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The Art of Asia

The Art of Asia
Related:  Asia

The Alphabet of Art The Robert J. McKnight Memorial Web Site Welcome to the Alphabet of Art. This site explains, in simple terms, the elements of visual design. Once you understand the Alphabet, you'll be able to "read" pictures and other works of visual art and understand why they work the way they do. The Alphabet of Art was developed by the late Robert J. McKnight derived many of the ideas in the Alphabet from Maitland Graves and his book, The Art of Color and Design (McGraw-Hill, 1951). The Alphabet of Art is a service of Guidance Communications, Inc. The Alphabet of Art — A Notation System for Visual Design The visual notation system known as the Alphabet of Art is made up of Elements and Attributes. The seven Elements are the things that the artist or designer works with: Line, Line Direction, Shape, Size, Texture, Value, and Color. The Attributes are defined as the qualities that the art or design conveys to the observer. In any notation system there must be a method of making comparisons.

Ancient Architecture of the World - The History of Architecture Ancient ArchitectureThe Art History Archive - Architecture This Website is Best Viewed Using Firefox By Charles Moffat - December 2007. Even at an early stage mankind strove to build higher and higher. Some of our most impressive structures are actually incredibly old and difficult to determine the precise dates they were built. We still don't have a clue how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, or its precise purpose. As is the technology used and the matter of how multiple cultures in Africa, the Middle East and Central America all built pyramids around roughly the same time. Why do we aspire to such grand heights? In some cases we might not have much choice but to build upwards if the population grows very dense and land close to water and food is scarce. We thrive in some of the most inhospitable places on the Earth, and always we build upwards. There is no precise beginning for the history of architecture either. Likewise, there was no precise ending of the ice age. Ancient Africa

Ancient Chinese Civilization 1 click Chinese Historical Accounts the Forbidden City, the home of the Chinese emperors until the last dynasty was overthrown in the 20th century Chinese history, until the twentieth century, was written mostly by members of the ruling scholar-official class and was meant to provide the ruler with precedents to guide or justify his policies. These accounts focused on dynastic politics and colorful court histories and included developments among the commoners only as backdrops. The historians described a Chinese political pattern of dynasties, one following another in a cycle of ascent, achievement, decay, and rebirth under a new family. Of the consistent traits identified by independent historians, a salient one has been the capacity of the Chinese to absorb the people of surrounding areas into their own civilization. Sun-Tzu, the realist writer of the the influential "Art of War" The first prehistoric dynasty is said to be Xia , from about the twenty-first to the sixteenth century B.C.

Kaleidosketch Western Philosophy The Real Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan. It Was Not To End the War Or Save Lives. Like all Americans, I was taught that the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to end WWII and save both American and Japanese lives. But most of the top American military officials at the time said otherwise. The U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey group, assigned by President Truman to study the air attacks on Japan, produced a report in July of 1946 that concluded (52-56): Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated. General (and later president) Dwight Eisenhower – then Supreme Commander of all Allied Forces, and the officer who created most of America’s WWII military plans for Europe and Japan – said:

Los Angeles County Museum of Art East India Company - Once world’s most powerful corporation 2 clicks It was the most powerful multinational corporation the world had ever seen. Founded in 1600, the English East India Company’s power stretched across the globe from Cape Horn to China. The company was established for trading, with a royal charter by Queen Elizabeth I granting it a monopoly over business with Asia. Imagine a company with the influence of Google or Amazon, granted a state-sanctioned monopoly and the right to levy taxes abroad But the Company’s influence went further. It owned the ports of Singapore and Penang and played a major role in developing cities including Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Imagine a company with the influence of Google or Amazon, granted a state-sanctioned monopoly and the right to levy taxes abroad – and with MI6 and the army at its disposal. From its establishment by royal charter to its ability to raise armies, the East India Company was a product of its time. Acing the interview Competition to work at the East India Company was fierce. Unpaid internships

Museo Nacional del Prado Ancient China - Ancient Civilizations East Asia also has dry areas. The Gobi Desert is found along the border between Mongolia and China. The Gobi is the 5th largest desert in the world and is also the coldest. It is common to see frost or even snow on the sand and gravel dunes. Most of western China is very dry because of the rain shadow created by the Himalaya Mountains. A rain shadow is a dry area on the leeward (opposite of windward) side of a mountainous area. Despite the dry and mountainous terrain of East Asia, there are some low plains suitable for early civilization. Heavy summer rains and snowmelt support 2 large river systems in East Asia. East Asia has many different climate types. Early History Humans probably reached East Asia between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago. Ancient China It is difficult to be sure about China’s early ancient history. The Zhou Dynasty (1046 BCE-256 BCE) lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history. Agriculture was usually directed by the government. Dynasty.

Free Art Teaching Resources This page contains some useful resources and links to help teachers in their art teaching. You will basically be directed to websites where you can find art materials, videos, printables, worksheets, activities, games, and many other teaching ideas that are art informed. 1- Songs for Teaching Creative teachers can use music to teach content across the curriculum – to students of all ages. This website offers thousands of children's songs, lyrics, sound clips and teaching suggestions. 2- Art Smart This is a great website full of art resources that aim at engaging students in the creative process through artistic inquiry into topics that span many different subject areas of the curriculum. 3- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence FREE is a platform that is sponsored by the American government and that has over 1.500 federally supported teaching and learning resources collected from dozens of federal agencies. 4- Canon 5- Teaching Ideas 6- Teacher Vision Art Resources

China: Surviving the Camps by Zha Jianying | NYR Daily By now, it has been nearly forty years since the Cultural Revolution officially ended, yet in China, considering the magnitude and significance of the event, it has remained a poorly examined, under-documented subject. Official archives are off-limits. Serious books on the period, whether comprehensive histories, in-depth analyses, or detailed personal memoirs, are remarkably few. At the center of the book is the cowshed, the popular term for makeshift detention centers that had sprung up in many Chinese cities at the time. To mentally relive such darkness and to record it all in such an unswervingly candid manner could not have been easy for an elderly man: Ji was over eighty at the time of writing. Originally published by an official press in Beijing in 1998, during a politically relaxed moment, The Cowshed probably benefited from the author’s eminent status in China. Reading Ji’s account again, however, has also renewed some of my old questions and frustrations.
