Things To Tweak / Fix After Installing Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
A note before reading this post: before giving up on Unity without giving it a try... don't. Try Unity for a few days - yes, it's not a finished product but it's actually quite interesting - and if you don't like it then switch. If you've just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, there are probably a few things you'll miss, so here is how to get them back as well as some other things you may find useful. Install CompizConfig Settings Manager and Tweak Unity to better suit your needs: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Then search for CompizConfig Settings Manager in Dash and you'll find the Unity-related options under the "Unity" Compiz plugin. Using CCSM, you'll be able to tweak the Unity launcher reveal mode, hide behavior, change some Unity-specific keyboard shortcuts, change the Unity launcher icon size, the top panel opacity, tweak various animations and more. Another tool for configuring some hidden Unity settings is Dconf-editor. sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
GNOME battery indicator thats working
On OMGbuntu I read this interesting article: For as long as I am able to remember the Battery indicator in Ubuntu has, for me, been just shy of useless. Whilst it pictorially displays my battery charge it hasn’t been able to provide me with anything more: all I get for enquiring further is a never-changing ‘estimating…’ menu entry. Unsure if this was all the indicator was capable of doing I took to Twitter and asked my followers. Turns out that whilst it should tell me a bit more information than it currently many of you also see nothing but the same ‘estimating…’ menu entry. Battery-Status ‘Battery Status’ is a GNOME Panel applet capable of displaying detailed information about the battery. When run in traditional GNOME-Applet mode options such as adding time remaining or charger percentage into the icon are available. Installing Battery-Status in Ubuntu sudo add-apt-repository ppa:iaz/battery-status && sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install battery-status
11.04 Unity - Can't get rid of Workspace Switcher - Page 2
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how to install xfce on Ubuntu 10.10
This post will explain you how to install XFCE,a light weight Desktop Environment,on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat,by using Synaptic Package Manager and Commands.Ubuntu 10.10 has GNOME Desktop by Default which pretty good for most of the desktop users but if you are running an old computer with low graphics capability and RAM,then XFCE is the best choice. Installing XFCE in Ubuntu 10.10 The most simple way is to install xfce from synaptic package manager or ubuntu software center.Use quick search button and search for ‘xfce’ then install the latest build packages(check the box and click on Apply to install).For step by step tutorial see here how to install xfce . Installing XFCE from Command Line/Terminal open terminal(hit CTRL+ALT+T) and enter the following command(s) sudo apt-get install gdm xfce4 Have Fun with XFCE…let me know through comments if you have any problem.
Unisi Webmail
Benvenuto nella pagina di accesso alla Webmail di Ateneo. Stiamo gradualmente migrando gli utenti nella nuova piattaforma di posta elettronica. Durante questa fase di transizione saranno in uso sia la vecchia webmail che la nuova.
Cette page est vétuste. Néanmoins si le cœur vous en dit, n'hésitez pas à ajouter les informations que vous avez sur le sujet. Cette page ne concerne que Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper. Pour les versions Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy et suivantes, redirigez-vous vers cette page : ntfs Introduction Le support de la lecture et de l'écriture sur des partitions NTFS sous Linux a toujours été un problème ; la plupart des projets existants sont expérimentaux et souvent buggés. Cet article est la traduction de l'excellent guide de givré, lequel est accessible sur Un sujet est présent sur le forum français afin de donner quelques informations sur les mises à jour des dépôts entre autres. Installation La première étape est d'ajouter un ou des dépôts parmi les suivants (attention: ces dépôts ne contiennent pas les paquets destinés aux architectures amd64): Soit vous le faites via l'interface graphique de Synaptic (ou Adept pour Kubuntu), soit à la main. Configuration sudo fdisk -l | grep NTFS Pour Kubuntu :
Ubuntu 11.04 Update Manager Could not initialize the package information.
I have been running the latest Ubuntu 11.04 for about a month now, and the update manager was always working like a charm, though I had an error few days back when trying to update my Ubuntu using Ubuntu Update Manger. The error was as follow: Could not initialize the package information. Please report this bug agaist the ‘update-manager’ package that include the following error message: ‘E:Encoutered a section with no Package: header, E:problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ae.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dist_natty_main_binary-amd64_Package, E:The package lists or status files could not be parsed or opened.’ A snapshot image of the error is showing below: As I fuzzed with the error for two days, I thought I will share how I resolved it with other Ubuntu users in the community to make sure they are well on in no time. below is the commands I have ran that resolved the above problem & should work out for you too: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf sudo apt-get update
Synaptic is a graphical front-end to apt, the package management system in Ubuntu. It combines the point-and-click simplicity of the graphical user interface with the power of the apt-get command line tool. You can install, remove, configure, or upgrade software packages, browse, sort and search the list of available software packages, manage repositories, or upgrade the whole system. You can queue up a number of actions before you execute them. Synaptic will inform you about dependencies (additional packages required by the software package you have chosen) as well as conflicts with other packages that are already installed on your system. Synaptic's sibling on the Kubuntu desktop is Adept. Synaptic is no longer installed by default in Ubuntu 11.10, however it is still useful in some situations. Installing with software-center You can install it by searching in the software-center for synaptic and clicking on Synaptic Package Manager Installing with CLI sudo apt-get install synaptic