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Francis Bacon (artist) Francis Bacon in his studio Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his bold, graphic and emotionally raw imagery.[1] His painterly but abstracted figures typically appear isolated in glass or steel geometrical cages set against flat, nondescript backgrounds. Bacon began painting during his early 20s and worked only sporadically until his mid-30s. Unsure of his ability as a painter, he drifted and earned his living as an interior decorator and designer of furniture and rugs. He often said in interviews that he saw images "in series", and his artistic output typically focused on a single subject or format for sustained periods. During his lifetime, Bacon was equally reviled and acclaimed. Bacon's birthplace at 63 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin He had an older brother, Harley, five years his senior,[11] two younger sisters, Ianthe and Winifred, and a younger brother, Edward. On 1 June 1940 Bacon's father died.

*e*: mini art journal challenge so sorry you guys...this beingsickwhilebreastfeedingsickneedybaby thing hasn't been fun. or left me with much energy to create/blog! but i did quickly crank out a card tonight. laying in bed sick does provide time to think (in between ga-ga-ing at my cute babe and answering endless questions from my curious 4 year old)...and something sort of hit me over the head - that lately, i really feel comfy and happy in this 'place' that i'm in. something i've been seeking for a long time. instead of dwelling on what i used to have, or dreaming of what i want to have, i'm content with it all right now. and i'm proud that i am! it's only been, geez, 9 years to get me here?!! this week's prompt is: self realisationwhat have you come to discover about yourself lately? or, think of a time in your life that you had a 'brick over the head' moment, and journal about that. will check out cards tomorrow as i lay in bed some more!

★ How to Make Drawing a Part Of Your Life | Daily Creativity by Keeping a Sketchbook ★ Personally, the most difficult things about drawing are a) taking the time out to draw when I’ve got other things to do b) getting started and c) thinking what to draw. - Taking time out: Anyone has 10 minutes somewhere in their day to draw, whether it’s when you wake up or just before you go to sleep (keep your sketchbook next to your bed), when you’re half-watching TV, when you’re on the train or bus, in a cafe, waiting for a cake to finish baking, when you’re sunbathing, when you’re on holiday etc. Have a kitchen timer set to 10 minutes if you like. - What to draw? - Getting started: getting rid of the blank page is the hardest thing, so just do it without thinking (what is the worst that can happen after all?) OTHER TIPS: - Keep your sketchbook at hand with the next blank page ready to be drawn on, and your pen/pencil alongside. - Have relaxing music playing in the background.

The Creative Journey California landscape eucalyptus painting with poppies Scent of Springtime April 8th, 2014 The Scent of Springtime 8 x 10 oil painting California Central Coast I love the contrast of dark green eucalyptus trees and bright wildflowers. Interested in this painting? Pt. March 26th, 2014 “Pt. The lighthouse at Pt. There are a multitude of tide pools near by – great for exploring. Interested in this painting? See more of my seascapes here Eaton Canyon Stream – California landscape painting March 21st, 2014 “Eaton Canyon Stream” 9 x 12 oil painting In the years when we have heavy rain, the stream coming out of Eaton Canyon is full and fast-flowing. This view of the stream is looking south, from the east side of the canyon. See more Pasadena area paintings here Canyon harmony – California Eaton Canyon landscape impressionist oil painting March 19th, 2014 Canyon Harmony 9 x 12 original oil painting on canvas Available Colorado Street Bridge Pasadena oil painting Changing Seasons 6 x 8 March 13th, 2014

75 Exceptional Moleskine Notebook Artworks Moleskine notebooks are a favorite among many artists, designers and writers. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and with many different kinds of paper. The elastic closure and pocket in the back of each one adds to their utility. The popularity of Moleskines among the art community ensures that there are thousands of great examples of Moleskine art out there. Flickr alone has a huge pool of Moleskine artists. Below are 75 fantastic Moleskine artworks, all collected from Flickr. Fine Art and Illustration A lot of traditional artists opt for Moleskines, due to their variety of paper types and their durability. Moleskine 2 by Andy Gosling: A heart and the letter “A”, created from interwoven arteries. Moleskine book 5, page 72 by Steve Loya. Moleskine Sketches by Jimbradshaw. Moleskine book 1, pages 61 and 62 by Steve Loya. Moleskine “A cat in my head” by Framboisine Berry. Moleskine Sketches by Jimbradshaw. Moleskine book 6, page 55 by Steve Loya. Art Journal Yoga by Macchick1.

Drawing Made Easy - Pen And Ink Drawing Part 1 Pen-and-ink drawing is not, as might be imagined, a comparatively recent form of artistic work, for in the great galleries of Europe one may find many interesting specimens of pen work made by Angelo, Raphael, Durer, Titian and others of the great masters. The manner of handling and style of pen work has changed, however, with modern inventions in the way of reproductive methods. The very spirit of pen work has changed only within a comparatively few years. Continue Pencil Drawing. Even after pen-and-ink drawing is taken up, practice with the pencil should be continued. Inability to make corrections easily in inked lines will discourage the student who is conscientious. Outline First With Pencil. The quoted advice is wrong. Elementary Line Exercises. Lines should be drawn as heavy as those immediately below.

Satsumabug's art blog 100 Art Therapy Exercises - Expressive Art Inspirations (Fritz Perlz - Gestalt Therapist) Here is a popular internet list of art therapy activities originally posted up many years ago by the Nursing School Blog, and as time has gone by over half of the links have become defunct or out of date. I have researched current links that reflect the inspiring art therapy directives on the internet today, while aiming to keep them as close as possible to the original list. Warmly, Shelley Klammer Emotions Deal with emotions like anger and sadness through these helpful exercises. Draw or paint your emotions. Relaxation Art therapy can be a great way to relax. Paint to music. Happiness Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on the good. Collage your vision of a perfect day.Think about what constitutes a perfect day to you and collage it. Portraits Often, a great way to get to know yourself and your relationships with others is through portraits. Create a past, present and future self-portrait. Trauma and Loss

Sketching Architecture Arts: Green Living Recycle plastic for environment, Richmond Arts Center shows the way For long plastic bags and bottles have been our great friends in daily life, mindless of all the hazardous effect that plastic has on environment. But, the thought of a life without plastic seems to be grueling, as there is no other cheaper way to get out of the mire. Also, discarding plastic waste in open is extra perilous for the environment. The kids at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond have shown us the way to a cleaner environment. In today’s world, the job that we are best at handling is spoiling the sacred, serene environment. Source: Bottlebug Enjoyed this post? Categories: Uncategorized Tags:
