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Espace pour la vie | Calendrier Au Japon, pendant l'ère Heian (794-1185), les aristocrates organisaient des fêtes au pied des cerisiers en fleurs. Ainsi commençait la tradition du o-hanami : contempler (mi) les fleurs (hana). Au fil des siècles, cette coutume s'est répandue au sein de toutes les classes sociales. Peu rustique, le cerisier japonais fleurit difficilement sous notre climat mais nos nombreux pommetiers aux jolies fleurs créeront une ambiance tout aussi paisible et romantique… Des activités sont aussi prévues pour agrémenter la journée. Les places sont limitées. Seules les personnes ayant réservé une boîte à lunch pourront participer au pique-nique. Période d'inscription : du 17 avril au 15 mai 2017 Formulaire d'inscription à venir. Paiement par chèque seulement.

List of common misconceptions From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Each entry on this list of common misconceptions is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. These entries are concise summaries; the main subject articles can be consulted for more detail. A common misconception is a viewpoint or factoid that is often accepted as true but which is actually false. Arts and culture[edit] Business[edit] Federal legal tender laws in the United States do not require that private businesses, persons, or organizations accept cash for payment, though it must be treated as valid payment for debts when tendered to a creditor.[1] Food and cooking[edit] Food and drink history[edit] Microwave ovens[edit] Film and television[edit] Language[edit] English language[edit] Law, crime, and military[edit] United States[edit] Twinkies were not claimed to be the cause of San Francisco mayor George Moscone's and supervisor Harvey Milk's murders. Literature[edit] Fine arts[edit] Music[edit] Popular music[edit]

Medhue Weighted Bodysuits for Avastar | Medhue Animations Included in this package is a Blend file which has 4 mesh weighted bodysuits, and 2 mesh skirts, generated from the default Secondlife avatar, with a higher poly count for better weight transfers to your clothing items. 2 bodysuits(male & female) are weighted for classic rigging, and the other 2 are weighted for Fitted Mesh rigging. This product works best when used with the Avastar add on, for Blender. The propose of these suits is to make it easier for you to rig your Secondlife clothing items. This is not meant to be a final solution, or a few button clicks and you're done. A number of people have asked if they can pay for this in lindens. We are offering a service to rig Secondlife creator's clothing and avatars for them. Update 11/29/2014 version 2 = Now includes a Male wetsuit with classic and fitted mesh weights! Updated 1/9/2015 version 3 = Now includes mesh skirts with both classic weights and fitted mesh weights. Included in this package:

You're Distracted. This Professor Can Help. - Technology By Marc Parry Seattle Matthew Ryan Williams for The Chronicle Before each class session, David Levy leads his students in a few minutes of meditation. To complete her homework assignment, Meran Hill needed total concentration. Then she plunged into the task: Spend 15 minutes doing e-mail. Soon enough, though, a familiar craving bubbled up. As Ms. But the assignment had her trapped. The e-mail drill was one of numerous mind-training exercises in a unique class designed to raise students' awareness about how they use their digital tools. Their professor, David M. At its extreme, that debate plays out in the writing of authors whom the critic Adam Gopnik has dubbed the Never-Betters and the Better-Nevers. On college campuses, meanwhile, educators struggle to manage what the Stanford University multitasking researcher Clifford Nass describes as a radical shift in the nature of attention. Amid this scampering attention, some fear for the future of long-form reading. When I ask Mr. But Mr. Mr.

How to Use Facebook Video to Promote Your Jewelry Business - Interweave Net Profits If you’re comfortable on camera and like to teach, consider streaming a demonstration on Facebook. If you spend any time on everybody’s favorite social platform, you’ve probably seen announcements in your feed that so-and-so is “now live.” How effective is Facebook video as a promotional tool? “I think it’s incredibly effective for some people,” says Sarah Benoit, co-founder of the internet marketing firm JB Media Group. “Facebook video is not right for every audience,” Sarah says. If you’re interested in social broadcasting, figure out first whether it’s right for your message and audience. “Maybe this is an easy way for them to listen to you while they do something else. Plan Ahead With any video you put out there, decide beforehand what you’re trying to accomplish and then let people know what you’ll be talking about and when. You don’t have to spend a fortune to produce video good enough for a live broadcast, but a decent tripod and mic will go a long way.

where good ideas come from? There's an easy way to be funnier and more genuine without turning into a jerk — Quartz The gig economy is supposed to be a tradeoff: In exchange for foregoing the stability of a steady income and health benefits, workers get more freedom and flexibility. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that, in some cases, workers are giving up a lot more than they get in return. A recent article in the New York Times explains that the ride-sharing service Uber has been using design based on behavioral science to encourage its workers to work longer hours—for less money than they think. On one hand, organizations since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution have tried to incentivize employees to behave in ways that are advantageous to the bottom line. But federal law also affords employees certain protections—mandatory lunch breaks and paid overtime for certain categories of workers, for example—meant to protect workers from abuse. As contract workers, Uber drivers do not have those protections. 1) Uber is experimenting on drivers without the drivers’ knowledge The upshot

Silkpunk Sci-Fi Author Ken Liu Talks Fantasy, Technology and the Future of the Human Race Ken Liu, author of the Dandelion Dynasty series, is one of the leading new voices in science fiction. His worlds are teeming with airships and submarines crafted from silk, sinew and feather. Liu spoke with Nexus Media about “silkpunk,” tech culture, and what today’s innovators can learn from science fiction. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. You can read an excerpt of Liu’s latest book here. In your Dandelion Dynasty series, you reimagine transportation, military hardware and the rest of the technological landscape in a style you’ve come to call “silkpunk.” In creating the silkpunk aesthetic, I was influenced by the ideas of W. In the silkpunk world of my novels, this view of technology dominates. The engineers are celebrated as great artists who transform the existing language and evolve it toward ever more beautiful forms. How does silkpunk compare to other “-punk” subgenres, like steampunk?

Aukey Cortex 4K VR Headset Review and Giveaway With a higher resolution and lower price than high-end headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, the Aukey Cortex 4KVR should be a compelling entry point into the world of VR. But is it? It’s available now for just under $400 (or $380 if you use the coupon code “MUOAUKVR”, valid until April 8th!) AUKEY VR Headset, Cortex 4K Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display with Earphones, 110° FOV All-In-One VR Goggles for PC AUKEY VR Headset, Cortex 4K Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display with Earphones, 110° FOV All-In-One VR Goggles for PC AUKEY Cortex 4K VR Headset delivers an immersive ultra-high-definition 4K virtual reality experience for Windows 7 or above 64-bit PCs Buy Now At Amazon $399.99 The Aukey Cortex is a tethered headset, meaning it needs to be connected to a computer. Specifications and Image Quality The lenses are conventional domed style like the PSVR; not fresnel, like the Vive or Rift. Seeing Ghosts Headphones and Comfort Setup and Software In short, a very mixed bag.

EA Montreal to Add 500 New Jobs, Investing $500 Million in Quebec Electronic Arts will be adding 500 new jobs in Montreal and investing $500 million in the region over the next 10 years in a move to expand its operations in Montreal, according to an announcement made by the Quebec government. According to the announcement, the company will not only be creating jobs in the area but it also “intends to help structure the industry, in particular by designing infrastructure that can be shared with the video game community.” The announcement did not detail what that exactly means but. all in all, EA’s investments in the region, which will include staff, facilities, and other investment, will amount to the previously mentioned $500 million, which it will spend over a 10-year period. “We offer Electronic Arts a stable, predictable, competitive fiscal framework enabling the company to move forward with this substantial expansion. [Source: Canada News Wire via]

Modules d’apprentissage en ligne sur les 6 types d’écriture numérique Ce sont des modules en ligne pédagogiques rares, passionnants et utiles que l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne met à la disposition de tous via le projet PRatiques d’ÉCriture Interactive en Picardie (PRECIP) qui a également mobilisé l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne et la Région Picardie : Connaître, comprendre et apprendre l’écriture numérique avec ses pluralités. On parle de différents types d’écritures numériques « qui se recoupent mais se distinguent » : collaborative, interactive, multimédia, écriture des traces, écriture des traces, écritures sous modèle. 6 types d’écriture numérique Cette typologie définie par le projet PRECIP se décline en 6 types d’écriture (en terme scientifique) : l’écriture multimédia, l’écriture hypertextuelle, l’écriture collaborative, l’écriture interactive, l’écriture sous modèle (ou architextuelle), l’écriture des traces. Décrypter et analyser les écritures numériques Sommaire des modules pédagogiques Introduction Qu’est-ce que le numérique ?
