The 50 Best Blogs for Future Teachers The Modern Definition Of College Readiness 3.54K Views 0 Likes The modern definition of learning, school, and college is an evolving mix of education and technology jargon. So what does that mean for high school students wondering about their college readiness? Documentales online gratis en Español Key Story — Anglais Info Wonder How To » Show & Tell for Creators & Doers Home | TV411 English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Learn all about English Idioms. Browse our large dictionary of idioms and idiomatic expressions, containing clear definitions and examples of use, and which is categorised by topic and country of origin. What is an Idiom? An idiom is a unique type of phrase in English, made up of words that together have a meaning that's commonly understood by speakers of the language, but not necessarily obvious from the normal meanings of the individual words. Simply, idioms have established meanings that go beyond what the words might suggest on their own, often painting vivid or metaphorical pictures to express ideas or emotions. Our Idiom Dictionary Our idiom dictionary contains clear definitions and examples of 7,230 English idioms and idiomatic expressions, categorised by topic and country of origin. Members Get More! Search Our Idioms Idioms Listed by Subject Idioms Listed by Variety of English Recently Added Idioms Whale Added on 9 Nov 2020
10 Great YouTube Channels for Teachers First thank you all for the positive feedback I received in your emails following the publication of "12 Educational Videos your should not Miss". I do feel glad my posts are leaving good impressions on some of you.In the same regard and to provide you with more video resources , I have compiled a list of YouTube video channels that are sepecifically made for teachers and educators. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has already featured a couple of posts about such channels in the past but this one here is the most recent an updated list which includes some channels I have not covered before. With these channels on your favourite list, you will be able to have free unlimited access to a treasure trove of awesome educational videos that are made to meet your teaching needs within a general framework of the 21st century education. Please if you have other suggestions share them with us below and let us benefit from you too. Here is the list : 1- TED Education 2- YouTube Education
I love English school numérique – Traces écrites interactives – Niveau 2 Je partage avec vous ici les traces écrites interactives (Mirage Make) réalisées par @kowalskiamelie concernant le niveau 2 de la méthode I love english school numérique. Je remercie chaudement Amélie qui a bien voulu me les transmettre afin que je les publie en son nom et que vous puissiez en bénéficier. Petit rappel : la méthode I love English school numérique est une méthode interactive gratuite (car financée par l’Etat) et modulable ( on peut aussi bien avoir du clés en main que prendre ce qui nous intéresse …) que vous trouverez sur le site de la BRNE. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur cette méthode dans cet article ici ou chez Charivari… Le fichier contenant les traces écrites de la période 1 – thème « My home » Le fichier contenant les traces écrites de la période 2 – thème « My school » Le fichier contenant les traces écrites de la période 3 – thème « My town » Le fichier contenant les traces écrites de la période 4 – thème « My hobbies » WordPress: J'aime chargement…
Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English LEARN NC A to Z Teacher Stuff Usos de vídeo digital en el aula Según el medidor de tráfico Alexa, YouTube es actualmente (sep-2011), el tercer sitio Web con mayor número de visitas en el mundo; solo lo superan Google y Facebook. Este es un claro indicio de la popularidad que goza el video entre los diferentes medios que pueden desplegarse por Internet como también, de lo que las personas disfrutan creándolos. Prueba de lo anterior es que buena parte de los videos disponibles en YouTube los generan “aficionados”. Es importante prestar atención a estos indicios para lograr enganchar a los estudiantes con el aprendizaje de ciertos temas, cosa que puede conseguirse produciendo videos en el aula sobre los mismos. Buscando aportar claridad metodológica en el uso pedagógico del video digital, en este documento proponemos una adaptación a la propuesta hecha por Bull & Bell [1] para trabajarlos en el aula. A continuación presentamos las definiciones de cada uno de los elementos propuestos por Bull & Bell [1]:
Creative writing prompts that you can do in 10 minutes What can you write in 10 minutes or less? Let’s find out! For a quick creative writing exercise, try one of the 20 writing prompts below, excerpted from Chronicle Books’ 642 Tiny Things to Write About. Each prompt was created by a writing teacher at the San Francisco Writers Grotto to be done in 10 minutes or less. For a bigger creative challenge, do one writing prompt a day for 20 days. Write a eulogy for a sandwich, to be delivered while eating it. Write the ad for an expensive new drug that improves bad posture. Think about your day so far (even if it’s still morning). Write the first communication sent back to Earth after humans land on Mars. Finish this sentence: The smell of an orange reminds me of…. A genie grants you three tiny wishes. It’s 1849, and you’re headed West along the Oregon Trail. Write the passenger safety instructions card for a time-travel machine. An undercover spy is about to impersonate you in all aspects of your life. Write your life story in five sentences.
Annenberg Learner Select a program below, and click on the VoD icon to view it. If you cannot find the resource you are looking for in this list, check our discontinued series list for distributor contact information. Against All Odds: Inside Statistics Shows students the relevance of statistics in real-world settings. Video series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners. Algebra: In Simplest Terms A step-by-step look at algebra concepts. America's History in the Making Explore American history from the Pre-Columbian era through Reconstruction in this course for middle and high school teachers. American Cinema Over 150 Hollywood insiders document American culture through film. American Passages: A Literary Survey American literary movements and authors in the context of history and culture. The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers Discover how the principles of good teaching are implemented in the visual and performing arts. Art Through Time: A Global View Journey North