Read less. Get More | Lazy Library Design Gallery, Articles & Community | Design Shack Sublime Text 2 Project Bliss - Tuts+ Code Tutorial One of the many things that led me to decide that Sublime Text was going to be my text editor of choice was the way you could customize what's shown in the file list on the left. I had no idea that this level of customization was available. Here's a short tutorial that I hope will help you as much as it did me. Step 1 - Adding a Folder Note: If you already have a project set up, skip to Step 3. Upon opening up Sublime Text, add a folder to the project by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+p on Mac) to bring up the über handy Command Palette, typing "Add", and then hitting Enter. Step 2 - Save the Project Now that you've added a folder to the project, bring up the command palette again, and type "Save" (or Project: Save As) to save your project. Don't forget to give your project file the .sublime-project extension. Step 3 - Get to Know the Project File From the menu, select Project -> Edit Project to edit the project file you saved in Step 2. Fairly self explanatory, right? I'm glad you asked!
Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Win, OS X and Linux) | Skip to main content More Sharing Services 413 Submitted by on Sun, 23 Jun 2013 - 03:06 Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Win, OS X and Linux) List of common keyboard shortcuts for Sublime Text editor. Bold: different from windows shortcut Red: custom code Found a mistake? Example user keymap file for Windows: << Sublime Text 2: How to install Packet Control How to install Packet Control in Sublime Text 2 editor. >> Sublime Text Soda Theme With Folder Icons Nice dark and light custom themes for Sublime Text editor. Sublime Text, Keyboard Shortcuts, Cheat Sheet, Windows, OS X, Linux Add comment Rich Text Editor, edit-comment-body-und-0-value--2 Editor toolbars Copy Paste Paste as plain text Bold Italic Insert/Remove Numbered List Insert/Remove Bulleted List Link Unlink Press ALT 0 for help ◢Elements path Switch to plain text editor AddThis Sharing FacebookTwitterEmailPrintMore Hide Show AddThisPrivacy Follow FacebookTwitterGoogle+ Recommended for you AddThis AddThis
Photobucket Mobile ~ Android Application v1.5.10 By Photobucket Corporation | Photography Taking and sharing pictures and videos just got even smarter! The Free Photobucket Mobile app helps you access your Photobucket account, find whatever you want, or take pictures and videos and share them with everyone in your network…wherever you’re at. Instantly share your Photobucket album with your friends and family with Photobucket Mobile. Take a photo or video from your phone and instantly upload it to your album, or browse your Photobucket selections and download your favorites. You can also instantly share to Facebook and Twitter quickly and easily. All your photos – saved for life! Your Photobucket is now mobile – take it with you, search for images on the go, and share! • Instantly upload your photos or videos to your Photobucket account. • Search for photos & videos on Photobucket anywhere, any time. • Access your Photobucket account on your mobile phone. • Share your photos and videos on Twitter & Facebook. • Download photos from your Photobucket account.
20 Must Have Android Apps for Developers and Designers Android is an operating system for mobile devices and uses modified version of Linux Kernel. The mobile operating system was developed by Android Inc, the firm was purchased by Google later on. The main competition of Android is Apple iPhone. iPhone became very much successful in short period of time because of its handy and useful applications but android owners don’t need to worry because now the applications for android are in very large number and have almost same features of the applications of iPhone. But we don’t want to start arguing which one is better. Both have their own pros and cons, it depends on your taste and choice which 1 is better. Well our today’s focus is best Android applications for web developers and graphic designers. 1. The Magic Color Picker make you able to browse different colors through color-wheel. 2. AndFTP is a JAVA application which enable you to access your web servers via your mobile. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Flubble is a ActionScript 3 (AS3) stub creator. 8.
How to Make Textbroker Work For You (If You Must) | Courtney Herz Using content mills in order to generate income is pretty controversial in the world of freelance writing. Some people will tell you to never use them no matter what, and I can see where they’re coming from. They pay ridiculously insulting rates, you can’t ever get a raise, and the clients on there are usually pretty bad. They want articles stuffed with keywords because they don’t understand how SEO has evolved, and most of the time what you earn for the article isn’t even worth your time. Unless you know how to work the system a bit. I only have experience with Textbroker. So here are the things you want to keep in mind when you (if you) use Textbroker. Write What You Know In almost every other area of writing, I never follow this rule. Never Do Long Revisions If you missed a comma or something and a client asks for a short revision, fine. Long revisions waste your time. Once upon a time I did a Textbroker article. Check the Revision Rate That guy that had me revise his article 7 times?
What You Need to Know About Credit Financial Literacy Understanding Credit Credit has two definitions—borrowed money that allows you to purchase things, and the likelihood that you will pay back these loans and be approved to take out new ones (this likelihood is demonstrated through a credit score). Borrowed money can take many forms, such as a car loan, home mortgage, student loan, or credit cards for product purchases. Your credit score is determined by the three credit agencies and helps lenders determine how much money you'll be able to borrow and what interest your loans will have. The interest is additional money that you are charged and will need to pay back so the lender can profit on your loan. Borrowed Money as Credit Having access to credit means you can buy something before you pay for it. Some education loans, such as GradPLUS and parent PLUS loans, require a credit check. Your Credit Character. Capacity. Collateral. In the past, lenders reviewed these three criteria simply by looking at your credit report.
Get Financially Fit Financial Literacy Develop healthy habits for a secure financial future with the resources below from Nelnet. Get savvy about finances, build a budget, and protect yourself and your financial future. Money Mondays Webinar Schedule Get smart about money by attending a brief webinar each Monday at 2:00 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. Check out the registration page to see what's available this month. Worksheets, Resources, and Tips Budgeting Worksheet Manage your budget and get on the right track using this itemized worksheet. Budget Strategies Good intentions aren't enough. Managing Your Money Achieve financial wellness with these nine money-saving tips. Credit Card Tips Credit cards help establish and improve your credit score, but only when used responsibly. Identity Theft Don't be a victim. Explore Deferment and Forbearance Trouble making payments? 2013-2014 Federal Student Loan Programs Compare your federal student loan options. Related Links
Hacking a GTD Moleskine — archives dot eston bond dot com November 7, 2006 — I’ve always been apprehensive to join the almost-fanatical cult of Getting Things Done. I’ve heard more about it from the blogosphere (as well as non-blogger co-workers) for the greater part of a year and a half now, with massive blogs dedicated to bringing the GTD gospel to the masses of unenlightened IT workers and friends alike. Something about the GTD system seemed more than organised: it tiptoed the line of absolute obsessive-compulsive disorder. It seemed like the kind of thing a super-organised parent would use. Ironically, my super-organised parent called me the other day to see how I was doing, and I explained how I was juggling freelance stuff, what was left of my undergraduate education, this site, and my social life, falling behind in the others when I focused on one. I had tried to convert to the GTD discipline before, using my Treo 650, Shadow Plan and the built-in To Do system, but it felt clunky and hacked-together. Building the Base 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.