are green, you see the data that is visible to eavesdroppers when you are using both tools.When both buttons are grey, you see the data that is visible to eavesdroppers when you don't use either tool.Potentially visible data includes: the site you are visiting (SITE.COM), your username and password (USER/PW), the data you are transmitting (DATA), your IP address (LOCATION), and whether or not you are using Tor (TOR).

What Was Silk Road? Refresh Your Memory as Ross Ulbricht Goes to Trial Ross Ulbricht’s trial for his alleged role as “Dread Pirate Roberts,” the owner of the shadowy online market place Silk Road, is scheduled to begin Tuesday. Ulbricht was indicted last year for operating the site, which allowed users to buy and sell drugs anonymously. He was charged with narcotics conspiracy, engaging in criminal enterprise, conspiracy to commit computer hacking and money laundering conspiracy. As part of the indictment, Ulbricht is accused of running the website on “The Onion Router,” concealing IP addresses and hiding the locations of Bitcoin transmissions. If all that sounds complicated, that’s because it is. Shortly after Ulbricht’s arrest, TIME’s Lev Grossman and Jay Newton-Small profiled Silk Road and the world in which it operated. On the afternoon of Oct. 1, 2013, a tall, slender, shaggy-haired man left his house on 15th Avenue in San Francisco. Read the rest of the story, here in the TIME Vault: The Deep Web

Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites Do you want solid proof that paid government shills are targeting websites, blogs, forums and social media accounts? For years, many have suspected that government trolls have been systematically causing havoc all over the Internet, but proving it has been difficult. Image: Keyboard (Wikimedia Commons). But now thanks to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and revealed by Glenn Greenwald, we finally have hard evidence that western governments have been doing this. As you will see below, a UK intelligence outfit known as the Government Communications Headquarters, through a previously secret unit known as the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group, has been systematically attempting “to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse”. This should be deeply disturbing to anyone that values free speech on the Internet. It isn’t just that the British government is trying to influence what people are thinking. –Infiltration Operation –Ruse Operation –Set Piece Operation

Darknet, la face cachée du web Si vous vous intéressez au web et à son environnement, alors le web profond est un domaine qui devrait attirer votre curiosité. Le Darknet est un sujet complexe et à ne pas mettre entre toutes les mains vu la présence de contenu plus qu’illicite… Quand vous naviguez sur le web vous n’avez en faite accès qu’à une partie infime d’Internet avec les moteurs de recherche comme Google ou Yahoo. Ceux sont des sites web cryptés et l’ont en compte 500 fois plus que que sur le web traditionnel. Il existe donc un Internet parallèle sans aucune limite appelé Le Darknet pour les plus anglophones. C’est donc des pages qui ne sont pas indexées et consultables via un navigateur traditionnel, raison pour laquelle elles ne sont pas présentes sur nos moteurs de recherche, mais vous ne pouvez pas non plus accéder à ces pages avec un navigateur web comme Chrome puisque ces pages du Darknet se termine en .onion. Pourquoi le Darknet a-t-il été créé ? Les dérives du Darknet Comment aller sur le Darknet ?

Plongée dans l'Internet criminel Oubliez Google ou Yahoo, laissez tomber les extensions familières en .com, .fr ou .net. Sous la partie émergée d'Internet, loin, très loin dans les profondeurs de la Toile, se cache un monde interlope dont le commun des internautes ignore tout, où jamais il ne descendra. Dans ces bas-fonds du Web, tout se négocie le plus discrètement du monde et les accroches commerciales ne font pas dans la nuance. Savez-vous « éviscérer un voisin sans en gâter la viande » ? Connaissez-vous les plus insoupçonnables associations médicamenteuses pour condamner vos ennemis au silence éternel ? Pour garder les mains propres, des professionnels se chargent de la basse besogne : comptez 5 000 € pour faire disparaître un proche, le triple pour un journaliste. C'est par ce biais que fut révélée la véritable identité du « dépeceur de Montréal », Luka Magnotta. Bienvenu dans le dark Web. Ces sites ne sont accessibles que par le réseau Tor (pour The Onion Router). (1)

Facts About Age-Related Macular Degeneration | National Eye Institute This information was developed by the National Eye Institute to help patients and their families search for general information about age-related macular degeneration. An eye care professional who has examined the patient's eyes and is familiar with his or her medical history is the best person to answer specific questions. What you should know about age-related macular degeneration Perhaps you have just learned that you or a loved one has age-related macular degeneration, also known as AMD. If you are like many people, you probably do not know a lot about the condition or understand what is going on inside your eyes. This PAGE will give you a general overview of AMD. Risk factors and symptoms of AMDTreatment optionsLow vision services that help people make the most of their remaining eyesightSupport groups and others who can help The aim is to answer your questions and to help relieve some of the anxiety you may be feeling. What is AMD? The Macula Who is at risk? Smoking. How is AMD detected?

Darknet: qu'est-ce qu'on y trouve et comment y accéder ? Pour 90% des gens internet c’est Facebook, Youtube, Google ou Bing, mais il y a aussi toutes les données auxquelles tous les utilisateurs ne peuvent accéder (base données, FTP, réseau d’entreprise, etc.) que certains appellent le Deep web ou web caché. Darknet c’est encore autre chose. Darknet est une collection des pages non-indexées, ce qui signifie que vous n’allez pas pouvoir les trouver via les moteurs de recherche et vous ne pouvez pas non plus y accéder avec un navigateur web comme Chrome puisque elles se terminent en .onion. On peut décrire le Darknet comme un sous-ensemble d’Internet qui permet de communiquer et d’échanger de façon anonyme. Une estimation récente a conclu qu’il y a plus 600 téraoctets de données dans le Darknet. Plus généralement, le Darknet peut être utilisé pour décrire tout type de sites non-commerciaux sur Internet, ou pour référer à toutes les technologies et communications web « underground », plus communément associés avec les activités illégales.

L’internet et les « pédo-nazis » : le best of J'en avais rêvé, Stéfan l'a fait : sur son blog, 36 15 ma vie, il a compilé une dizaine de reportages passés aux JT de France Télévision dans les années 90, qu'il a débusqué dans les archives de l'Ina et qui tous présentent l'internet comme un repère de pédophiles, de nazis, de trafiquants de drogue et de médicaments, de terroristes aussi. Bref, de pédo-nazis, comme on avait fini par les surnommer en cette fin de siècle dernier. Au risque de choquer certains : non seulement c'est (bien évidemment très -très très- exagéré), mais c'est tant mieux, et on aurait tort de s'en priver, pour la simple et bonne raison que le fait qu'ils se montrent permet, aussi, de les débusquer (voir aussi le billet que j'avais déjà écrit à ce sujet : Les pédophiles sont sur le Net. Nous aussi. Et tant mieux.). Trêve de bavardage, passons maintenant à la télévision, et à l'excellent billet de Stéfan, qu'il m'a autorisé à reproduire ici-bas : Scandale sur internet

The Day We Fight Back - February 11th 2014 On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog Peter Steiner's cartoon, as published in The New Yorker History[edit] Peter Steiner, a cartoonist and contributor to The New Yorker since 1979,[5] said the cartoon initially did not get a lot of attention, but that it later took on a life of its own, and he felt similar to the person who created the "smiley face".[1] In fact, Steiner was not that interested in the Internet when he drew the cartoon, and although he did have an online account, he recalled attaching no "profound" meaning to the cartoon; it was just something he drew in the manner of a "make-up-a-caption" cartoon.[1] In response to the comic's popularity, he stated, "I can't quite fathom that it's that widely known and recognized Context[edit] The cartoon marks a notable moment in the history of the Internet. The cartoon symbolizes an understanding of Internet privacy that stresses the ability of users to send and receive messages in general anonymity. In popular culture[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit]

Data on the Crisis: The Human Toll Sex Crimes 1. How many priests have been accused? See our table showing the sources for the 6,427 total. See our summary of the data with links to sources. maintains a Database of Accused Priests that provides information on every bishop, priest, nun, brother, deacon, and seminarian who has been named publicly in an allegation. 2. As with the official numbers for accused priests, the sources are The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Deacons, by Karen Terry et al., prepared by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (Washington DC: USCCB, 2004), with the annual implementation reports issued by the USCCB for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 (chap. 4), 2010, and 2011. This count of victims is universally acknowledged to be lower than the actual number. 3. Management 4. The most complete tabulation of abuse allegations against U.S. bishops is our U.S. 5 . 6. Outcomes 7. The exact number is not known. 8 . 9. In 1985, Rev. 10. 11.
