The Secret Garden (English7levels) TagsAdvanced A reading of the famous novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The main story begins in colonial India where the young spoiled, rotten Mary Lennox is played by Gennie James. One morning she awakes to find her servants not answering and her parents having a late dinner party. 0:02The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett0:12CHAPTER 1; Little Miss Mary0:18Nobody seemed to care about Mary.0:23She was born in India, where her father was a British official.0:30He was busy with his work, and her mother, who was very beautiful, spent all her time going to parties.0:42So an Indian woman, Kamala, was paid to take care of the little girl.0:50Mary was not a pretty child. You can watch the movie here: The Secret Garden. And here is an animated version: The Secret Garden. Here is a link to read the novel online: The Secret Garden. You can also download a legal ePub or Kindle file for your eBook here: Gutenberg Project. + Official - Cool
Kate Winslet and the little Australian anti-bullying film that took on the world | Film When one of Australian writer-director Galvin Scott Davis’ little boys was bullied he wanted to comfort him by reading him a book about overcoming bullies. But when he searched the well-stocked bookshelf in his bedroom, he couldn’t find one. So he turned to his own imagination and made up a story. “My middle boy was acting quiet and I found out that he’d been bullied. It wasn’t a bad case of bullying but it was enough to make him lose his confidence,” Davis told Guardian Australia from Los Angeles where he is on a promotional tour for his short film Daisy Chain. “So I sat down and told him a bedtime story off the cuff. Daisy Chain, an Australian animated five-minute film narrated by Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet, has grown out of that original bedtime story about a boy called Benjamin Brewster and his magical dandelions. It struck a chord and Dandelion won multiple awards and became the top-selling book app in Australia for 2012, beating the beloved Peppa Pig to the crown.
Rebecca -novel reading (Learn English Through Story) A novel by British female writer Daphne Du Maurier published in 1938, a best-seller and a masterpiece of gothic literature. Since its publication it has been a great success and many people remember its first line: Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. Alfred Hitchcock filmed a cinema version of the novel (you can watch it here: Rebecca movie version). The heroine meets and falls in love with Maxim de Winter, a rich Englishman whose beautiful wife has recently died under tragic circumstances. To her surprise and joy, Maxim proposes to her and they return to live in Manderley, his beautiful house in Cornwall. But, Maxim has never really gotten over his first wife, who despite being dead still dominates him and the house.
Book log Using Student-Centered Comprehension Strategies with Elie Wiesels Night ReadWriteThink couldn't publish all of this great content without literacy experts to write and review for us. If you've got lessons plans, videos, activities, or other ideas you'd like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. More Find the latest in professional publications, learn new techniques and strategies, and find out how you can connect with other literacy professionals. More Teacher Resources by Grade Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Classroom Resources › Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Overview Featured Resources From Theory to Practice Working in small groups, students use reciprocal teaching strategies as they read and discuss Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night. back to top Reciprocal Teaching Guidelines: This printable resource outlines and describes the four types of questions students prepare during a reciprocal teaching activity. Further Reading VanDeWeghe, Rick. Palincsar, A.
Mystiska möten gör världen större Det är kväll på Nya Zeeland. Sjundeklassarna på Tamatea Intermediate School har väntat hela dagen på att det ska bli morgon på norra halvklotet. De vet att de ska göra en så kallad mystery hangout, men de vet inte var i världen den andra klassen kommer att befinna sig. Eftersom just det här videosamtalet ska äga rum på kvällstid har de förstås sina aningar men de vill vara helt säkra, så den första frågan till eleverna på Erikslundskolan i Borås är ganska given: – Are you in the Northern hemisphere? – Yes! Nu får frågegruppen ta över. – Are you in Australia? Enbart ja- och nejfrågor är tillåtna och de närmaste minuterna haglar frågorna mellan de båda klasserna. Engelskläraren Pernilla Elander Malmqvist vill att eleverna ska tycka det är roligt att ha lektion i engelska. – Jag vill få igång dem att prata och placera dem i sammanhang där de får känna att deras liv berikas om de kan språket. Inte så konstigt att hon själv blev engelsklärare. Uppkopplat och klart! – Put a smile on!
Zing! - School Edition What Does My Free Zing Account Include? Personalized Learning Package Upgrade Only $10 a year Assign specific books to individual students, small groups of students, or an entire class Send personalized messages to individual students or an entire class Add your own eLearning teaching points to any Zing text Access a full suite of real-time data and reporting Assigning Books Promo Step into the Future with Zing! Digital libraries curated by reading level, genre, content area topic, theme, and/or reading and writing skills and strategies for grades K through 8.
Ten of the Most Successful Presidential Campaign Commercials Ever Made [Videos] | The Lowdown Like it or not, the 2016 presidential campaign season is in full force. The first Democratic candidate debate took place last night (Tuesday, Oct. 13), and two well-stocked Republican debates have already come and gone. And that means campaign commercials. A lot them. But it wasn’t always like this. In 1948 less than one percent of U.S. homes had TVs. That’s according to University of Wisconsin Journalism Professor James L. It didn’t take political campaigns long to catch on to the enormous potential this new technology offered: a green light to instantly infiltrate the living rooms of millions of Americans, more directly, personally, and visually than ever before. The very first televised campaign ads were launched in the 1952 presidential race. The Living Room Candidate, a project of the Museum of the Moving Image, is an impressively thorough and well curated repository of presidential campaign ads in every election since 1952. Dwight D. John F. At 43, John F. Lyndon B. Hubert H.
STAAR Reading Test Passages Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 STAAR Reading Test Passages | Free Printable STAAR Reading Passages PDF Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 STAAR Critical Thinking READING TEST Passages | Inference, Main Idea, Authors Purpose, Sequencing, Summary, Character Traits, Fiction and Non-Fiction (nonfiction) | STAAR ONE PAGE Printable CRITICAL THINKING Reading PASSAGES ALIGNED TO the TEXAS STAAR Assessments and the COMMON CORE ELA Standards from Depaul University More Resources 2nd-3rd Grade Reading Leveled Vocabulary Tier 1, 2, and 3 The Reading Passages are aligned to CCSS and TEKS reading standards because they share the same goal of college and career readiness! 2015 Grades 3–8 STAAR Assessments The links below open PDF versions of 2015 STAAR released tests for grades 3 through 8. GRADE 3 STAAR READING PASSAGESThe Ants and the Grasshopper STAAR Grade Level Nonfiction Reading Passages 2nd-3rd Grade Reading Level Block Clubs infer and support the main idea of a passage
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