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Учебник по TeX - Арифметические операции / (uni)quation (uni)quation alpha Arithmetical operations A casual math expression that contains basic arithmetical operations has the same view in TeX language as in a casual text. For example: (x+y)a - (x+y)b = (x+y)(a-b) This example illustrates that addition, subtraction and equality use the following symbols: '+', '-' and '='. '(' and ')' are used for the parentheses. The math rule that allows of omitting a multiplication sign also works in TeX. 2 \cdot 6 = 12 A space is a marker of the command's end. Enter the representation of the following formula in TeX format to test yourself: © (uni)quation team | Contact Us <a href=" поисковая система Uniquation feedback </a><a href=" src=" /></a>

Your Hidden Gems Online Python Tutor: Write Python code online and single-step through its execution 100 Websites You Should Know and Use (updated!) In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? We think so. Below, the 2013 edition of the 100 websites to put on your radar and in your browser. To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH.

6 Tools For Anonymous Torrenting Options When you are surfing on the web, all your browsing history and activities can be tracked by anyone on the internet. Most of the hackers and others always will be on a look out for vulnerable connections. When you are downloading something from the web, there is a probability for others to know your computers IP address, system information etc., and use this information to launch an attack. To avoid these attacks, you can hide your IP address or fool the hackers with a false IP address. This is done by using the re-routing process such that all your downloads are done using a remote server or by using proxies, this is called “Anonymous Torrenting”. Here in are some of the tools that enable you to do anonymous torrenting easily without revealing any information about your computer. 1) BitBlinder To use this application for free first you need to provide small amount of data. 2) Using this service, you can get a direct download link of the file that you want to download. 6) Nodezilla

Twitter StreamGraphs A StreamGraph is shown for the latest 1000 tweets which contain the search word. The default search query is 'data visualization' but a new one can be typed into the text box at the top of the application. You can also enter a Twitter ID preceded by the '@' symbol to see the latest tweets from that user. 30 Fantastic Websites To Lose Yourself In If you follow me on Twitter you might know that I moved to London last September. You might also know that since then I’ve had nothing but trouble trying to get an Internet connection set up in my home. Fortunately, last week I finally got everything up and running and to mark my triumphant return to the world of the Internet I went a little crazy and shared 30 of my favourite websites on Twitter. The majority of them are single-serving sites. Some are very useful while others, others just plain entertaining. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 500 Letters Artists. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. UK Bonus Tracks As a cheeky extra here’s some extra links I tweeted which are pretty cool for those like me who live in London: Are the any good films on iPlayer? Live Map of London Underground Trains Exactly as the name suggests. The London Bookshop Map A site set up to promote independent bookshops.

Best Free Torrent Search Engines Introduction Used properly, bittorrent is one of the safest ways to transfer content. The torrent file contains metadata (hash) about the files to be shared and the bittorrent client checks content received against this metadata. If there is any difference, the content received will be discarded. This means that malware cannot be added to a torrent after it is active and that any data that is damaged in transmission will be discarded and re-downloaded. This article is part of a series of articles on bittorrent here at Gizmo's Freeware. How To Use Torrents This article is about finding the content you want. Public vs Private Torrent Search Sites This article lists public torrent search sites, which do not require registration. Many people prefer private torrent sites for the privacy (only members active on torrent), clean torrents and speed (ratio enforcement ensures a well seeded torrent). If you are interested in a private site take a look at Getting In To Private Torrent Sites. BitSnoop

Домовник :: Главная Вопросы Статьи Профи Архив Контакты Карты Войти или Зарегистрироваться Добавитьобъявление Всего объявлений: 3052 из них 128 за последние 24 часа Включить Мультилистинг Что это такое? Поиск объявлений Тематика Категория Где Район Улица № дома Скрыть Этаж Скрыть Материал стен Скрыть Количество комнат 1 2 3 4+ Скрыть Площадь — м2 Скрыть Цена — тыс. руб. Цена за квадратный метр — тыс. руб. Дата размецения от до Скрыть Организация Скрыть Без посредников (не гарантируем!) Номер объявления Скрыть Слово из текста Скрыть Только новые дома Скрыть Без комиссии Скрыть Срочно Скрыть Только с фото Скрыть Только с видео Скрыть Только архивные Скрыть Другие критерии поиска: адрес этаж материал стен количество комнат площадь цена цена за квадратный метр дата размещения поиск по организации наличие посредника поиск по номеру объявления поиск по слову из текста новые дома продажа без комиссии срочность наличие фото наличие видео архивные Ещё варианты квартир строящихся гостинок малосемеек секционок Всего 3052 объявления Дом

image?hash 5946ffc47539f14df794b3044f85f51a&amp;title creative mind&amp;members 0&amp;items 68&amp;hits 420&amp;adds 2&amp;comments null&amp;size w144 Sweden: File-Sharing Recognized As A Religion The Church of Kopimism, whose principal tenent is the right to file-share, has been formally recognized as a religious organization in Sweden. The Swedish government agency Kammarkollegiet registered the Church of Kopimism as a religious organization in late December, just before Christmas, the group said in a Wednesday statement. Members of the church applied three times in their more than year-long quest to have the religion formally recognized in Sweden. Sweden is now the first and only country to recognize Kopimism as a religion, the group said. "For the Church of Kopimism, information is holy and copying is a sacrament," it said in a statement. Philosophy student Isak Gerson, spiritual leader and founder of the Church of Kopimism, said being recognized by Sweden is a big step towards removing the stigma around copying. "Hopefully, this is one step towards the day when we can live out our faith without fear of persecution," Gerson said in a statement.
