Biofield Treatment on Quality of Beef Extract and Meat Infusion Powder The present research work investigated the influence of bio-field treatment on two common flavoring agents used in food industries namely beef extract powder (BEP) and meat infusion powder (MIP). The treated powders were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size analysis, surface area analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The FT-IR results showed disappearance of triglycerides peaks in both the treated powders as compared to control. XRD results corroborated the amorphous nature of both control and treated samples. The BEP showed enhanced average particle size (d50) and d99 (size exhibited by 99% of powder particles) by 5.7% and 16.1%, respectively as compared to control. Beef is known to have excellent nutritional value and it has been widely consumed in many countries. Coronory heart disease (CHD) is the main cause of death in western countries. Mr. Discussion Conclusion
Materials Research Innovations | Trivedi's Publications Metal Powder Report Metal Powder Report has been the premier source of information about the powder metallurgy industry for more than 50 years. Metal Powder Report, Volume 63, Issue 9, October 2008, Pages 22-28, 31 A transcendental to changing metal powder characteristics Mahendra Kumar Trivedi and Rama Mohan Tallapragadab Abstract It's not often that Metal Powder Report departs from the path of hard facts into the somewhat ‘mushier' area of metaphysics, but opportunities crop up. Some will laugh, others will cry, but perhaps among our readers there are those who might be able to help elucidate further the phenomena described… Click for more details: Bulletin of Materials Science Journal: Bulletin Of Materials Science, Volume 32,No. 5, October 2009, PP 471-479 Effect of external energy on the atomic, crystalline, and powder characteristics of antimony and bismuth powders Vikram V. Results: Conclusions:
Mahendra Trivedi | Independent Researcher | Las Vegas Summary Mahendra Trivedi earned his 5-year Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1985 and worked as an Engineer for 10 years. In 1995, Mr. Trivedi discovered that he had the unique ability to harness the energy from the universe and transmit it to anywhere on the globe, infusing it into living organisms and nonliving materials, thus optimizing their potential. For the next 5-7 years, Trivedi applied this newfound discovery to helping people optimize their potential, and this unique phenomenon resulting from Mr. Trivedi’s biofield energy treatments became internationally renown as The Trivedi Effect®. Although Mr. Mahendra Trivedi’s work within the international scientific community is extensive and ongoing. Mr. Presently, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi has designed various Human “Trivedi Master Wellness” Programs in which thousands of people have reported results that are often described as “miraculous” and “life-changing.” -- Dr. Mr. You can read more about Mr. 1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 6).
Antibiogram, Biochemical Reactions and Genotyping Characterization of Biofield Treated Staphylococcus aureus Abstract Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the key organism for food poisoning due to massive production of heat stable exotoxins. The current study was attempted to investigate the effect of Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment on S. aureus. S. aureus (ATCC 25923) was divided into two parts, Group (Gr.) Keywords: Staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Antimicrobial Sensitivity, Biofield Treatment, Biochemical Reaction, Biotype, 16S rDNA, Gram-Positive Bacteria 1. Staphylococci are the important class of pyogenic Grampositive spherical bacteria resembling to the grapes like structure. National Institute of Health/National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH/NCCAM) have reported that biofield (putative energy fields) or electromagnetic based energy therapies used to promote health and healing [8]. 2. S. aureus, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 25923) strain was procured from MicroBioLogics, Inc., USA and stored with proper storage conditions until further use. 2.1.
Mahendra Trivedi Mahendra Kumar Trivedi earned his 5-year Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1985 and worked as an Engineer for 10 years. In 1995, Mr. Trivedi discovered that he had the unique ability to harness the energy from the universe and transmit it to anywhere on the globe, infusing it into living organisms and nonliving materials, thus optimizing their potential. For the next 5-7 years, Trivedi applied this newfound discovery to helping people optimize their potential, and this unique phenomenon resulting from Mr. Although Mr. He amassed a collection of over 4,000 scientific studies in many life sciences and material sciences, including: agriculture, livestock, biotechnology, microbiology, materials science, genetics, cancer and human health and has several dozens of publications in leading international peer-reviewed scientific journals, all in support to the dramatic results reported through human testimonials, thus excluding the possibility of the placebo effect. Mr. Mr. 1).
The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Physical, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel Powder Volume 4 • Issue 4 • 1000173 J Appl Mech Eng ISSN:2168-9873 JAME, an open access journal Open AccessResearch Article Trivedi et al., J Appl Mech Eng 2015, 4:4 Applied Mechanical Engineering o u r n a l f p i e d c h g Keywords: Bioeld treatment; Austenitic stainless steel; X-ray diraction; FT-IR; SUS316L Introduction Stainless steel (SS), invented in the beginning of the 20th century, is known for high resistance to corrosion and staining. consists of iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr) and molybdenum (Mo). austenitic, ferritic, and martensitic. responsible for corrosion resistance properties and nonmagnetic behaviour. structure with nickel (12-15 wt.%), chromium (16-18 wt.%). content of Cr, it is suitable for high corrosion resistance applications [1]. very useful for nuclear fuel clad tubes and fuel assembly [2]. crystalline austenitic SS is mainly consist of large volume fraction of crystallite and crystallite boundaries, which signicantly alters their properties.
Mahendra Trivedi "The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Physical, Structural and" by Mahendra Trivedi Mahendra Trivedi, Trivedi Global Inc. Article comments Mahendra Trivedi is recognized throughout the world for his ability to transmit a powerful form of energy known as the Trivedi Effect®. Abstract Stainless steel (SS) has gained extensive attention due to its high corrosion resistance, low maintenance, familiar lustre, and superior mechanical properties. Suggested Citation Mahendra Trivedi.
Mahendra Trivedi | Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern, Biochemical Characteristics and Biotyping of Salmonella paratyphi A: An Impact of Biofield Treatment responding into useful way that is called biofield energy and the process is known as biofield treatment. Mr. Trivedi’s unique biofield treatment is also known as The Trivedi Effect®. Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment has been known to transform the structural, physical and thermal properties of several metals in material science [14-16], improved the overall productivity of crops [17,18], altered characteristics features of microbes [19-21] and improved growth and anatomical characteristics of various medicinal plants [22,23]. Due to the clinical significance of this organism and literature reports on biofield treatment as an alternative approach, the present work was undertaken to evaluate the impact of biofield treatment on paratyphi A in relation to antimicrobials susceptibility, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and biotyping based on various biochemical characters. Materials and Methods S. paratyphi A, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 9150) and B. conditions until further use. Gr. A was
Publication meta - The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Physical, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel Powder - Publications Stainless steel (SS) has gained extensive attention due to its high corrosion resistance, low maintenance, familiar lustre, and superior mechanical properties. In SS, the mechanical properties are closely related with crystal structure, crystallite size, and lattice strain. The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of biofield treatment on structural, physical and mechanical properties of SS powder. SS (Grade-SUS316L) powder was divided into two parts denoted as control and treatment. The treatment part was received Mr. Mahendra Trivedi | Phenotypic and Biotypic Characterization of Klebsiella oxytoca: An Impact of Biofield Treatment Klebsiella oxytoca (K. oxytoca) is a Gram-negative microbe generally associated with community and hospitalacquired infections. Due to its clinical significance, we evaluated the effect of biofield treatment on phenotype and biotype characteristics of K. oxytoca (ATCC 43165). The study was performed into three groups i.e. C (control), T1 (treatment, revived); and T2 (treatment, lyophilized). Subsequently, groups T1 and T2 were received biofield treatment and control group was remained as untreated.
The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Physical, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel Powder | Open Access | OMICS International Abstract Stainless steel (SS) has gained extensive attention due to its high corrosion resistance, low maintenance and familiar lustre and superior mechanical properties. In SS, the mechanical properties are closely related with crystal structure, crystallite size, and lattice strain. The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of biofield treatment on structural, physical and mechanical properties of SS powder. SS (Grade-SUS316L) powder was divided into two parts denoted as control and treatment.