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Pictures of Walls

NOTCOT.ORG Found Shit : Funny, Bizarre, Amazing Pictures & Videos » Mobiel internet: snappen uitgevers het weer niet? 20-02-2008 R Eerder schreef ik op de webblog van IDG Nederland al over de noodzaak voor web exploitanten, als het gaat om hun eerste schreden op het mobiele internet, om niet de fout te maken die printuitgevers maakten toen ze het web op gingen. Toen gingen ze internet er bij doen. En ze kopieerden tijdschriften en kranten 1-op-1 naar het web. Decennia lang hadden printuitgevers een monopoliepositie binnen hun eigen domeinen. Toen internet als medium opkwam, kwamen de uitgevers echter langzaam op gang. Een vraag die me al een tijdje bezig houdt, is: wordt de koek op het mobiele web straks ook opnieuw verdeeld? Positiever gesteld: dient zich hier een grote kans aan? Het antwoord ligt bij gebruikers. Tagged as: eBay, Google, krant, Marktplaats, mobiel internet,, PCM, Sanoma, zolderkamer media

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos | Monday Inspiration | Sma Funny Pictures - Constant Funny Pics ! Won’t You Take Me to…GenieTown-- GenieTown is launching an online marketplace for connecting local, specialized service providers and consumers today – a difficult area to reach often defined as the last-mile of the Web. It combines the visibility of Yellow Pages, the local community of Craigslist Services, and the unique long tail market that defines eBay. Services that define GenieTown include everything from home improvement and personal chefs, to music lessons and help with computer networks. Customers in need of these specific services can create a project and service providers (Genies) can then respond directly and tailor their offer based on the opportunity. It’s also a network where Genies can contribute to the community to show expertise and earn business and customers and providers can rank each other based on experience. GenieTown allows customers to easily browse through a broad range of specific service providers or post a job request and invite qualified responses. More at TechCrunch Digg it.

"Another Dragonfly" Fine Art Print by Gregg Williams - Captured this in my back yard today, hope you enjoy. Tags delicate, nature, detail, macro, insect, bug, antenna, dragonfly, wings, damselfly desktop tablet-landscape content-width tablet-portrait workstream-4-across phone-landscape phone-portrait Pagog - Funny Pictures, Funny Videos, and other Unbelievable vis web2.0 security Even as social networking darling Facebook prepares a version of its online networking application aimed specifically at enterprise users, legions of security experts are getting behind the idea that the sites represent a serious threat to businesses and other organizations. From the ability of malware, adware, and spam distributors to use the sites as delivery vehicles for their latest work to the opportunity for cyber-criminals to craft extremely targeted attacks using information garnered from individual profiles posted on pages of Web 2.0 properties, social networking is rapidly becoming a serious pain point, researchers maintain. Recent examples of malware and adware distribution schemes carried out on the existing services operated by Facebook and MySpace represent merely the tip of the iceberg, they said, with many attackers likely already hard at work creating new methods for duping users of the sites into exposing themselves and the companies that they work for.
