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Group games, team games, ice breakers - How to play icebreakers, group games, fun games, party games, teambuilding activities!

Group games, team games, ice breakers - How to play icebreakers, group games, fun games, party games, teambuilding activities!

Teaching English: Icebreaker Activities It is important for your students to feel comfortable in class because they will be able to learn much better when they are relaxed and focused. When you are working with a new group, it is a good idea to take some time to get to know each other. Also, if you have been working very hard with your students and you need a little break, you can use these enjoyable icebreaker activities to relieve some of the pressure! They are fun and easy, and you and your students will feel more comfortable working together after doing them! Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses Try these fun activities to break the ice with a new student or group of students. Your students are sure to enjoy them, and they will be fun for you, too! 1. This is a fun activity for students to share some information about themselves and be creative at the same time. Give a worksheet to each of your students with the beginnings of some sentences on them. 2. For example: 3. 4.

English in Italy I’m Maria Anna and I live in Bozen. Although I live and work in South Tyrol, I come from the south of Italy and my family still lives there. I studied English at the University of Bari and got my degree in foreign languages (German and English). I like foreign languages very much. I teach English as a foreign language to teens in a Professional School. I have been teaching for 11 years and I like doing this job. Get in touch! Skype: goli74 Some icebreakers for the first school days.... Let's draw a LANGUAGE PORTRAIT silhouette! from "" Students color in the figure with their languages. For each language, they choose a different color. At the end, they explain why they chose the colors they did and why they placed them where they did. Click on this link to get a "language portfolio" : Classroom activities to support mutual knowledge I change the questions and I ask for ex. And so on....

7 Digital Icebreakers for #BacktoSchool – Teacher Reboot Camp “It’s the little conversations that build the relationships and make an impact on each student.” – Robert John Meehan Back to school is around the corner! Building strong relationships is the key to a successful school year. We need to ensure every student knows we believe in them no matter their past behavior or performance. Get your copy of The 30 Goals for Teachers or Learning to Go. Icebreakers & Resources Epic Selfie Adventures– Send students on an epic selfie adventure. Current mood: How many pets: Favorite season: Hobbies: Favorite holiday: Dream Job: Favorite emojis: Challenge: Try any of these tips to begin building solid bonds with students and help them build bonds with each other! Cosa fare il primo giorno di scuola? - Back to school I primi giorni in classe sono sempre i più complessi, a mio parere. Sia che si tratti dei primissimi giorni di settembre, sia che si tratti dell'inizio di una supplenza: non conoscete i nomi dei ragazzi, non sapete dove si trovano le aule, gli alunni non hanno i libri (e se state facendo una supplenza è probabile che non li abbiate nemmeno voi!) ma hanno un sacco di motivi (veri o inventati) per cui non hanno il materiale... Molti nuovi prof si chiedono: cosa posso fare in classe il primo giorno di scuola? Io ricordo i mie primi giorni di scuola... A me piace iniziare con un'attività divertente, da svolgere in coppia: - Sulla lavagna, o sulla LIM, fate uno schema come quello dell'immagine qui sopra. - Lasciate che i ragazzi vi facciano delle domande e cerchino di indovinare a cosa si riferiscono i dati sulla lavagna... - Quando il vostro turno è finito, chiedete agli alunni di fare lo stesso schema con dati che riguardano loro stessi I vantaggi di questa attività sono vari: Saluti
