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B+p swiss typefaces

B+p swiss typefaces
Related:  Typography / Lettering

Cape Arcona Type Foundry After such a long time we revised CA Mon­odon from our Dutch buddy Don­ald Beek­man. Since it was only avail­able as an old Mac PS1 font, we finally con­verted the type­face fam­ily into the Open­Type for­mat. Don­ald revised the whole fam­ily and per­formed some care­ful mod­i­fi­ca­tion to each char­ac­ter. The let­ters are now more open and the kern­ing was opti­mized. April 3, 2014 Добрый день! April 2, 2014 We are proud to present a won­der­ful new type­face family. We have a Reg­u­lar and a “Cape Arcona old school” Raw style — just in case you want the full experience. CA Recape is an excel­lent choice for cre­at­ing all kind of custom-made look­ing designs. We packed CA Recape with a lot of Open­Type fea­tures which you will surely love. The CA Recape Fam­ily is avail­able at a reduced intro­duc­tory price until 7th of Feb­ru­ary. We are also work­ing on some other styles for release in the near future. See more… Our beloved CA Cula was fea­tured in the book “Neue Schriften.

Commercial Type Underware House TypeFoundries 47 Mall Dr., Commack, NY 11725; 800/248-3668, 516/864-0167 Precision Type has, not only one of the most definitive type catalogs in print, they also have perhaps the single most definitive collection of typographic samples on the web. They carry more typefaces from more foundries than anyone else, and their simplet yet brilliant site lets you see any font they carry in the words of your choice--there's no better way to see if a face is going to work for you. Their comprehensive printed catalog costs $39 and is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to know which typeface is which. If you know the name of a typeface, chances are Precision Type can sell it to you. MyFonts offers fonts from many foundries and small designers. FontShop 415-398-7677, 888-333-6687 (or FF-FONTS) FontShop one of the world's largest type vendors with offices around the world. Phil's Fonts 14605 Sturtevant Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905, 800-424-2977. FontHaus Makambo 47 W. Adobe Systems Bitstream Castle Systems

Grilli Type | Independent Swiss Font Foundry Trondheim Type Club says HelloTypo™ – Typography news, ideas and inspiration This is a custom made alphabet made for an album cover. The tools used in this project are soil, home-made light table, paint brush, camera and photoshop. After the photoshoot, the individual letters was put together in photoshop and adjusted on top of the font that was used as a template. Yes, I had a print out of the alphabet beside me when i formed the soil. I decided it was a safe thing to do for maximum readability on the finished alphabet. And this is the album cover this typography was made for.

Storm Type Foundry Optimo Type Foundry The Ministry of Type
