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GemCraft Labyrinth

GemCraft Labyrinth

Last Knights Puzzles and Brain Teasers To expand your mind you need to learn new facts and develop new modes of thinking that will make the information that you already know more useful. Solving the following problems requires a combination of world knowledge, mathematics, common sense, logic, and science (chemistry, physics). This is not an IQ test. There is no time limit. To expand your mind, do not look at the answers until after you have made an honest effort to figure out the problems. The Bear A bear walks south for one kilometer, then it walks west for one kilometer, then it walks north for one kilometer and ends up at the same point from which it started. The Chicken and Egg Problem A chicken farmer has figured out that a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half. The Chicken and Leg Problem A chicken farmer also has some cows for a total of 30 animals, and the animals have 74 legs in all. The Bacteriologist At what time was the container half full? How big was the container? Moon Photographer Eye Puzzle
