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Rememberthelittleguy & Toypaper - Doodles, Interactive Design and Paper Toys! Once upon a time there was an afternoon project that turned into a weekend project that turned into a website that turned into Toypaper. All that adds up to a HUGE amount of time spent cutting and gluing paper - far too much time if I am honest so it's time to put the cap back on the glue for a while. If you are reading this expecting to find papertoys then don't worry, I have put them all at the bottom this page just for you. I have met some lovely people from around the world, painted a 12ft concrete monster in Manchester and received lots of interesting emails, some of which I have had no other choice but to ask Google to translate for me. So for the near future there won't be any new updates and the mailing list has been safely deleted. One last thing - make sure you are careful with your scissors.

Toys Sfumato l’hype per i vinyl toy, ogni tanto becco ancora in giro qualche nuova produzione che attira la mia attenzione come questo Kumamon Toy di Kagawa Masahiko da 138 millimetri. Se ci capite qualcosa questo è uno dei link da cui si puà acquistare. read more Il 4 maggio FOX trasmetterà la speciale puntata completamente animata con pezzi di Lego così 16 nuove minifigs verranno messe in vendita nelle prossime settimane. Ogni personaggio costerà 4 dollari ma scommetto che andranno in un secondo in sold out. read more Il sud coreano Momot è un king in fatto di paper toy. Medicom ha annunciato la release di due nuove colorazione dell’ambita Vinyl Collectible Dolls dedicata a Andy Warhol. La quinta serie del teschio in porcellana di Limoges di NooN e K.Olin Tribu verrà decorato con varie farfalle applicate a mano dall’artista. read more Non se ne vedevano da parecchio tempo paper toy su ThinkBigchief. read more Questa è una di quelle cose per cui da piccolo saltavi pranzo, merenda e cena.

Danbo, le robot en carton… Si vous êtes branchés Manga, vous connaissez forcément Yotsuba to!, manga comique japonais créé par Kiyohiko Azuma qui raconte les aventures quotidiennes d’une petite fille nommée Yotsuba. Cette série a inspiré plusieurs toys dont quelques versions « paper »… Dans ce manga populaire, Danboard (du mot japonais « danboru », qui signifie « carton ») est un costume de robot en carton, dans lequel Miura (un des personnages) se faufile et se déplace lorsque des pièces sont insérées dans la fente. Bref, ce robot a marqué les esprits et les fans de ce petit personnage y vouent un véritable culte… Des dizaines de photographes se prennent au jeu et publient leurs créations sur Internet, constituant une banque d’images volumineuse, qu’il est impossible d’exposer ici. Le template version « Amazon » est disponible au téléchargement en cliquant sur l’image ci-dessous. Partager

Tougui Home » Tougui Coobie Toy ‘Bubblegum’ by Stellan Sa devise : mâche ou crève ! Première contribution à notre appel d’offre créatif, voici un Coobie tout rose à l’allure de chewing-gum énervé. Bref, un papertoy bien sympa comme on les aime, à bien évidemment télécharger et faire tourner ! Une création de notre ami Stellan Erikzén Hermond sur la base du Coobie Toy d’ADMSXT… Vous avez remarqué qu’il avait 10 yeux ? Enfin, je rappelle que nous invitions tous les créatifs – de tous horizons & du monde entier – à customiser leur Coobie Toy. Do It Yourself! Partager Par Toy Boy, le 18 avril 2012 dans Art, Cute, DIY, Designers, Divers, Déco, Enfants, Evénements, Geek, Lifestyle, Monstres, Papercraft, Papertoys, Personnages, Urban / Street

How to Fold an Origami Orchid Video Here I’ll show you how to make an origami orchid. Really, it’s just a mutated lily. We’re going to star from the frog base. If you already know the frog base, make one and then skip ahead. To start, we’ll need to make what's called the square base. Fold the paper in half to make a rectangle, crease and then unfold. From the square, take one flap on top and pivot from the closed end to fold in towards the middle. From our frog base, take this side with this little floppy thing and then turn the page.
