Vikten av effektiv feedback - sluta sätt ut betyg! - Sara Bruun
I mitt förra inlägg skrev jag om hur du kan ge snabb och indivduell feedback genom att använda Google Formulär och Flubaroo . Idag fortsätter jag skriva om vikten av feedback, hur du kan arbeta smartare och bli mer effektiv i ditt arbete. Inför dagens text har jag läst en riktigt bra bok i ämnet- Återkoppling för utveckling av Helena Wallberg. Mitt eget mål för läsåret 2015/2016 var att utveckla sättet jag ger feedback på. Vi lärare måste alltså undervisa eleverna om hur de använder sig av feedback och att tanken faktiskt är att de ska lära sig något av de kommentarer de får. Själv har jag fastnat för att ge muntliga kommentarer genom att jag skärminspelar elevernas uppsatser. Ett annat toppentillägg att använda är Kaizena. Vissa kommuner har av någon märklig anledning spärrat dessa tillägg så att de inte går att använda. Om du inte har tillgång till digitala verktyg på din skola och eleverna måste skriva för hand kan du använda din telefon eller om du har Ipad. Lycka till! / Sara
Video Lesson: Mr. Bean
Follow me on twitter This is a video lesson based around the video “Mr. Bean packs his suitcase” thanks to British Council for bringing it to my attention in their lesson plan on making predictions but I’ve adapted it for use in different ways with different levels. Kids and lower levels The aim of this lesson plan is to practice holiday vocabulary (clothes and items that go in a suitcase) and some basic grammar structure. Project a picture of a suitcase on to the board (or draw one) and ask “What do you put in your suitcase when you go on holiday?” toothbrushtoothpasteswimming shorts/trunkstowelunderpantscan of baked beanscloth/flannelsoapbooksuitcasetrousersshortsshoesteddy bearscissors You could also use this quizlet set to go over clothes vocabulary. If children are old enough to write, put them in pairs and hand out post-it-notes and a pencil to each pair. Mr. in his suitcase. Then stick all the post-its on the board and show the video. Higher levels – video dictations Objects: Verbs:
Where did English come from? - Claire Bowern
There are two other TED-Ed lessons related to this topic: How languages evolve and How did English evolve? (a lesson that fills in some of the details that we omit here due to the fact that the focus of this lesson was further in the past). There is still a great deal of debate about Indo-European, most importantly about the location of the homeland. To learn more about the distribution of languages across the world, see LL-map or The Ethnologue.
10 Websites for English Language Students
A few years ago I wrote a blog post about 10 Websites for English Language Teachers. At the time it seemed to be quite popular with readers but it suddenly dawned that I did not write about any websites which would be best suited for learners of English. So read on to find out the 10 websites which I recommend for learners of English. 1. This wonderful self-study website, ESOL Courses, is great for students as all lessons are available online, there is no registration so lessons are free and they cover a range of areas as well as levels. 2. I have been using the BBC Learning English website since I first started English language teaching in South Korea. 3. This website, Five Minute English, was one that I came across by accident and it contains quite a number of lessons which focus on listening, grammar, vocabulary as well as a range of other skills. 4. 5. English Page is an engaging learner focused website which offers areas of study with grammar, vocabulary as well as weekly lessons.
25 Homophones That Most Spell-Checkers Won’t Catch - Grammarly Blog
Spell-checkers have come a long way since a West Coast beach boy with an FBI record invented the first prototype at MIT in the 1960s. Nowadays, the überhelpful technology is not only ubiquitous in all word processors, quietly creating more error-free writing around the world, it also exists online, where it can point out mistakes in real time while we write emails or post on social media. But while spell-checkers’ ability to catch slipups and understand context has evolved tremendously, most of these programs still struggle to identify homophones, those pesky words that sound the same but carry different meanings and, often, different spellings. While Grammarly has algorithms that will help you correct all of these common mix-ups, there’s no substitute for the old noggin. So next time you’re writing, be sure to put on your thinking cap and look out for these homophones that most spell checkers won’t catch. A while/Awhile Accept/Except Affect/Effect Aide/Aid Aloud/Allowed Anytime/Any time
Concorde International Canterbury | Escuela de Idiomas
2. Concorde International Información general Concorde International se fundó en Canterbury (Inglaterra) en el año 1972. El centro de estudios para adultos se encuentra en el corazón de Canterbury, la catedral más famosa de Inglaterra. La dirección de la escuela es: Hawks Lane, CT1 2NU - Canterbury (Inglaterra). Instalaciones Cafetería, cocina para uso de los estudiantes, microondas para uso de los estudiantes, nevera para uso de los estudiantes, Máquina expendedora de bebidas, laboratorio de informática, biblioteca, prensa diaria, acceso gratuito, en horario extra escolar, a software de aprendizaje de idiomas, salón, servicio de apoyo al estudiante, fotocopiadora, impresora para uso de los estudiantes, cancha de voleibol, dispensador gratuito de agua, WiFi gratis Instalaciones adaptadas para estudiantes discapacitados WC para minusválidos Equipamiento del aula TV, calefacción, abundante luz natural en todas las clases.Pizarra electrónica, aire acondicionado en algunas clases.
Literacy In The Digital Age
Editor’s Note: Teaching Channel has partnered with Student Achievement Partners on a blog series about digital literacy tools and their effective use by educators. The majority of the tools mentioned in this post and the four earlier posts in our series, transform the student experience from passive consumers of information to active creators of content, employing multiple English Language Arts standards and skills along the way. We firmly believe this ought to be the new norm in the modern classroom. Kids have access to information; we must teach them how to navigate a world constantly evolving where content is at their fingertips. Read more The Common Core State Standards emphasize the importance of students being exposed to and understanding texts of increasing complexity as they progress through grade levels. Lexile and readability scores use features like sentence length and word frequency that are not always accurate measures. Read more Let’s think about this. Read more Read more
Are you a Good Language Learner? | TEFL Matters
In this post-method era, when so many approaches and methods to language teaching have come and gone, where reflective teachers are no longer thinking in terms of which ‘label’ to follow or which apostle to bow to, it has become more and more evident that TEFL needs to stop contemplating its own navel and turn to general education theories and principles of learning, to reflect on thinking skills, cognitive abilities and the learners’ emotional make up, to embrace technology as a tool and not as the panacea for all ills. In this context, good learner studies conducted in the late 70’s and 80’s have become much more relevant and worth revisiting. Many of the studies were conducted in Canada, with notable names and studies listed below in a sample bibliography. photo taken by Marisa Constantinides at CELT Athens Good Language Learners … [ A Summary of typical features from a variety of sources/studies; mentioned in H.D.Stern, 1983] Photo Credit: Damián Navas via Compfight 1. 2. 3. 4.Do you 5.