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Related:  geo-stuff

BIGMAP Bigmap is tool to let you create big maps. See it running here: Usage is also fully documented on that page. You may want to use the newer version of that service, BigMap 2. The javascript/DHTML interface interface doesn't actually perform tile stitching as you adjust the map, it is simply displaying tile images side-by-side dynamically, however the interface provides a download link for a custom generated little perl script If you download and run this script it will download the tiles and perform stitching to yield a large image. This is one of several approaches to creating Static map images. The generated perl script is kind of a bulk downloading tool, and so should be handled with consideration of the tile usage policy, although unlike other tile downloaders (see Category:Tile downloading) it only operates at a single zoom level, and the BigMap interface would encourage people to avoid stupidly big areas of tiles. In Fedora it's See also

[site] Free Geography Tools Polymaps Convert an InDesign file to a Word doc At some point, we’ve all gotten a request from a client to provide a design in a format they can edit or open in Microsoft Office. Even though your first inclination may be to simply say “no,” as your past frustrations with Word or PowerPoint run through your mind causing an uncontrollable twitch, you might want to acknowledge a legitimate need and give it a try. While we designers have plenty of good reasons to dislike Word as a design solution, clients often need to have a marketing piece in a format they can quickly and easily update. I had this exact situation occur this week. A sales sheet we had delivered as a PDF needed to be converted into something that could be opened in Word so the staff could change the specifics depending on the account. This is how I was able to accommodate them, and it was surprisingly painless. InDesign to Word Export PDF to Word If you have any other tips for making this process painless, please share them in the comments.

Gratuit dans le monde entier routable cartes Garmin d'OpenStreetMap [site de carto] explication de prettymaps prettymaps is an experimental map from Stamen Design. It is an interactive map composed of multiple freely available, community-generated data sources: All the Flickr shapefiles rendered as a semi-transparent white ground on top of which all the other layers are displayed. Urban areas from Natural Earth both as a standalone layer and combined with Flickr shapefiles for cities and neighbourhoods. In all there are four different raster layers and six data layers (that mean all the map data is sent in its raw form and rendered as visual elements by the browser) that may be visible depending on the bounding box and zoom level of the map. It looks (at least for the stuff you can see) like this: But when you put it all together here's what the world looks like at zoom level 3: This clustering effect offers a view of built environments around the world but also a visual representation of those places where no data has been recorded. At zoom level 8 city names are shown alongside motorways:

Studio SSS Bulletproof background images | Campaign Monitor - Vélo - cartes basées sur OpenStreetMap
