Click and Learn What is Blended Learning? A quote from the former US Secretary of Education The goal of blended courses is to join the best features of in-class teaching with the best features of online learning to promote active independent learning. Blended courses are courses in which a significant portion of the learning activities have been moved online, and time traditionally spent in the face-to face (FTF) classroom is reduced but not eliminated. There is no one model for blended learning. Blended Learning in Plain English Blended Learning by Curtis Bonk In "Blended Learning - General," Dr. Related Literature Du, C. (2011, September). Blended course improves the student final examination/course performance. Melton, B., Graf, H., & Chopak-Foss, J. (2009, January). Blended course delivery is preferred over a traditional lecture format. Schaber, P., Wilcox, K., Whiteside, A., Marsh, L., & Brooks, D. (2010, July). Resources Articles, Presentations and Seminars about Blended learning - Educause Additional resources
9 Step Guide for Administrators New to Twitter (From an administrator relatively new to Twitter) « Mission Driven Leadership BOLD STATEMENT ALERT…Every school administrator, and really every educator, needs to be on Twitter. This is not a statement I realized to be true until I was actually active on Twitter, but now I regret waiting so long. There are several Twitter startup guides out there, but this one is unique (I hope) as it focuses on administrators and educational leaders new to Twitter, from the perspective of an administrator fairly new to Twitter. There are so many reasons to be on Twitter; self-reflection, professional development, current data and research, collaboration, and modeling tech savviness to staff and students. 1. Twitter is the only social media site that I use. I was wary of getting on Twitter for the same reasons I shunned Facebook and other social media apps. There is nothing to be afraid of. 2. There is a ton of info and resources out there on how to set up your account. 3. At first you will do much more following of others than creating content yourself. 4. MT – Modified tweet.
Chirbit - Record, Upload and Share Audio Easily - Social Audio Doceri: app iPad per la classe capovolta Se utilizzate l'iPad per la vostra classe capovolta vi consiglio di provare Doceri. Si tratta di un'applicazione che combina in un'unica soluzione una lavagna interattiva, uno strumento per lo screencasting e per il controllo del desktop, quindi risorsa ideale per la creazione di lezioni o presentazioni integranti tutti i tipi di contenuti multimediali. Ecco alcune idee per utilizzare doceri in una flipped classroom: Creare lezione di qualsiasi disciplina sul vostro ipad e postarla sulla vostro social learning o sul vostro canale YouTube per consentire i vostri studenti di visualizzare prima di lavorarci in classe. Sono solo alcune tra le molte possibilità di utilizzo in classe di doceri, che potrete scaricare gratuitamente da iTunes Per maggiori informaazioni: Articoli correlati
EarthViewer Flipped-Learning Toolkit: Let's Talk Tech Editor's Note:This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network. The greatest benefit of flipped learning is the restructuring of class time, which is more of a pedagogical solution than a technological solution. However, the in-class benefit is dependent upon the utilization of technology tools. So what technologies are necessary in a flipped classroom? Content Creation Tools One of the most difficult challenges for some teachers to overcome is the mastery of a content creation tool. Screencasting A popular software category for flipped learning is screencasting tools. Tablet Software Many teachers seek a tablet solution. Document Camera-Based Solutions Many teachers have document cameras in their rooms. Camera-Based Solutions Some teachers choose to forego software-based solutions and opt for the video camera. Record in a quiet room with a decent microphone. Distribution Tools These are only a few solutions.
Internet TESL Journal (For ESL/EFL Teachers) Enregistrer et communiquer des commentaires oraux Diffuser aux élèves des commentaires oraux personnalisés sur leurs travaux peut être très utile. Mais comment faire ? Voici une proposition de dispositif combinant : une application mobile d’enregistrement (Chirbit)un service de publipostage (via Google Drive). Ce dispositif me semble efficace et apprécié par les élèves. N.B. : je présente d’abord quelques éléments de cadrage pédagogique sur l’évaluation, puis je détaille une procédure possible. Quelques éléments de cadrage pédagogique L’efficacité pédagogique des commentaires sur les travaux des élèves n’est plus à démontrer, particulièrement dans le cadre d’une évaluation formative. Les commentaires détaillés et prompts de l’enseignant sont pédagogiquement plus efficaces que les notes (voir cette étude récente). Quelques études de référence : • synthèse par Dylan William, Embedded Formative Assessment (2011 : chapitre 5) ; • ouvrage collectif dirigé par F. Il est donc important de communiquer des commentaires détaillés et explicites.
The Flipped Classroom Resources Collection by Cassie Holewinski edshelf Flipped Classroom Resources Curated by Cassie Holewinski Flipped Classroom Workshop 2014 Flipped Classroom Share: 16 followers 104 tools View as Grid List Compact Wordle Image Editors Prezi Presentation Creators Pic Collage Image Editors YouTube Teachers Video Content SchoolTube Video Content YouTube EDU Video Content Khan Academy Video Content BrainPOP Jr. BrainPOP Featured Movie Video Content iTunes U Online Courses Google Earth Study Aids Dropbox File Sharing Evernote Note-Taking Google Docs Text Editors Socrative Teacher Clickers Quizlet Flashcards GoAnimate Video Creators SlideShark Presentation Viewers PBS Kids Video Video Content ToonDoo Digital Storytelling Creators ShowMe Video Creators Animoto Video Creators Kerpoof Game-Based Learning Screencast-O-Matic Screen Captures Domo Animate Video Creators Knowmia Teach Lesson Plan Creators PowToon Presentation Creators Storyline Online Digital Storybooks Screenr Screen Captures knovio Presentation Creators Xtranormal Animation Creators Symbaloo Bookmarking
EarthViewer for iPad Takes You Through the History of Earth EarthViewer is a free iPad app that takes you through 4.5 billion years on Earth. EarthViewer allows you to select eons and eras to view. Within each eon and era you can view tectonic plates, continental drift, and other geological events. You can view major biological events in EarthViewer too. Climate data for the last one hundred years is available in the app. EarthViewer could be an excellent resource to include in a science or geography lesson. Tags: biology, free ipad app, free ipad apps, geography, geology, science, science apps Flipped classroom 2.0 Learning Published on May 24th, 2014 | by Mark Anderson I’ve been a big fan and supporter of flipped learning for a long time. I wrote about it at length in Perfect ICT and whilst most evidence is anecdotal, in my experience, it works. For those of you who don’t know, flipped learning is the attempt to take much of the instructional element out of the classroom in to the home via homework so that support of more difficult concepts and reinforcement can take place in the classroom. Jon Tait ran a small action research trial in his school which you can read about here – you can find it reblogged and written about in a number of places elsewhere too. For me, I like to include accountability and tracking with things that I do. With that in mind, when Michael Ha recently showed me in our AppSmashLive a tool he found called EduCanon I have to admit, I got somewhat excited. The interface is really very simple to use. This in my mind would work like this. Here’s what it looks like when being used…
eLearning Technology Evernote en classe Dans la série des vidéos « dans la peau d’un élève », voici le fonctionnement des dictées autonomes comme je le décris ici. Je lisais l’autre jour un tweet qui expliquait qu’avec le numérique, les enseignants allaient pouvoir créer leur ressources… Ça m’a fait bondir. Le sous entendu c’était que derrière, avec les enseignants allaient pouvoir créer leurs propres manuels numériques avec les nouveaux outils. Bon, le premier truc qui m’est venu à l’esprit c’est quand même ça : vous avez une idée du temps et de la somme de travail que ça prend de faire un manuel ? Numérique ou pas. Et puis le livre numérique c’est un concept qui m’échappe un peu quand même. Lire la suite Et bien voilà, je m’ennuyais un peu à faire des tutos en capture d’écran, alors j’ai sorti la GoPro et je tente une nouvelle formule. A-t-on vraiment besoin de papiers, cahiers et autres feuilles pour organiser son travail d’enseignant ? Voilà maintenant plusieurs années que je dis souvent que mon cartable, c’est ma tablette.