Bâtiment Ossature Métal Galvanisé en Kit :: Suite à la conjoncture actuelle et la crise dans la construction métallique traditionnelle, nous avons mis au point un type de bâtiment utilitaire dont l'ossature métallique est uniquement constituée de profils pliés à froid galvanisés. Ces profils présentent un meilleur rapport poids/résistance mécanique que les profils traditionnels laminés à chaud. Nous avons mis ce produit au point techniquement pendant quatre ans et nous avons déposé le brevet. En fait, nous avons remarqué que le coût de fabrication de la charpente traditionnelle reste très élevé du fait de l'intervention encore fort manuelle dans la fabrication. Les profils à froid galvanisés sont fabriqués en série par des usines ultra modernes et informatisées, d'où la nécessité d'une parfaite collaboration entre le bureau d'études et l'usine de fabrication. Si vous désirez voir l'un de nos bâtiments montés ou en cours de montage, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
IdiomSite.com - Find out the meanings of common sayings Advanced Building Technologies Six Most Excellent Alternative Wedding Vows or Readings - Kiss My Tulle Let me tell you, one of the hardest things about planning my own wedding was trying to write the wedding ceremony. I was not a fan of the traditional vows (I obey noone but myself thankyouverymuch) and really wanted to find something that reflected our concept of what we wanted our relationship to be. So I started looking past the traiditonal wording and readings suggested on most wedding websites and started looking for quotes that could be used in any wedding. Here's a few of my favorites: Six Most Excellent Alternative Wedding Vows or Readings Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. With this ring, I give you my promisethat from this day forwardyou shall not walk alone.May my heart be your shelterand my arms be your home. "I love you” means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I do not wish to change you into someone else. The best relationship is when you two can act like lovers and best friends. How about it, Tulle Nation?
AZarchitecture.com - architecturally unique homes™ A Singular Creation Art Community • Tutorial: Painting Realistic Eyes We would like to ing you this feature tutorial by Linda Bergkvist, renowned in the digital arts community for her gorgeous portrayal of characters. In this tutorial, Linda shows us step by step how she paints realistic eyes. About Linda Bergkvist Linda Bergkvist is a renowned digital artist who currently lives in Sweden. Linda Bergkvist's website can be found at www.furiae.com. Baltica DIY dresser round-up DIY dressers are a theme on the blog this month - check out mine here! so on trend, i had to post a round-up of these DIY’d dressers that i found on ScrapHacker.com – a fantastic site for upcycling projects. this first one is ikat print… which i love! you know how i love to decoupage! check out my decoupaged coffee table here. this dresser DIY is originally from Martha Stewart and i love the spin on a sketch of a vintage dresser decoupaged over a modern one! love this chevron print dresser and i love those giant knobs! love love this rustic look. this would be great in a Restoration Hardware inspired interior if you paired this with a chandelier near-by – rustic meets luxe. and those rope pulls remind me of the Decorating with Rope post i did a while back. full tutorial for this dresser here. Ikea hacks are the best! gift wrap! geometric design. painter’s tape creates a nifty look! two half circles in bright shades. outlines of clothes makes for a cute and modern look