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25. Lär dig nya språk rekordsnabbt
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Expanding Your Vocabulary | How to Learn German | Online and easy Let’s take a look on how big a vocabulary you need to reach fluency in an Indo-European language like German. The first few landmarks are not that difficult to achieve. 100-150 wordsIf you are able to understand somewhere between the 100 and 150 most common words in German, you should be able to understand around 50% of the words in a German text. 250-300 wordsIn order to speak in sentences fairly smoothly you need to know, and actively be able to use, the 300 most frequent words in German. 800-1500 wordsA person will during a typical day use somewhere between 800 and 1500 different words. 3000 wordsThe 3000 most common words cover 95% of an average active German vocabulary, and are you actively able to use these 3000 words, you should soon start to feel relatively fluent in German. 5000 wordsAn average active native German vocabulary is around 5000 words. 8000 wordsThe active vocabulary of one with a higher education is a notch higher. Please keep reading. Textbooks (Animation Films)

Elevers tankar kring Periscope i skolan, smygfilmning av lärare och livesändning. - Sara Bruun Periscope är en app som är väldigt inne bland ungdomar just nu. Via appen kan du filma och liveströmma det du gör just då. Tex så visar vissa tv-kanaler via Periscope hur det ser ut bakom kulisserna och andra livesänder när de spelar olika datorspel. Den som blir smygfilmad blir självklart väldigt upprörd, men personligen tror jag det är viktigt att inte hamna i förbudsfällan. Vill du veta hur själva appen Periscope fungerar så att du kan ladda ner den och sedan titta här för mer information om hur man gör: Jag valde idag att släppa en del av det som jag hade tänkt göra på mina lektioner för att diskutera Periscope med mina elever. Nedan följer hur jag gjorde och det är fritt att använda i era klasser. Persicope – fördelar och nackdelar (årskurs 8 och 9) Jag har under ett tag följt appen Periscope och jag vet att ni känner till den. 1.Fundera själv över appen. 2.Diskutera i era basgrupper (De består av 3-4 elever). 3. 4. 5. Tankar efter lektionen / Sara

Apprendre le français avec TV5MONDE Mobile Whether you teach elementary ESL or work with adults, spelling will be a part of your curriculum.... How to Hack Your Brain and Memorize Anything, According to Expert Mattias Ribbing The highest-grossing films of 2015 star James Bond, a man in an iron suit, a man stuck on Mars, a tyrannosaurus rex and the fictive emotions in our head — but almost no Latinos. Aside from supporting roles by Michelle Rodriguez in Furious 7, Oscar Isaac in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Jennifer Lopez and Ryan Guzman's lead roles in The Boy Next Door, very few mainstream films featured Latino actors. Even worse, of the four performances mentioned above, only one actor, Rodriguez, actually portrayed an explicitly Latino character. Yes, there were few Latino roles this year, but there were even fewer Latino-themed mainstream films. In fact, as Flavorwire points out, 2015 saw an equal number of films about Latinos and about monkeys. The most high-profile Latino-themed film of 2015 was probably McFarland, USA starring Kevin Costner as a running coach who teaches a team of Latinos to rise above their socioeconomic status through sportsmanship. "That showed me I was worthy," he said.

Pratkort på App Store Why I taught myself 20 languages — and what I learned about myself in the process During the past few years, I’ve been referred to in the media as “The World’s Youngest Hyperpolyglot” — a word that sounds like a rare illness. In a way it is: it describes someone who speaks a particularly large number of foreign languages, someone whose all-consuming passion for words and systems can lead them to spend many long hours alone with a grammar book. But while it’s true that I can speak in 20 different languages, including English, it took me a while to understand that there’s more to language than bartering over kebabs in Arabic or ordering from a menu in Hindi. Fluency is another craft altogether. I began my language education at age thirteen. I decided to experiment. I moved on to Arabic, which I’d study every morning by reading news headlines with a dictionary and by talking to street vendors. By March of 2012, media outlets such as the BBC and The New York Times featured stories about me, “The Teen Who Speaks 20 Languages!” This piece originally ran on »

Step into German - For Teachers - Goethe-Institut  In their free time, your students listen to music, watch movies, play sports. Why not make their personal interests part of your German classroom? Why not work with teaching materials that focus on German music, film and soccer? We provide you with a great variety of videos, podcasts and worksheets that you can use in class without much preparation time and that are bound to capture your students’ attention. And don’t be surprised if your students will find the materials so appealing they will Step into German even outside the classroom! Teaching materials “Music” Teaching materials “Soccer” Teaching materials “Film” Teaching materials “German(y)”

Hur får vi eleverna att anstränga sig mer? Om man vill nå någonstans i livet måste man ha ett mål. Man måste också veta hur långt man har kvar till målet och hur man ska göra för att nå dit. Men det räcker inte. För att nå framgång inom vilket område som helst måste man vara beredd att kämpa, eller kötta som eleverna uttrycker det. För oss lärare gäller det att hjälpa eleverna att hitta den här drivkraften till ansträngning. Jag läste en artikel som cirkulerade i mitt flöde och gillade tanken på de sju olika stegen som visar hur ansträngning kan se ut. Efter en enstaka lektion, värdera arbetsinsatsen som en form av exit-ticket.I utvärderingen av ett arbetsområde, låt eleverna placera sin insats på skalan och reflektera kring betydelsen av ansträngning.Under utvecklingssamtalet när olika ämnen diskuteras.Låt eleverna fundera på en situation i livet när de befinner sig på steg 1 eller 2. Må så gott! Cecilia
