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Elon Musk

Elon Musk
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Elon Musk Elon Musk en 2013. Elon Musk, né le 28 juin 1971 à Pretoria (Afrique du Sud), est un entrepreneur connu pour être le cofondateur de Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla Motors et SolarCity. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Enfance et études[modifier | modifier le code] Elon Musk naît le 28 juin 1971 à Pretoria, en Afrique du Sud, d'un père anglo-sud-africain ingénieur, Errol Musk, et d'une mère canadienne nutritionniste et mannequin, Maye Musk (née Haldeman)[2][3][4]. En 1988 (17 ans), à la fin de ses études au Pretoria Boys High School, il annonce à ses parents qu'il souhaite aller étudier aux États-Unis. En 1992, il quitte le Canada pour les États-Unis et la Wharton School de l'université de Pennsylvanie pour y étudier la physique et le commerce, finançant ses cours grâce à une bourse. Activités entrepreneuriales[modifier | modifier le code] En mars 1999, Musk cofonde une banque en ligne nommée Fortune[modifier | modifier le code]

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Elon co-founded Tesla and continues to oversee the company's product strategy -- including the design, engineering and manufacturing of more and more affordable electric vehicles for mainstream consumers. As Chairman and Product Architect, he helped design the ground-breaking Tesla Roadster, for which he won an Index and a Global Green award, the latter presented by Mikhail Gorbachev. In October 2008, he took on the additional responsibility of CEO, overseeing daily operations as the company was ramping up Roadster production and accelerating the development of its second vehicle, the Model S. Elon launched Tesla's regional sales and service centers across two continents and in May 2009 secured a $50 million investment and strategic partnership from Germany's Daimler. Elon has been fascinated by electric cars for two decades. In July 2011, Musk donated $250,000 via the philanthropic Musk Foundation to fund a solar power project in the city of Soma, Japan.

How did Elon Musk become so successful SolarCity CEO Elon is the Chairman of SolarCity, the leading residential solar provider in the U.S. In addition to his role at SolarCity, Elon is also the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Tesla Motors, an all-electric American car company. As Chairman at Tesla Motors, Elon helped design the ground-breaking Tesla Roadster, for which he won an Index and a Global Green award, the latter presented by Mikhail Gorbachev. Elon is also the founder and CEO of SpaceX - a space launch vehicle company. Prior to SpaceX, he co-founded PayPal, the world's leading electronic payment system, and served as the company's chairman and CEO. Elon's commitment to renewable energy extends beyond his roles at SolarCity, Tesla Motors and SpaceX.

Elon Musk at TED2013: Transforming transportation Photos: James Duncan Davidson The cofounder of PayPal, Elon Musk has become one of his generation’s most aggressive, not to mention successful, entrepreneurs. As CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors and CEO and CTO of SpaceX, his interests clearly lie in transforming transportation and creating an economy built on sustainable energy. Now he takes the TED stage to tell us more. First, he talks about the genesis of Tesla, his realization while still at university that the development of a sustainable energy system is critical to the ongoing existence of humanity — and therefore a problem worth tackling. Musk clearly isn’t going to talk about his recent spat with the New York Times, but he does want to talk about the range of the car. But Musk isn’t just here to talk about Tesla. And so to SpaceX, a project Musk jokes might well prove to be the fastest way he can lose his fortune. The real innovation of SpaceX is to build a reusable rocket.

Elon Musk: l’entrepreneur du XXIe siècle? – Turpitudes – Fabien Loszach 19 mars 2013 17h15 · Fabien Loszach Lors du dernier festival interactif de South By South West d’Austin au Texas, la conférence qui a suscité le plus d’engouement a sans contredit été celle du jeune entrepreneur visionnaire Elon Musk, CEO de Tesla et SpaceX. Musk a d,ailleur sprofité de l’occasion pour dévoiler son projet de fusée réutilisable. L’histoire de ce génie qui a programmé son premier jeu à 13 ans n’a rien de commun, comme toutes les grandes histoires humaines d’ailleurs. En 1988, à 17 ans, il quitte son pays natal, l’Afrique du Sud pour échapper au service militaire. Il se réfugie au Canada puis aux États Unis où il étudie la physique et le commerce. En 2002, la vente de PayPal au géant Ebay pour 1,5 milliard d’euro lui rapporte la coquette somme de 175 millions de dollars. Space X Depuis 15 ans, Elon Musk prend des risques financiers énormes pour mener à bien ses projets, jouant parfois toute sa fortune.

With SolarCity IPO, Elon Musk May Get Clean Tech Right Over the past few years, Silicon Valley has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into a vast array of “clean technology” companies. You probably can’t name many of them because, on the whole, they’ve been tremendous failures or totally underwhelming. Companies participating in particularly difficult areas such as solar have turned into laughingstocks and symbols of huge investments gone wrong. There does, however, seem to be one person getting quite wealthy off green technology, and that’s Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla Motors (TSLA) and the chairman of SolarCity (SCTY). “It’s possible that Elon’s two clean-tech companies will be the two most successful clean-tech companies in the U.S.,” said Peter Thiel, the entrepreneur, investor, and Facebook (FB) board member in an interview earlier this year. What makes Musk’s clean-technology empire intriguing are the ways in which he intertwines the businesses. Both Tesla and SolarCity have their challenges.

Elon Musk on the future of the future LONG BEACH, CA—Taking the stage during today's "Dream!" session at the TED2013 conference, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, sat down with TED curator and host Chris Anderson to discuss his serial entrepreneurship and vision for the future. Anderson started with the obvious. “Why try to build an electric car?” Musk said he believes it's an imperative. Musk also believes that electric cars are now practical for many customers. The CEO doesn’t believe that natural gas and coal are going to take us into the future, either. Musk discussed one nascent solution that could solve the cost problem: consumers could lease solar panels on their roofs at home, paying less than they would on their power bill otherwise, while the installation companies will be able to run the mass of leased panels as a distributed grid. Curiously, Musk did note that there is one technology that isn't likely to ever go electric and benefit from solar. So why start a space company?

Elon Musk: Tesla and SolarCity Will Accelerate the Development of an Energy Solution
