CSS Shorthand
CSS Shorthand is a very useful thing to know as it will keep your style sheets more organized and also keep the file sizes down. One of the nicest features supported in CSS2 is the ability to use shorthand as well as longhand. While most people familiar with cascading style sheets use shorthand to some extent, there are several lesser known properties in which shorthand can be applied.
4 methods of adding CSS to HTML: link, embed, inline and import
by Matthew James Taylor on 18 February 2009 There is more than one way to add a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to your HTML document. In this short tutorial I will explain the strengths and weaknesses of the four main methods. Linking to a separate CSS file
Top 10 CSS Table Designs - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement Many companies try to create a great experience for customers. But few are willing to make the changes required to deliver on that promise. In fact most don’t even realize just how bad their experience can be. This is why we made a new book called “User Experience Revolution,” a practical battle plan for placing the user at the heart of your company.
How to create Tabs with CSS and jQuery from scratch
Another feature that is often added to Web 2.0 sites is tabbed content. I'm not talking about tabbed navigation. Tabbed content is when different chunks of HTML are shown depending on what tab is clicked. If you don't know about jQuery yet, let me have the pleasure to introduce you to it. It's a very easy-to-use JavaScript library that offers easy DOM manipulation, effects and a ton more.
Top 10 CSS Sites
0Google + There are hundreds of sites that offer tutorials, examples and inspiration about CSS. In no particular order, here's a list of my favorites that I visit on a regular basis. 1. 456 Berea Street
How to Create a Drop-down Nav Menu With HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look and see what we can achieve with HTML5 and CSS3 when it comes to the staple of current web sites: the humble drop-down navigation menu. We’ll also use jQuery to handle the effects and add the finishing touches for us. HTML5 brings to the spec a dedicated <nav> element that should be used as the container for any major navigation structure, such as the main vertical or horizontal site navigation menus, or an in-page table of contents for example. IE unfortunately doesn’t support this new element yet, but there is a simple fix we can use, of which I’m sure you’re all aware.
CSS Techniques Roundup - 20 CSS Tips and Tricks
September 22, 2005 Related Entries 55 people found this page useful, what do you think?
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website
Advertisement CSS3 continues to both excite and frustrate web designers and developers. We are excited about the possibilities that CSS3 brings, and the problems it will solve, but also frustrated by the lack of support in Internet Explorer 8.
Wanted: Layout System
(This is part of the Feedback on ‘WaSP Community CSS3 Feedback 2008′ series.) Not surprisingly, there was a lot of community feedback asking for better layout mechanisms. Actually, people were asking for any decent layout mechanism at all, which CSS has historically lacked. Floats mostly work, but they’re a hack and can be annoyingly fragile even when you ignore old-browser bugs. Positioning works in limited cases, but does not handle web-oriented layout at all well.