Des scènes de films cultes en gif
Ce site a toute une collection de scènes de films animées avec des gif.
Scott Haefner‘s Kite Aerial Photography
Testing to make sure the shutter is being triggered by the radio control before letting go. You can see the camera hanging from the kite line in the shadow. Recent Photos Background I’ve been interested in photography for as long as I can remember, and kite aerial photography (KAP) seemed like a natural progression. Although I had not flown a kite since I was a kid, I quickly progressed from a single test flight to attaching my camera and hoping for the best. These web pages will serve as a photo gallery of select images, as well as a general information source on equipment, technique, and other related info. What’s New? Asian Photography Magazine: May 1, 2010 I was featured in the “Pro Profile” section of Asian Photography’s March 2010 issue, discussing my kite aerial photography, nighttime photography, and urban exploration.
Tugboat Printshop
Stanley Kubrick en GIFs animés
Stanley Kubrick fascine les geeks, on le sait. C'est l'un des réalisateurs les plus commentés et détournés sur le web. Logiquement, sa filmographie a donné lieu à un hommage en GIFs. Ces images animées saisissent un instant des oeuvres, pour en isoler un mouvement, révélant ou soulignant un détail répété à l'infini. Rendus mécaniques, tels un disque rayé, ces motifs tournent en boucle, créant un effet hypnotique parfois comique dans lequel les personnages grimaçants de Kubrick deviennent des marionnettes-icônes condamnées à l'éternité. Lolita : Docteur Folamour : 2001: l'odyssée de l'espace : Orange Mécanique : Barry Lyndon : Shining : Full Metal Jacket : Eyes Wide Shut : La plupart de ces chouettes GIFs proviennent de If We Don't Remember Me, tumblr recommandable dans lequel on croise de nombreux et savoureux "samples" de films signés David Lynch, Ridley Scott, Sergio Leone, Wes Anderson ou encore Jean-Luc Godard. Par Eric VernayFollow @ericvernay
Showcase of Parallax Scrolling Effects in Web Design
The parallax illusion is one of the coolest effects to hit the world of web design. This showcase rounds up the best examples of websites that have a scrolling parallax effect. Some use the effect to add a subtle treat to the website’s background, whereas others use the parallax effect more prominently to create an exciting browsing experience. The parallax effect has been around for years in classic video games, but came into trend in the web design community when it was implemented into the background of the Silverback app website. The simple type of parallax effect seen on the Silverback site was used to spice the design with a hidden treat, only visible when the user’s browser is resized. This showcase of examples pulls together some of the latest and best vertical and/or scrolling parallax effects in web design, starting with the ever popular Nike Better World website. Nike Better World Campaign Monitor is Hiring Ben the Bodyguard Old Pulteney Row to the Pole DrupalCon Denver 2012 ap-o
Scott Campbell
L’artiste tatoueur de New-York Scott Campbell expose ses dernières oeuvres à la galerie OhWow de Los Angeles. Intitulée « Noblesse Oblige », cette exposition dévoile des créations réalisées au laser dans des planches de billets de $1. Un rendu impressionnant à découvrir dans la suite.
Andrew Harlow
Today I had the opportunity to ask one of my favorite bloggers a few questions. Kate is the creative force behind, and she also runs an incredible fashion editorial blog. Besides curating scans and runway photos, Kate also creates animated “gifs” that have become quite popular. When did you first become interested in fashion? What inspires you?"
This guy’s 258 square foot apartment is better than my house. « blah blah blah…
I am fascinated with the small house movement. There is just something about well-designed small living spaces that makes me want one! I could never imagine a way to make 258 square feet into anything but a fantastic closet, but designer Barbara Appolooni found a way to make it into a luxurious apartment equipped with a bathroom, kitchen, closet, bed, and balcony. When Christian Schallert isn’t cooking, dressing, sleeping or eating, his 258 square feet apartment looks like an empty cube. To use a piece of furniture, he has to build it.Located in Barcelona’s hip Born district, the tiny apartment is a remodeled pigeon loft. The apartment is pretty fantastic, no? If you’re interested in finding out more about Christian, here’s his photography website. <a href=" Our Poll</a> (Also, pstttttttttt… the bajillion people getting linked here…. if you like my blog, feel free to *like* my Facebook page as well. via Like this: Like Loading...
The World's Most Complex Architectural Columns
Architect and programmer Michael Hansmeyer has undertaken a most ambitious project, designing an incredibly ornate and complex column with over 16 million individual facets! Hansmeyer has taken his initiative beyond the computer design phase and actually fabricated a full-scale 2.7 meter (8.8 ft) column made from stacked cardboard sheets. Check out the pics and information below for more details on this fascinating exploration. The project involves the conception and design of a new column order based on subdivision processes. An abstracted doric column is used as an input form to the subdivision processes. The input form is tagged to allow the subdivision process to distinguish between individual components. The result is a series of columns that exhibit both highly specific local conditions as well as an overall coherency and continuity. A full-scale, 2.7-meter high variant of the columns is fabricated as a layered model using 1mm sheet.
We got in touch with Jamie Beck and her partner Kevin Burg to ask them about their "cinemagraph" technique where they combine still photographs and video to create these magnificent mini films. by agnesdelmotte Apr 28