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The Padagogy Wheel - It’s Not About The Apps, It’s About The Pedagogy -

The Padagogy Wheel - It’s Not About The Apps, It’s About The Pedagogy -
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Kuvakirjamainen seikkailupeli opettaa värejä, muotoja ja laskemista Pienille lapsille suunnattu James’ adventures on sympaattinen yhdistelmä seikkailua ja oppimista. Pääosassa on James-poika, joka löytää rannalta mustekalan. Mustekalan kalakavereiden soittimet ovat joutuneet hukkaan, ja parivaljakko lähtee etsimään niitä. Seikkailun kuluessa eteen tulee 10 vähitellen vaikeutuvaa minipeliä, jotka ratkaisemalla lapsi oppii muun muassa tunnistamaan ja sekoittamaan värejä, etsimään pareja ja tunnistamaan lukumääriä ja kuvioita. Meidän suosikkimme oli äänimuistipeli, jossa piipittävät lintulapset piti yhdistää samalla tavalla äänteleviin emolintuihin. Peli on suunnattu alle 6-vuotiaille, ja on hieman lapsesta kiinni, minkä ikäiselle tehtävät toimivat. Toisaalta peli on hyvin verkkainen, joten varsinkin vauhdikkaampia pelejä jo aiemmin pelanneet, isommat lapset saattavat tylsistyä sen parissa nopeammin. Peli ei sisällä kolmannen osapuolen mainoksia tai lisäostoja. Pelin käyttöliittymä ei ole ihan yksinkertaisimmasta päästä. Tykkää tästä: Tykkää Lataa...

Assessment Design: A Matrix To Assess Your Assessments Assessment Design: A Matrix To Assess Your Assessments by Grant Wiggins, Authentic Education On Rigor, Language, & Verbs Rigor is not established by the unthinking use of Webb or Bloom or other verbs. A moment’s thought after looking over these verbs should make you say: Huh? Take “predict” for example. In summary, just throwing some verbs around as starters for “rigorous” tasks is not enough to address the first bullet concerning the challenge of the task.

eAdventure 15 Self-Guided Reading Responses For Non-Fiction Texts - 15 Self-Guided Reading Responses For Non-Fiction Texts by TeachThought Curricula Critical literacy begins in being able to decode a text and then analyze it for meaning, implicit and explicit themes, and the relationship of a text to a given perspective, author’s purpose, and related text and media. Critical literacy is about a text and the motives of the people behind the text, and understanding how what we read and consume affects us. The prompts appear on the image below. Content Area: English-Language Arts, Literature, Writing Grade Level: High School/Grades 8-12 Curricula Format If you’d like to purchase printable reading response cards to use in the classroom, you can do so at our recently-created-and-quickly-growing TeachersPayTeachers Store. You can find the direct link to the non-fiction reading responses curricula here. Curricula Details

Scenarios | iTEC Scenarios, Design and Prototyping A scenario is a narrative that is used in iTEC as a medium to understand challenges and opportunities of advanced learning practices in European schools. Here is a list of all Scenarios that were created by Future Lab in the context of iTEC. The list includes brief descriptions of each scenarios, and starts with the most recent project cycle. Clicking on the name of the scenarios provides more detailed descriptions. Teachers are warmly welcome to comment on the Scenarios! Rating: 4.0/5 (1 vote cast) Scenarios, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating This post is also available in: Dutch Spanish Finnish Hungarian Turkish iTEC cycle 4 scenarios Mind mapping the soil – To use mind-maps and related approaches as a powerful tool for learning, in particular to promote deep understanding while at the same time encouraging a cross-curricular approach. GPS Enabled Learning Games – To use GPS devices in geo-located treasure-hunts and to develop location-based/alternate reality games Continue reading

Why Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert Say Colleges and Universities Are Broken Malcolm Gladwell couldn't be more clear in his podcast about a school ranked by some as the number one liberal arts college: There's only one solution. If you're looking at liberal arts colleges, don't go to Bowdoin. Gladwell's podcast gave the context about the school's values. Witness Seth Godin's altMBA's criticism: Unlike traditional education, our curriculum is hands-on. It continues to contrast with traditional education (my emphasis): What we truly stand for is the posture of taking responsibility for creating work that matters.We stand for speaking up, speaking out and listening, too.We stand for embracing an informal process for growth instead of needing an authorized, accredited piece of paper to prove that you've somehow absorbed a bunch of data. If the altMBA leads to responsibility, work that matters, speaking up, listening, and growth, what does traditional education do? Tony Wagner, expert-in-residence at Harvard University's Innovation Lab, points out: He also reported that

The project Notre cerveau peut apprendre à tout âge À 55 ans, Philippe a retrouvé du temps pour lui, depuis que ses enfants ont quitté la maison. Pourquoi n’apprendrait-il pas enfin le piano, comme il en a toujours rêvé ? Mais à 55 ans, se dit-il, je ne suis plus capable d’apprendre, je suis trop vieux et mon cerveau n’est plus aussi performant qu’à 20 ans… Nathalie, elle, a 30 ans. Pour son évolution de carrière, elle doit choisir entre un poste en Allemagne, qui ne l’attire pas vraiment, et un autre en Espagne, qu’elle juge formidable. J’aurais dû faire espagnol au lycée, regrette-t-elle, c’est trop tard aujourd’hui pour se mettre à une nouvelle langue. Ce sentiment d’être trop vieux pour apprendre quoique ce soit de nouveau, beaucoup de personnes l’éprouvent. Apprendre, c’est en réalité l’activité de toute une vie. Des connexions entre les neurones renforcées ou diminuées L’apprentissage est un processus cognitif dynamique qui se déroule en deux étapes : l’acquisition d’une nouvelle information et son stockage en mémoire.

Kaosteknik What is Metaliteracy ~ Metaliteracy MOOC You are not logged in. [] [] Metaliteracy This Metaliteracy MOOC explores the metaliteracy model originally developed by Tom Mackey and Trudi Jacobson in Reframing Information Literacy as a Metaliteracy. This open learning experience turns theory into practice by exploring emerging technologies to collectively create and distribute information in an open participatory environment. We will interact with global participants and continuously reflect on our learning in this environment. This MOOC has been developed for course sharing between the University at Albany and Empire State College, at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and to engage with participants globally. What is Metaliteracy? According to the Mackey and Jacobson: Metaliteracy promotes critical thinking and collaboration in a digital age, providing a comprehensive framework to effectively participate in social media and online communities. The Metaliteracy Model Advancing Metaliteracy Metaliteracy Learning Collaborative (MLC)

The Defining Characteristic Of Early 21st Century Learning The Only Thing You Need To Be A 21st Century Teacher by Terry Heick Contrary to what you’ve probably read, you don’t have to be engaging to be a great teacher—at least not in any charismatic and charming sense of the word. You can be relatively “boring” and lead students to outstanding academic progress, mainly by staying organized, being reflective, flexible, and in constant contact with an active and ambitious professional learning networking. A resourceful teacher with an internet connection is likely to encounter more professional development materials in a few days than many teachers saw in a lifetime two generations ago, which makes this an exciting time to be an educator. You don’t have to use technology either. Like learning. You don’t have to know what every single initialism, phrase, and bit of #hashtag jargon means to be a great teacher either. And this isn’t an argument for resisting change (a death knell for great teaching) or even keeping it simple, either. Possibility.

The Lesson You Never Got Taught in School: How to Learn! A paper published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest evaluated ten techniques for improving learning, ranging from mnemonics to highlighting and came to some surprising conclusions. The report is quite a heavy document so I’ve summarised the techniques below based on the conclusions of the report regarding effectiveness of each technique. Be aware that everyone thinks they have their own style of learning (they don't, according to the latest research), and the evidence suggests that just because a technique works or does not work for other people does not necessarily mean it will or won’t work well for you. If you want to know how to revise or learn most effectively you will still want to experiment on yourself a little with each technique before writing any of them off. Elaborative Interrogation (Rating = moderate) A method involving creating explanations for why stated facts are true. An example of elaborative interrogation for the above paragraph could be: Reference:

Bring abstract concepts to life with AR expeditions Over the last three years, Google Expeditions has helped students go on virtual field trips to far-off places like Machu Picchu, the International Space Station and the Galapagos Islands. The more you look around those places in virtual reality (VR), the more you notice all the amazing things that are there. And while we’ve seen first hand how powerful a tool VR is for going places, we think augmented reality (AR) is the best way to learn more about the things you find there. Imagine walking around a life-sized African elephant in your classroom or putting a museum's worth of ancient Greek statues on your table. Last year at Google I/O we announced the Google Expeditions AR Pioneer Program, and over the last school year, one million students have used AR in their classrooms. With AR expeditions, teachers can bring digital 3D objects into their classrooms to help their students learn about everything from biology to Impressionist art.

20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning 20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning Recently we took at look at the phases of inquiry-based learning through a framework, and even apps that were conducive to inquiry-based learning on the iPad. During our research for the phases framework, we stumbled across the following breakdown of the inquiry process for learning on (who offer the references that appear below the graphic). Most helpfully, it offers 20 questions that can guide student research at any stage, including: What do I want to know about this topic? How do I know I know it? These stages have some overlap with self-directed learning. References Cross, M. (1996). Kuhlthau, C., Maniotes, L., & Caspari, A. (2007).
