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Cover Letter Errors
Like job seekers, bloggers often reach out and network with each other. Just this week, The Pongo Blog received an inquiry from a potential guest blogger. Her message started with a nice compliment ("Your blog is so helpful!") and referred to one of our recent posts. So far, so good.
Clearance Jobs.com
Definitions: Active - your present job requires use of a clearance Current - you have had a job in the past two years that required use of a clearance Expired - it's been more than two years since you had a job that required a clearance Do Not Register: If you do not have an active or current clearance If your clearance has expired If you have not had a job in the past two years that required a clearance If you are not a U.S. citizen Note:
Job Search, Career Information, Company Profiles
Sign In You are currently signed in as . 0 Items in Your Cart Shop Vault Guides Vault Guides are THE source for insider insight on career information and employer reviews. Shop Vault Guides You don't need to purchase the Vault guide to get back on track. Just search our site or use the links above. © 2016 Vault.com Inc.
Stellen- und Bewerberbörsen
Mit der JOBBÖRSE finden Sie schnell eine Stelle oder einen Ausbildungsplatz. Arbeitgeber können für freie Stellen gezielt Bewerber auswählen. >> Direkt zur JOBBÖRSE Warum die JOBBÖRSE der BA? Rund 800.000 Stellen, 2,8 Millionen Bewerberprofile - die JOBBÖRSE ist das größte Online-Stellenportal in Deutschland. Mit rund 800.000 Besuchern täglich ist sie die meistbesuchte JOBBÖRSE in Deutschland.
Simply Hired.com
Using a Digital Signature to Spruce Up Your Cover Letters
Home > Cover Letters > Using a Digital Signature to Spruce Up Your Cover Letters Most job applications are submitted through the Internet today, either through an online application system or by e-mailing cover letters and resumes as attachments. Sending electronic cover letters is very convenient, but it precludes the applicant’s ability to sign the letter. Unless you want to print out, sign, scan, and then e-mail every single cover letter you write, it’s easier to just send them without a signature. One way you can make your cover letters stand out is to insert a digital image of your signature. You can create this for yourself at home by neatly signing a piece of paper, scanning it, and cropping the image down to just the size of the signature.
The Cloud Approach To Writing Your Resume
One of the hardest things about writing a resume is the process of preparing it for electronic eyes--many resumes are scanned and ranked against preferred keywords and never even reviewed by hiring managers. (I can say this frankly because I have worked as a recruiter, and have selected the keywords for positions before listing job openings. I've worked on the "other side of the process.") As a job seeker, it's important to write your resume so that you can pass this first scan test. Here's one of my favorite quick tips for assessing key words for any position:
Resume Critique Checklist
Resumes normally get less than a 15-second glance at the first screening. If someone has asked you to review his resume and you want to help him ensure it gets read -- or want to know if your own is up to par -- be sure you can answer yes to the following questions: First Impression Does the resume look original and not based on a template?Is the resume inviting to read, with clear sections and ample white space?Does the design look professional rather than like a simple typing job?
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