Octave GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems, and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation. Octave is normally used through its interactive command line interface, but it can also be used to write non-interactive programs. The Octave language is quite similar to Matlab so that most programs are easily portable. Octave is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Version 4.0.0 has been released and is now available for download. An official Windows binary installer is also available from Thanks to the many people who contributed to this release!
www.mathprepa.com RoboCup2013 : Wat bij er niet ontbreken... Mathematica: Technical Computing Software—Taking You from Idea to Solution With energetic development and consistent vision for three decades, Mathematica stands alone in a huge range of dimensions, unique in its support for today's technical computing environments and workflows. A Vast System, All Integrated Mathematica has over 6,000 built-in functions covering all areas of technical computing—all carefully integrated so they work perfectly together, and all included in the fully integrated Mathematica system. Not Just Numbers, Not Just Math—But Everything Building on three decades of development, Mathematica excels across all areas of technical computing—including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations and much more. Unimaginable Algorithm Power Mathematica builds in unprecedentedly powerful algorithms across all areas—many of them created at Wolfram using unique development methodologies and the unique capabilities of the Wolfram Language. Higher Level Than Ever Before Superfunctions, meta-algorithms...
Mathématiques Raisonnement mathématique sur un tableau. Bien que les résultats mathématiques soient des vérités purement formelles, ils trouvent cependant des applications dans les autres sciences et dans différents domaines de la technique. C'est ainsi qu'Eugene Wigner parle de « la déraisonnable efficacité des mathématiques dans les sciences de la nature »[1]. Étymologie[modifier | modifier le code] Le mot « mathématique » vient du grec par l'intermédiaire du latin. Le mot μάθημα (máthēma) est dérivé du verbe μανθάνω (manthánô) (« apprendre »). La forme neutre de l'adjectif μαθηματικός a été substantivée en τα μαθηματικά (ta mathēmatiká) pour désigner les sciences mathématiques dans leur ensemble. L'usage du pluriel est un héritage de l'époque antique, où le quadrivium regroupait les quatre arts dits « mathématiques » : l'arithmétique, la géométrie, l'astronomie et la musique. Dans l'argot scolaire, le terme « mathématiques » est fréquemment apocopé en « maths », parfois aussi écrit « math ». .
RoboCup: livestream via omroepgelderland Ieder jaar houden robots hun eigen WK voetbal. Dit jaar werd deze RoboCup in Eindhoven gespeeld. Aan het WK robotvoetbal deden 2500 deelnemers uit veertig verschillende landen mee. Nederland, de titelhouder bij het prestigieuze toernooi, speelde donderdag de eerste vier wedstrijden. "De robots zijn volledig geprogrammeerd en moeten dus zelf de beslissingen nemen. Meer informatie, inclusief het programma, is te vinden op de website van de RoboCup.
Maple 15 – Technical Computing Software for Engineers, Mathematicians, Scientists, Instructors and Students What's New in Maple 18 New tools for visualization, time series analysis, app development, fractals, and much more! Read about these and other great new features in Maple 18. See What's New in Maple 18 Limited time offer! Save 15% when you upgrade to Maple 18 Offer expires June 15th, 2014. The Essential Tool for Mathematics and Modeling What is Maple? The result of over 30 years of cutting-edge research and development, Maple combines the world's most powerful mathematical computation engine with an intuitive, clickable user interface. Watch the video – What is Maple > What's New in Maple 18 > Maple Features Overview > Maple Webinars Product information, training, industry & academic applications, and more! View the entire live webinar schedule > View all recorded webinars > Webinar Recordings What's New in Maple 18 for Industry What's New in Maple 18 for Educators Create, Share & Learn with the User Community Stay connected! Ready for the next step?
RoboCup RoboCup is an annual international robotics competition founded in 1997. The aim is to promote robotics and AI research, by offering a publicly appealing, but formidable challenge. The name RoboCup is a contraction of the competition's full name, "Robot Soccer World Cup", but there are many other stages of the competition such as "RoboCupRescue", "RoboCup@Home" and "RoboCupJunior". The official goal of the project: "By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup.[1]" RoboCup leagues[edit] Team rUNSWift competing in the Standard Platform League at RoboCup 2010 in Singapore The contest currently has four major competition domains, each with a number of leagues and subleagues: Each team is fully autonomous in all RoboCup leagues. Venues[edit] External links[edit] Recent RoboCup Local Events[edit] 2014[edit] 2013[edit] 2012[edit] 2011[edit]
Fityk — curve fitting and peak fitting software Robocup: Symposium Overview The 17th annual RoboCup International Symposium, 1 July 2013, will be held in conjunction with RoboCup 2013. The Symposium represents the core meeting for presentation and discussion of scientific contributions to a variety of research areas related to all RoboCup divisions (RoboCupSoccer, RoboCupRescue, RoboCup@Home, RoboCup@Work and RoboCupJunior). Its scope encompasses, but is not restricted to, research and educational activities within the fields of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the symposium offers a unique venue for exploring various and intimate connections of theory and practice across a wide spectrum of research fields. New track To encourage open-source releases of hard- and software components, a special track on open-source developments will be included in the 2013 RoboCup International Symposium. Important dates Symposium co-chairs Contact: robocupsymposium2013@easychair.org Areas of intrest