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Researchware - Qualitative Research Software for the Analysis of Qualitative Data

Researchware - Qualitative Research Software for the Analysis of Qualitative Data
Related:  Qualitative Methodology

Home - QualitativeMind Guide 7: Less Structured Designs A refresher from our overview: To start (my opinion), I don't like the terminology distinction "quantitative-qualitative." It confuses the level of the variables (such as nominal or interval) with the way you conducted your study (e.g., experiment, ethnography), and that is just plain inaccurate. Many historical studies, for example, are highly quantitative. Field studies may gather information on quantitative variables. Furthermore, the level of the variables, whether quantitative or qualitative, also has absolutely nothing to do with causality or internal validity. Yet, we suspect that differences exist among methods called "quantitative" and those called "qualitative." I believe that key is STRUCTURE. Less structured ("qualitative") research is much more fluid. A huge reason for this fluidity is that once you enter "the field," whether this is an organization or a set of records, you will almost certainly encounter many unanticipated events, patterns or sequences. Ethnographies Gleaning

The placebo effect and a partici The placebo effect and a participatory worldview John Heron, formerly Assistant Director, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London Published in D.Peters (ed), Understanding the Placebo Effect in Complementary Medicine, London, Churchill Livingstone, 2001, pp 189-212. Outline Inquiry paradigms Cartesian anomaly The downfall of positivism A participatory worldview Critical subjectivity and four ways of knowing Methodology: co-operative inquiry The body as a subjective-objective reality The relevance and limits of conventional medical research The relevance of co-operative inquiry A co-operative inquiry project Inquiry paradigms Any method of inquiry presupposes an inquiry paradigm, which is a set of basic beliefs about the nature of reality and how it may be known (Guba and Lincoln, 1994; Heron and Reason, 1997). These are philosophical presuppositions of the method and are not derived from the method.

Qualitative Qualitative research is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research. It emphasizes the importance of looking at variables in the natural setting in which they are found. Interaction between variables is important. Characteristics Purpose: Understanding - Seeks to understand people’s interpretations. Reality: Dynamic - Reality changes with changes in people’s perceptions. Viewpoint: Insider - Reality is what people perceive it to be. Values: Value bound - Values will have an impact and should be understood and taken into account when conducting and reporting research. Focus: Holistic - A total or complete picture is sought. Orientation: Discovery - Theories and hypotheses are evolved from data as collected. Data: Subjective - Data are perceptions of the people in the environment. Instrumentation: Human - The human person is the primary collection instrument. Advantages Disadvantages Corroboration

Qualitative program evaluation methods J. Mitch Vaterlaus, M.S. Graduate Extension Assistant Utah State University Brian J. Evaluation is an important component of refining programs and documenting impacts. Evaluation, methods, qualitative Extension professionals may not feel they have the time, resources, or expertise for conducting advanced statistical analyses (Higginbotham, Henderson, and Adler-Baeder 2007). “Qualitative research” is a title that represents a broad family of methods (Bamberger, Rugh, and Mabry 2006; Bodgan and Biklen 1998). The underlying assumptions of qualitative methods are closely related to Cooperative Extension’s mission of understanding and meeting people’s needs at the local level (U.S. The research question Qualitative data collection Qualitative data analysis Quality in qualitative evaluation Challenges and considerations in qualitative evaluation Research questions are different in quantitative and qualitative methodologies (Corbin and Strauss 2008). Triangulation. Bamberger, M., J.

Bracketing (Epoche): SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry - Subjectivity and Objectivity in Qualitative Methodology | Ratner The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed (for example, a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader). If you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with PDFs, Highwire Press provides a helpful Frequently Asked Questions about PDFs. Alternatively, you can download the PDF file directly to your computer, from where it can be opened using a PDF reader. To download the PDF, click the Download link above. Fullscreen Fullscreen Off Copyright (c) 2002 Carl Ratner This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

COMPASSS: About » About What is COMPASSS? COMPASSS (COMPArative Methods for Systematic cross-caSe analySis) is a worldwide network bringing together scholars and practitioners who share a common interest in theoretical, methodological and practical advancements in a systematic comparative case approach to research which stresses the use of a configurational logic, the existence of multiple causality and the importance of a careful construction of research populations. It was launched in 2003, and its management was re-organized in 2008 and 2012 to better accommodate the growing needs in the field. Its main goal is to further develop systematic comparative case analysis as a genuine and established research strategy to study many different and diverse phenomena. Apart from the management of this international resource site, the COMPASSS core group also organizes seminars, manages a bibliographical and data archive, produces publications and is engaged in software development.

Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Qualitative Research (Reminder: Don’t forget to utilize the concept maps and study questions as you study this and the other chapters.) Qualitative research relies primarily on the collection of qualitative data (i.e., nonnumeric data such as words and pictures). I suggest that, to put things in perspective, you start by reviewing the table showing the common differences between qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research. That is, take a quick look at Table 2.1 on page 31 (or go to lecture two because it is also included in the lecture). Next, to further understand what qualitative research is all about, please carefully examine Patton’s excellent summary of the twelve major characteristics of qualitative research, which is shown in Table 12.1 (page 362) and below: Now you should understand what qualitative research is. Phenomenology. Phenomenology Ethnography There are two additional or specialized types of ethnography. 1. 2. Case Study Research Grounded Theory

IIER 16: Mackenzie and Knipe - research dilemmas: Paradigms, methods and methodology Issues In Educational Research, Vol 16, 2006[ Contents Vol 16 ] [ IIER Home ] Noella Mackenzie and Sally KnipeCharles Sturt University In this article the authors discuss issues faced by early career researchers, including the dichotomy, which many research textbooks and journal articles create and perpetuate between qualitative and quantitative research methodology despite considerable literature to support the use of mixed methods. The authors review current research literature and discuss some of the language, which can prove confusing to the early career researcher and problematic for post-graduate supervisors and teachers of research. Introduction Social scientists have come to abandon the spurious choice between qualitative and quantitative data; they are concerned rather with that combination of both which makes use of the most valuable features of each. Research paradigms Postpositivist (and positivist) paradigm Interpretivist/constructivist paradigm Transformative paradigm
