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BLEUBIRD BLOG happy holidays! we had a lovely christmas break over here. i can't believe how quickly it came and went. on christmas eve we invited some friends over and had a relaxing dinner. artichoke dip, honey roasted ham, beer cheese soup, along with plenty of christmas cookies and a giant present shaped cake that our friends so thoughtfully made for us. after opening up our christmas jammies and watching christmas movies, we tucked the kids into bed and popped a bottle of champagne for santa duty. the next morning the kids were up by 6:30 and rushing down the stairs to see if santa had come. good news... he did. i made a delicious soup inspired by the big kids grandmother. she makes a ham and bean soup with the leftover ham from the night before. i made a few changes, but it was easy and delicious. this is what i did... you will need: have a good weekend. i will be back on monday!

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Kindle Case You know how I posted this tutorial ages ago? Well, I wanted to show you how you can change it up. Introducing the Kindle Case! Ain’t it cute!? South Florida Farmers Market Guide Illustration: Ana Larrauri By Kyle Teal | 10/11/2012 The idea of modern day farmers markets may evoke images of pretentious hipster farmers who refuse to eat a carrot unless they’ve plucked it from their own soil, certified it organic and given it a name. But the truth of South Florida farmers markets fails to satisfy naïve, insulting stereotypes and, instead, introduces a kind of warm community where good-natured people (yes, some of them hipsters, but certainly not the pretentious type) meet to talk, laugh, and eat healthy, delicious food. While many grow and sell solely organic produce, other farmers are less concerned with today’s dietary trends and more concerned with providing fresh, local food. Bottom line: down here, there is something for everyone.

Wing Chun Tai Chi JKD - Master Wong Wing Chun VS BoxingSubscribe for more videos, click here: is the full playlist: For more info on our training please visit our website: Get 50% off now for the wing chun training course, click here These VS videos created by master Wong are designed to entertain and demonstrate the use of different styles in actual combat. Which style would win you comment, you decide. Could a Boxing champion triumph over a Wing Chun master?

DIY: Kindle Case As you know, I got a Kindle for Christmas and, as it turns out, I love it. The only thing I don’t love is the the sky-high prices for cute Kindle cases. The cases from Kate Spade are around $90 each, and the other, less fun options still run about $40. So the other day, I decided to break out my sewing machine for the second time and attempt to fashion my own custom case. I’m not going to really explain the steps because, to be honest, there was so much improvisation that it’s difficult to even recount what I did. However, I hope it inspires all of you bookworms carrying around naked Kindles, Nooks and the like, to give it a whirl. The New Rules for Sunscreen Tim Robinson There is no question most skin cancers are related to sun exposure, yet even with sunscreen sales approaching $1 billion a year, skin cancer rates continue to climb. Melanoma diagnoses have risen nearly 2 percent a year since 2000 and are increasing even more among young white women. Some experts blame inappropriate use of sunscreen, saying that people do not apply enough lotion (a golfball-size dollop) or do not reapply it every two hours as instructed. But there’s another major concern: Until recently, many sunscreens with a high sun protection factor, or SPF, were designed primarily to protect people from ultraviolet B rays, the main cause of sunburn.

/asp/ - Alternative Sports & Wrestling » Thread #1586852 BB: When you and Lee worked out together, what did you two focus on? RHEE: Most of the time we focused on kicks, but we also practiced punching once in a while. Burce really loved sushi, so every time he stayed at my house, my wife fixed him a huge plate of sushi, and we could eat and train like mad until four or five o'cl ock inthe morning. BB: What was the most significant thing you learned from training with Bruce Lee, and vice versa? RHEE: I think the most important thing I learned form Bruce was his hand techniques, his "non-telegraphic" punch. the most important thing I taught Bruce was probably my side kick.

The Cutest DIY Kindle Cover Ok fellow sisters...this past week was Little L's first day of kindergarten! So needless to say I have been a little preoccupied with back to school jitters!! Much more so than my little L! She was more than happy to step onto that bus and ride all the way to kindergarten all by herself! My little girl is so brave and growing up too fast! And so in case you were like me last week; busy with back to school. Butler Overboots for Kids *notcot in wearable , 14:30 Launching in September 2013, Butler Overboots are adorable, amazingly soft, pliable booties for kids that go right over their current shoes. In fact, grown up versions would probably be pretty fun even… Adorable branding and packaging (love that penguin logo!), made in the USA (in a military boot factory in TN!), and when i walked past their booth at OR, i had to touch them.

Project Gutenberg - free ebooks online download for iPad, Kindle, Nook, Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, Sony Reader On August 26 2020, the Project Gutenberg website underwent some major changes. These changes had been previewed since early 2020, and visitors to the old site were invited to try the new site, including giving input via a brief survey. The old site is no longer available.

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