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Spyderlib - Spyder is the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment

Spyderlib - Spyder is the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment

NINJA IDE | Ninja-ide Is Not Just Another IDE The Eric Python IDE Learning MIT Calculus in 5 Days To access the course for free, click here. Last week marked week one of my MIT Challenge, to learn their 4-year computer science curriculum in 12 months, without taking classes. As you can watch in the video above, this week was calculus. I started the class on Monday and wrote the exam on Friday afternoon. This meant I had roughly 4.5 days to watch 30+ hours of video lectures, understand all the concepts and master the math enough to pass a 3-hour comprehensive exam. Why Bother Learning Calculus? First though, why bother learning calculus at all? I happen to think calculus is cool, and that’s not only because I’m a huge geek. For learning computer science, for example, calculus allows you to run machine learning algorithms in artificial intelligence, render 3D computer graphics and create physics engines for video games. More, learning calculus in this challenge is also a statement about the benefits of theoretical versus practical knowledge. That’s the main goal of this MIT Challenge.

PySide – Python for Qt Python Community Group News Fun Kids Online Math Games "Sheppard offers everything from early math to pre-algebra. The lessons include interactive activities to practice concepts. Students can shoot fruit, pop balloons, and even play math man (the math version of pac man!). Fractions, place value, money, and basic operations are some of the areas that are covered. Check it out at " --Shannon Jakeman , "Online math games, like the ones that you'll find for free at Sheppard Software, provide a valuable opportunity for children to learn a great deal while they're having fun. It can be very difficult for parents to find productive and worthwhile activities for children on the Internet; however fun online math games do offer a wonderful alternative. This free section of Sheppard Software was written for children. Sheppard Software offers a couple of cute games for the youngest math students. For slightly older kids, there are a number of very popular arcade-style "popup" math games.

PySide_Binaries_Linux English French [] If your distributions is not listed here, check out Building PySide on Linux for how to build PySide yourself from source. You might also want to build from source if the packages in your distribution are outdated. Ubuntu Maintainer: Didier Raboud (OdyX) This is the easiest way to get PySide installed on your Ubuntu system. Didier, together with the PySide core dev team, maintains a PPA repository for Ubuntu. Pyside is in the official Ubuntu repos for precise (12.04) onward. sudo apt-get install python3-pyside For older releases, you need the ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pysidesudo apt-get update To install all the modules: sudo apt-get install python-pyside If you need just one module (e.g. sudo apt-get install python-pyside.qtgui If you want to use PySide with Python3.x, replace by So to install all the PySide modules : Debian apt-get install python-pyside Alternatively, you can install PySide module packages individually, e.g. Fedora openSUSE Git clone:

Python Programming in your Browser: PythonAnywhere Building_PySide_on_Linux English French [] PySide uses CMake’s system to build the source code packages. You can familiarize yourself with CMake at PySide_CMake_Primer. The Easy Way There is now a “BuildScripts” repository available on GitHub: With this repository, you can automate the build steps outlined in this Wiki page. Prerequisites CMake >= 2.6.0 Qt libraries and development headers >= 4.6 (preferably the latest stable release) libxml2 and development headers >= 2.6.32 (for apiextractor only) libxslt and development headers >= 1.1.19 (for apiextractor only) Python libraries and development headers >= 2.5 (for shiboken and pyside) Overview PySide consists of a chain of four interdependent packages: The API Extractor library is used by the bindings generator to parse the header and typesystem files to create an internal representation of the API. Getting the source code Alternatively, you can get the latest development branch from the repos: Sandbox #! #!

web2py I believe that the ability to easily build high quality web applications is of critical importance for the growth of a free and open society. This prevents the biggest players from monopolizing the flow of information. Hence I started the web2py project in 2007, primarily as a teaching tool with the goal of making web development easier, faster, and more secure. Over time, it has managed to win the affection of thousands of knowledgeable users and hundreds of developers. Our collective effort has created one of the most full-featured Open Source Web Frameworks for enterprise web development. As a result, in 2011, web2py won the Bossie Award for best Open Source Development Software, and in 2012 it won the Technology of the Year award from InfoWorld. As you will learn in the following pages, web2py tries to lower the barrier of entry to web development by focusing on three main goals: Ease of use. Rapid development. Security.

Building_PySide_on_Windows French Prerequisites MS Visual Studio Express 2008 : To build 64 bit packages with Visual Studio Express 2008 please see : Visual Studio Express 2010 is not supported CMake Git Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.2 “OpenSSL” (optional): : Be sure that git.exe and cmake.exe are all in your PATH . Building PySide installer Open “Visual Studio Command Prompt”: c : \ > c : \ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 \Visual Studio Tools\Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt. lnk Clone ``PySide`` from git repository: c : \ > git clone https : // pyside-setup Switch to the ``pyside-setup`` directory: Build ``PySide`` windows installer: c : \ > c : \Python32\python setup. py bdist_wininst -- qmake = c : \ Qt \4.7.4\bin\qmake. exe -- openssl = c : \OpenSSL32bit\bin Categories:

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