Colorado Disclaimer: The information presented on the DSIRE web site provides an unofficial overview of financial incentives and other policies. It does not constitute professional tax advice or other professional financial guidance, and it should not be used as the only source of information when making purchasing decisions, investment decisions or tax decisions, or when executing other binding agreements. Please refer to the individual contact provided below each summary to verify that a specific financial incentive or other policy applies to your project. While the DSIRE staff strives to provide the best information possible, the DSIRE staff, the N.C. Solar Center, N.C. State University and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. make no representations or warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information.
DIY Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Image Credit: In this project, we will build a small DIY VAWT, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. We are not expecting to get much over 50 watts of production, though it would be fairly simple to double the size of the blade area to increase power. Whats good about this design is it has a low noise level. It can not be heard from 20m away. The average noise is lower than 45dB (A) in 8m/s wind speed. Sustainable Transportation for a World Beyond Oil Ron Swenson, President, EcoSystemsContact The world is about to experience a real "energy crisis," likely to be a calamity unparalleled in human history. As global environmental crises mount, increasing the demand for energy resources, we will be confronted with a rapid decrease in availability of oil, the cheap resource which has fueled the rise of the modern economy and the information age. We will be forced, in a very short time, to abandon the oil economy. Like communities all around the world, Santa Cruz has urgent needs for better transportation, and the choices are to begin again using the existing rail line or to expand the roadways. Towards our goal of creating "NOPEC" -- Non-Oil Power Exporting Communities, EcoSystems is developing a Solar Electric UltraLite Rail Public Transit System for the existing rail corridors in Santa Cruz, California, to help create a viable world beyond oil. The RE Atlas application is an interactive map tool that allows the user to browse research data concerning renewable energy resources. RE Atlas is dynamically generated. If you are using a specialized screen reader and having difficulty understanding the page content, please contact the technical response team at 800-254-6735 who can assist you with a verbal or written description. Controlling Layers The Layers tab in the left-hand column allows you to select the data you want to display on the map. Click in the checkboxes to choose each data type. Key Findings German Energy Transition - Arguments for a renewable energy future PDF Download 1. The German energy transition is an ambitious, but feasible undertaking. A lot of people outside Germany, including environmentalists, are skeptical. But even the skeptics like Germany’s goal of demonstrating that a thriving industrial economy can switch from nuclear and fossil energy to renewables and efficiency.
Press Release - Colorado New Energy Economy Companies As of January 11, 2011, Colorado has a new Governor, John Hickenlooper. Please update your bookmarks to reflect Colorado Governor website changes. The new sites are listed below. Thank you. If you would like to visit the website for Governor John Hickenlooper, please use the link below: · Governor John Hickenlooper ONR Our Natural Resources Homepage - Announcements & News The Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC) is looking to recruit members for its National Council. Here is more information from LCC’s website regarding the positions and how to apply. Applications are due September 20, 2013: The U.S. Institute and an LCC National Strategy Team are now accepting applications for the following participant categories:
Announcing the 2010 GoingGreen Silicon Valley 100 guest You must enter your email Your password is incorrect You must enter your password I forgot my password and/or email Amazon road spells disaster for Indians The proposed road threatens some of the world's last uncontacted tribes in Brazil and Peru. © Survival Peru’s largest protected area is on the verge of being invaded by a road, which threatens to destroy the lives of thousands of indigenous people. The proposed project would cut through two indigenous reserves and a national park, exposing thousands of Indians to the risks of drug trafficking, illegal logging and unwanted contact. It would also place some of the world’s last uncontacted tribes, who live in the government-protected area, in direct and immediate danger. Politicians are now debating the issue, which supporters say will open up for economic ‘development’ parts of the Amazon that are currently isolated.
Top 50 VC-Funded Greentech Startups Venture capital firms have invested almost $20 billion into hundreds of greentech startups since 2005. All of these firms are looking to launch a disruptive force into their target markets, scale rapidly and grow quickly. Very few of these firms will actually make it. We put our energy analysts, reporters and editors to the task of picking fifty VC startups in greentech that have at least a fighting chance of succeeding as VC-funded start-ups and making an impact on our energy-intensive lives. Selection criteria: Technological edge Potential to severely disrupt the market Great management team Massive market opportunity Substantial war chest Feasible exit strategy Sheer hype power Only venture-backed private firms
Update! 15 PowerPoint Slides That Shook the Earth : Greentech Media If you attend enough cleantech events or are pitched by enough startups, you start to see the same few PowerPoint slides over and over again. Here is a collection of the best or at least the most notorious and historically significant slides in our industry. This collection has been one of our most popular pieces and I'm taking the opportunity to update some of the charts and add some additional commentary. After publishing this list to an overwhelming response, we heard from the original architects of some of these iconic greentech slides and we made sure to give them their overdue credit. From the BP Statistical Review of World Energy -- here's a painful reminder of what we pay at the pump.
The Emerging Climate Technology Consensus Update (Jul 16, 2010): Expanding on a Washington Post op-ed, Vinod Khosla delineates his argument "about the deficiencies of an isolated cap-and-trade or carbon-pricing bill," and joins the climate technology consensus. Khosla writes, "If we want to make a significant difference, we need to get on the path to reducing carbon worldwide by 80 percent now by focusing on what I call "carbon reduction capacity building" -- in other words, we need to develop radical carbon-reduction technologies. A utility cap (or a carbon price) won't build capacity -- it will just increase our utility costs and decrease our manufacturing competitiveness without any increase in our technological competitiveness. Update (Jul 14, 2010): Other observers have reached similar conclusions about the faltering pollution paradigm. Walter Russell Mead and Clive Crook weigh in on "The Big Green Lie" but can't agree on what it is. By Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger
Rocky Mountain Institute - Driving the Efficient Use of Resources Creating Better Buildings Achieving deeper levels of energy savings will require a scaling up of investment in energy efficiency. RMI’s new practice guide on how to calculate and present value from deep energy retrofits can help drive that investment. Natural Resources Canada's CanmetENERGY Natural Resources Canada's CanmetENERGY is the Canadian leader in clean energy research and technology development. With over 450 scientists, engineers and technicians and more than 100 years of experience, we are Canada's knowledge centre for scientific expertise on clean energy technologies. CanmetENERGY supports Natural Resources Canada's priorities to promote the sustainable and economic development of our natural resources, while improving the quality of life of Canadians.