Top 50 Free Open Source Classes on Computer Science : Comtechtor Computer science is an interesting field to go into. There are a number of opportunities in computer science that you can take advantage of. With computers increasingly becoming a regular part of life, those who can work with computers have good opportunities. Introduction to Computer Science Learn the basics of computer science, and get a foundation in how computer science works. Introduction to Computer Science: Learn about the history of computing, as well as the development of computer languages. Comprehensive Computer Science Collections If you are interested in courses that are a little more comprehensive in nature, you can get a good feel for computer science from the following collections: Programming and Languages Get a handle on computer programming, and learn about different computer languages used in programming. Computer Software Learn about software development, and the importance of software in computer programming. Computer Systems and Information Technology Web Development
Seven Predictions About the Future of Advertising Let's start with what we know about media habits, structural changes in advertising practices, and advertising effectiveness. Credit: Paul Carlon Media habits People are NOT watching less TV. Over 95% of video watching hours still occur on TV. However, many multitask and use DVRs. People are moving away from print toward digital. Advertising practices While Advertising spending is down because of the recession, TV, digital, and shopper marketing appear to be gaining share at the expense of radio and print (based on latest reports from TNS media). Structural changes It's about integration. Ad effectiveness Despite people saying in surveys they don't like advertising, it still works. At the ARF, our planning scenarios about advertising include: Both push and pull advertising will continue to work and will show growth once the economy rebounds. The evidence does not support the "advertising is dead" view that some express. Read more of Joel Rubinson's Brave New Marketing blog
How a 3 Month Old Website Received 958,373 Visits from Google 254 Comments 6 minutes I receive a lot of emails from people who ask whether, with all of the competition online, it’s still possible to enter a niche right now and make money. I won’t deny that it’s getting much, much harder in the affiliate marketing space (how I make money) but persistence, determination and creativity can take you anywhere. Did you know that 20-25% of Google searches every single day are brand new? 1 in 4 search queries have never been typed in the history of the search engine – every single day. My Results I’m guessing the first thing you want to know is whether I’m just writing a sensational headline and have nothing of real value to share that you can apply to your own endeavours. Before I do that, here’s the screenshot you’re probably looking for: Sadly, I don’t see how I can prove the site was only 3 months old without revealing the domain. The exact keywords are going to be revealed in a short while, but first let me explain what it is that I’m doing.
100+ awesome free and open source applications - Software - Posted on Tuesday 27th of September 2011 at 13:05 in SoftwareIt has always amazed me quite how many incredible, varied and useful applications are available for free on the Internet. Be it free, open source, web-based or merely passive trials - the number of top quality items on offer is huge. The purpose of this list is to help people realise that the free and open source software communities are expansive and generous. Index - what types of software I cover in this list Image, Image Editing and Graphics Office Web and web development Development Applications (IDE's) Operating Systems Video Playback and Editing Audio Anti-Virus and Security Downloading and Download Managers Remote Access Useful Applications that don't get their own category Communications Servers and Techie Stuff Games Image, Image Editing and Graphics GIMP – The GNU Image Manipulation Program is a Photoshop replacement that doesn’t have "quite" as much functionality but it’s excellent for free. Audio
La era de las marcas depredadoras Este ensayo esta basado fundamentalmente en el libro titulado "LA ERA DE LAS MARCAS DEPREDADORAS " Editorial Mc Graw Hill del autor R. Homs, Presidente ejecutivo de la Empresa Consultora Ries & Ries México. A través del desarrollo de este ensayo pretendo aportar vertientes adicionales del futuro vaticinado por Homs, que bajo mi punto de vista tienen un impacto más grave en el pueblo de México. Esclavitud Corporativa. Lo mismo sucede con la poderosa Empresa Wal – Mart. Lo mismo sucederá con todos los productos y servicios manufacturados por marcas que al perder posición en el mercado ante las marcas poderosas quedan a merced de las grandes para que, si bien les va, ser sus maquiladores. Las Corporaciones de las Grandes Marcas, el sector más poderosos del mundo, financiera, política y económicamente. Desgraciadamente si el desempleo sigue en crecimiento acelerado, México se enfrentará a una atmósfera de inseguridad, en todos sentidos y limitará fuertemente el crecimiento económico del país.
Kellogg vincula el cuidado a sus trabajadores con la obtención de mejores resultados Aviso: Esta noticia tiene más de un año. Última actualización: 06/05/2011 MADRID, 6 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Kellogg ha vinculado el cuidado a sus trabajadores, a través de la marca de empleo 'It's a Special Feeling', con la obtención de mejores resultados, durante el encuentro del ciclo de desayunos Employer Branding organizados por la consultora PeopleMatters, según informa la compañía. La directora de Recursos Humanos de Kellogg España, Susana Gómez, ha señalado que su equipo humano, así como los futuros profesionales que formarán parte de la compañía, "son un activo importantísimo a cuidar, ya que las personas y sus capacidades son clave para lograr un crecimiento sostenible y mejores resultados en la compañía". En este sentido, la empresa creó la marca de empleo 'It's a Special Feeling' cuyo objetivo es el generar un mayor conocimiento y posicionamiento de la compañía como un excelente lugar en el que trabajar y desarrollarse.
C Tutorial C Language Tutorial Table of Contents: This section contains a brief introduction to the C language. It is intended as a tutorial on the language, and aims at getting a reader new to C started as quickly as possible. It is certainly not intended as a substitute for any of the numerous textbooks on C. The best way to learn a new ``human'' language is to speak it right from the outset, listening and repeating, leaving the intricacies of the grammar for later. An excellent textbook on C by two well-known and widely respected authors is: The C Programming Language -- ANSI C Brian W. Dennis Ritchie designed and implemented the first C compiler on a PDP-11 (a prehistoric machine by today's standards, yet one which had enormous influence on modern scientific computation). 1. Let's be polite and start by saluting the world! #include < stdio.h> void main() { printf("\nHello World\n"); } Save the code in the file hello.c, then compile it by typing: gcc hello.c 2. gcc sine.c -lm 3. and the for loop: 4.
Trabajo esclavo: la ley y las marcas J.M.J. trabaja en un taller textil de la calle Zelarrayán 1875, en el Bajo Flores. Su especialidad es rectista y cobra, en negro, cinco pesos por hora. Ficha la entrada a las 7.30 y la salida a las 17.30. Siempre –asegura- hace horas extras, pero nunca quedan registradas por el reloj de la empresa y por lo tanto no le son reconocidas. Como está a punto de nacer su hijo, J.M.J. exigió a sus jefes el blanqueo. Mentiras piadosas El futuro papá había llegado de Bolivia por su cuenta. A fines de julio, la Defensoría del Pueblo hizo la nueva presentación judicial ante Norberto Oyarbide, quien ya investiga a 80 firmas en una megacausa que busca desentrañar la red de talleres de costura clandestinos que fabrican las prendas de grandes marcas con mano de obra esclava. Leyes y sobornos Para la Defensoría del Pueblo, este modus operandi no se suscribe a una serie de casos aislados.
Marcas de automóviles usan a sus empleados como imagen de campañas | MERCADOTECNIA PUBLICIDAD | Revista Merca2.0 | Europa Europa- Para sus nuevas campañas, Mazda y Seat presentan algo en común: sus respectivos empleados aparecen como su nueva imagen. En el caso de Mazda, JWT estuvo a cargo de la creatividad, mientras que Mindshare se encargó de la planificación de medios. En el caso de Seat, la campaña fue desarrollada por Atlético Internationa Advertising [...] byEvelyn Castillejoson24-05-2011 40lecturas Europa- Para sus nuevas campañas, Mazda y Seat presentan algo en común: sus respectivos empleados aparecen como su nueva imagen. En el caso de Mazda, JWT estuvo a cargo de la creatividad, mientras que Mindshare se encargó de la planificación de medios. Para ver más detalles, da click aquí. En el caso de la marca española, la campaña incluye tres spots televisivos en los que se promociona el nuevo Seat Ibiza. Más del autor: Redactora Merca2.0
C++ Programming/Exercises/Iterations Iterations[edit] Solutions requirements Solutions must: Use only standard C++.Be compilable.Be in accordance to general coding practices. (no esoteric demonstrations are required) and should: Handle error situations, even if behavior is not defined. Please do not add solutions that are 99% similar to another that is already present, if it is an improvement just add it to the existing solution. EXERCISE 1[edit] Write a program that asks the user to type an integer and writes "YOU WIN" if the value is between 56 and 78 (both included). int main() {int i; cout << "Type a number between 58 and 73: " << endl; cin>>i; if (i>=58 && i<=78) { cout << "YOU WIN" << i << endl; else cout<<"YOU LOSE!" EXERCISE 2[edit] Write a program that asks the user to type all the integers between 8 and 23 (both included) using a for loop. Solution Alternative solution by Bartosz Radwanski Alternate solution Solution in C Another alternate solution Failed solutions (correct them as an extra exercise) EXERCISE 3[edit]