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The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All!

The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All!
If you are one of those out there that believe that Facebook has no place in the classroom, then, well maybe this post isn’t for you. But please first take a look at just a few reasons why you should reconsider: The fact is, the majority of your students and their parents are probably already on FacebookEven when schools have a policy against being “friends” online, there are tools you can use that won’t violate policyDespite what you may hear, there are strong privacy options that you can set up so only those that you want can access your informationWe have an obligation as educators to model appropriate online behavior and learn right along our students From Where do we begin? Just today, Facebook released their own sponsored Facebook For Educators guide, but we found that there really wasn’t enough “how-to” in this guide to make it worth it. Should we be “friends” with students? 1. 2. 3. 4.

100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom Facebook isn't just a great way for you to find old friends or learn about what's happening this weekend, it is also an incredible learning tool. Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings. Read on to learn how you can be using Facebook in your classroom, no matter if you are a professor, student, working online, or showing up in person for class. Note: Check out our updated version of this article for even more suggestions on Facebook in your class. Class Projects The following ideas are just a starting point for class projects that can be used with Facebook in the classroom. Follow news feeds. Facilitate Communication An excellent way to ensure students are more engaged in the learning experience, whether in a traditional classroom or at accredited online colleges, is by strengthening the communication between students and student-to-teacher.

Teach With Your Strengths (divider) The best educators know that for students to achieve meaningful, lasting success in the classroom and beyond, they must be emotionally engaged in the educational experience. This means educators must focus on students' hope, engagement, and wellbeing -- the predictors Gallup has discovered matter the most. Measuring and moving the needle on these outcomes transform educational institutions into places where students -- and educators -- thrive. Gallup experts work with leaders in education to hire and develop talented educators, identify the strengths of each individual student, and create engaging learning environments -- fostering long-term student success in the classroom and in future careers. Improving Educator Quality Every administrator, staff member, and educator has a direct and profound effect on student success. Creating Engaging Learning Environments Engaged educational institutions are places where people thrive and students grow.

100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown. These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. So we’ve revised our our original 2009 list to get you started or up to date. Whether you’re an academic or just interested in building your Twitter profile, keep reading to learn some tips and tricks that can help you take the first steps towards using Twitter for coursework, research, building a professional network, and beyond. The Basics Organize your Twitter. Etiquette Connecting

Hollywood's New War on Software Freedom and Internet Innovation (SOPA) This is the third in our series (Part 1, Part 2) breaking down the potential effects of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), an outrageous and grievously misguided bill now working its way through the House of Representatives. This post discusses dangerous software censorship provisions that are new in this bill, as well as the DNS censorship provisions it inherited from the Senate's COICA and PIPA bills. Please help us fight this misguided legislation by contacting Congress today. In this new bill, Hollywood has expanded its censorship ambitions. Do you write or distribute VPN, proxy, privacy or anonymization software? It would be bad enough to have these types of censorship orders targeted at software produced and distributed by a single company. Essentially any software product or service, such as many encryption programs, that is not responsive to blocking orders could be under threat. Those are just the new provisions in SOPA.

Teach With Your Strengths (divider) The best educators know that for students to achieve meaningful, lasting success in the classroom and beyond, they must be emotionally engaged in the educational experience. This means educators must focus on students' hope, engagement, and wellbeing -- the predictors Gallup has discovered matter the most. Measuring and moving the needle on these outcomes transform educational institutions into places where students -- and educators -- thrive. Improving Educator Quality Every administrator, staff member, and educator has a direct and profound effect on student success. Gallup's research-based approach to hiring and developing administrators, educators, and support staff gives educational institutions -- and students -- a competitive edge. Creating Engaging Learning Environments Engaged educational institutions are places where people thrive and students grow. Fostering Student Success, in the Classroom and Beyond Student success is the core of any educational institution.

Facebook Strategies For The Classroom Memory Improvement Techniques - Improve Your Memory with MindToo © VeerPRZEMYSLAW PRZYBYLSKI Use these techniques to improve your memory. The tools in this section help you to improve your memory. They help you both to remember facts accurately and to remember the structure of information. The tools are split into two sections. As with other mind tools, the more practice you give yourself with these techniques, the more effectively you will use them. Mnemonics 'Mnemonic' is another word for memory tool. The idea behind using mnemonics is to encode difficult-to-remember information in a way that is much easier to remember. Our brains evolved to code and interpret complex stimuli such as images, colors, structures, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, positions, emotions and language. Unfortunately, a lot of the information we have to remember in modern life is presented differently – as words printed on a page. This section of Mind Tools shows you how to use all the memory resources available to you to remember information in a highly efficient way.

Professionaliseer jezelf als docent via Twitter « Maatschappijleer, ict en meer Twitter? Is dat niet dat gedoe waar mijn leerlingen steeds mee bezig zijn? Ja, misschien wel. Maar dan mis je wel het grote geheel: Twitter is een uitstekend middel om jezelf als docent te professionaliseren. Maar hoe pak je dat dan aan? Waar te beginnen? Heel flauw misschien: begin met het maken van een account op Twitter. Volg je leerlingen Een goede docent weet wat er bij zijn leerlingen speelt. Volg collegae Het zal je verbazen hoeveel van je collega’s op Twitter zitten. #dtv Weet je het antwoord niet op een prangend vraagstuk? Externen Er zijn een heleboel mensen bezig op onderwijsgebied die niet meer direct voor de klas staan, maar wel een schat aan ervaring hebben. Organisaties e.d. Het loont de moeite om allerlei organisaties te volgen die je interesse hebben of op jouw vakgebied actief zijn. Inspiratie John Moravec (@moravec), Ken Robinson (@SirKenRobinson), TED, do I need to say more? Kortom: mis de boot niet en stap in.

The Social Impact of Friendships and Lies Do you trust me? Social media relies on the premise that we'll believe what people tell us more readily than if we were told the same thing by a nameless, faceless company. That's why brands go to great lengths to humanize themselves on the social Web. But, a new study by Edelman (whose digital arm features social media and ebusiness genius David Armano) claims that bond is eroding. A survey of 4,875 adults (500 U.S.) world-wide shows that just 25% of respondents said their friends and peers are credible sources of information about companies — a decline of 20% since a similar analysis in 2008. AdAge tried to make hay out of these findings with the provocative headline: “In the Age of Friending, Consumers Trust Their Friends Less.” With Friends Like These, Who Needs Friends? On the surface, it makes sense. The real shift is in how we define friendship. So sure we have less faith in our “friends” than we used to. Lying By the Seat of Our Pants Reexamine the chart above. Connect: Authored by:

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