Sliding Boxes and Captions with JQuery One Mighty Roar Jarek Kubicki ArtistMore Work Kamil Smala ArtistMore Work Martin Stranka PhotographerMore Work Florian Nicolle Graphic DesignerMore Work The Nonsense Society Art, Music, WordWebsite Démo en ligne Retour au tutoriel pour savoir comment réaliser cela ! Case Study: jQuery Fixer Upper Recently in the CSS-Tricks Forums, user named Waffle posted the following bit of jQuery JavaScript: $(function(){ $('.ContactArea').hide(); $('.Portfolio').hide(); $('.WebDesign').hide(); $('.AboutCoadin').hide(); $('li.Contact').click(function(){ $(".ContactArea").slideToggle(); }); $('li.PortfolioBtn').click(function(){ $(".Portfolio").slideToggle(); }); $('li.WebDesignBtn').click(function(){ $(".WebDesign").slideToggle(); }); $('li.AboutBtn').click(function(){ $(".AboutCoadin").slideToggle(); }); }); This user's actual question was how they can extend their code to add functionality to scroll the page down to the areas as they expand. But in looking at code like this with a slightly more experienced eye, there are things that stick out as things that we can likely improve upon. Since I bet there are some of you folks that are at Waffle's level and writing code like this, I thought we could use this as a case study to learn from. It works, but... Do we need a DOM ready statement? ID's <! Download git clone Instantiation jQuery( '.parallax-layer' ).parallax( options ); What does jquery.parallax do? jParallax turns nodes into absolutely positioned layers that move in response to the mouse. With a bit of CSS you can either set up windows to see these layers through, or leave them free to roam about. The diagram on the right illustrates what jParallax does to the html: and here's a demonstration with some images: More demos demos/index.html demos/stalkbuttons.html - multiple parallax. demos/remotecontrol.html - parallax by remote control. demos/thumbnails.html - beautiful interactive thumbnails. demos/target.html - demonstrates how smoothly jParallax handles window resizing. Using jParallax The default behaviour of jParallax is to show the whole width of a layer in response to the mouse travelling the whole width of the mouseport. There are various ways to style jParallax effectively. Options Layer Options Events
PageSlide: a jQuery plugin which slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane Advertisement a jQuery plugin which slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane by Scott Robbin Download PageSlide Now If you've ever used the mobile version of Facebook, or Path,then you've probably seen something akin to PageSlide in action. Clicking on a button or link slides the page over to reveal a hidden pane,one that usually contains secondary navigation, a form, or additional information. There are several ways to use PageSlide, some of which are shown below.Additionally, there is a responsive demo which shows how PageSlide can be used as a mobile solution. Slide to the right, and load content from a secondary page Slide to the left, and display hidden content from this page in a modal pane Modal This slide uses "modal" option set to "true". Where can I get it? If you are interested in learning more about PageSlide, it's recommended that you view the project on GitHub. Other jQuery Plugins If you like this plugin, feel free to check out some of the others I've built.
Sliding Letters with jQuery Today we have a neat little effect for you. We want to bring some life to the standard hover effect by playing around with the letters in an anchor word. The aim is to slide in letter by letter when hovering over a link element. We can either have the same word or a different […] Today we have a neat little effect for you. We will be using the Lettering.js jQuery Plugin which you can find on Github. Example In the following we will go through an example and we’ll start by the html for a little menu: We will use data-hover to indicate the word that should appear on hover. So, “sl-w1″ is the class for the first word letters and “sl-w2″ is the class for the second word letters. Finally, we call the plugin: The following settings can be used: We hope you liked this little experiment and find it useful! View demoDownload source
Vegas Background jQuery Plugin Table with details in AngularJS Ajax AutoComplete jQuery Plugin for Textfields Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery allows you to easily create autocomplete / autosuggest boxes for text input fields. It is built with focus on performance. Results for every query are cached and pulled from local cache for the same repeating query. If there are no results for particular query it stops sending requests to the server for other queries with the same root. It has been tested on IE 7+, FF 2+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+. Requirements: jQuery Framework Demo: License: MIT License
PikaChoose - An easy jQuery Slideshow Plugin jquery - Angular animation Apprise - The attractive alert alternative for jQuery The initial release of Apprise has been a major success and is often what this site is most commonly associated with. As far as I've been able to track, Apprise has been downloaded over 23,000 times and has been mentioned in over 46,000 blogs. Which is fantastic, especially for something that I've never been very proud of. I've wanted to update, and change the UI, of this for over a year now. Demos Let's get right down to business. Pretty slick, right? Let's take a peak at the default settings before we change the options around a bit. You'll notice that the buttons are completely customizable and can easily be altered using your own CSS rules. Let's try another demo, but changing the settings around a bit. We're going to use a custom CSS class on our confirm button. You'll see the custom blue button with it's custom text, as well as a goofy little callback function that populates the field below: Response: Using
Peity • progressive <canvas> pie charts Peity (sounds like deity) is a jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a <svg> mini pie 2/5 donut 5,2,3 line 5,3,9,6,5,9,7,3,5,2 or bar chart 5,3,9,6,5,9,7,3,5,2 and is compatible with any browser that supports <svg>: Chrome, Firefox, IE9+, Opera, Safari. Download version 3.2.1 Uncompressed 8.7Kb jquery.peity.js Minified 3.6Kb (+gzipped 1.7Kb) jquery.peity.min.js Source Pie Charts Call peity("pie") on a jQuery selection. You can also pass delimiter, fill, height, radius and width options. <span class="pie">1/5</span><span class="pie">226/360</span><span class="pie">0.52/1.561</span><span class="pie">1,4</span><span class="pie">226,134</span><span class="pie">0.52,1.041</span><span class="pie">1,2,3,2,2</span> JavaScript $("span.pie").peity("pie") Donut Charts Donut charts are the same as pie charts and take the same options with an added innerRadius option which defaults to half the radius. $('.donut').peity('donut') Line Charts $(".line").peity("line") Events
10 Best Responsive Content Sliders for Develoepers Use of Responsive content sliders is getting more and more popular amongst developers as they enable website designers to display content in a more organized and interesting manner while still maintaining their creative design over the orthodox slider design. Most image and content sliders are customizable and provide features and options that enhance the look and feel of a website. In this article I have gathered 10 best responsive content sliders which will help you to organize your website data and let you achieve stunning creative looks for your websites. 1. Swiper is a beautiful content slider that is built for mobile and works pretty fast as it uses hardware accelerated transitions (if available). 2. Gallery CSS is a content slider that is built with HTML-CSS and without any JavaScript. 3. 4. AnythingSlider is an attempt at bringing together the functionality of “featured content” slider, “start/stop slider“, “moving boxes“ and adding new features. 5. jQuery Slider Shock 6. 7. 8.
Apprise - Une alternative élégante aux alert Javascript en jQuery Apprise est un plugin jQuery permettant de proposer une solution élégante aux fameuses alert() Javascript. Il faut l'avouer, les alert() javascript dans un site en prod, c'est franchement laid ! Apprise propose de reproduire l'effet de ces alert JS mais avec style et de façon moins bloquante. Les possibilités d'Apprise sont nombreuses: Simple alert box ou affichage de texte (alert)Alert box avec demande de confirmation (confirm)Demande de saisie avec texte et confirmation (prompt)Etc Le plugin créé une fenêtre modale (qui ne se redimensionne pas automatiquement si on redimensionne le navigateur, dommage), moins bloquante qu'une alert javascript. D'un point de vue utilisation: 01. 03. if(r) { 06. else { Et la série d'options qui va avec pour personnaliser les textes, l'animation etc. 02.' 03.' 04.' 05.' 06.' 07.' 08.' 09.' Le style est personnalisable en CSS pour coller avec le design de votre site. Site Officiel