How to Turn Your Computer Into the Ultimate Remote Access Media Server
Golf clap for this article. "clap, clap." Nicely done. Key points to be emphasized: a) Running a server on many "home" ISP connections may be against the Terms of Service in your ISP contract. Minor use probably won't be noticed. b) Using plain FTP (port 21) is crazy even with a password, unless you are publishing all the content for the world to have. c) VNC (any form) is not encrypted. d) If you are using HTTP, you probably plan to allow the world access to your files. e) Only ssh/sftp (port 22) out of all the choices in the article above, should be used externally. f) If you do open any external ports, make your life easier and on the outside, use a non-standard port and let your router forward to the internal "standard port" for your.
Wii Remote Head Tracking for Virtual Reality
Download and get started now! The links at the top of the site can walk you through the entire process. If you’re interested in contributing, contact us and/or see our project page on GitHub . News Updated public release of tracking server – v1.1.0 Posted 02 May 2011 Version 1.1.0 is a significant improvement, released to the public today. All News Screenshots For more screenshots, see the documentation on installing and using the system. About This application builds on the Wii Remote Head Tracking filter module for VRPN by providing an easy-to-use, fully-integrated tracking server. If you cite this work or use this tracking system, we would appreciate hearing from you. Paper materials and copies of publications may be mailed to:
Sébastien "VR Geek" Kuntz » A Definition of VR
Short definition Immersive Virtual Reality (iVR) is the science and technology required for a user to feel present, via perceptive, cognitive and functional immersion and interaction, in a generated environment. Introduction The term VR, Virtual Reality, seems now useless because it is too broadly defined and means different things to people. It ranges from any kind of 3D interactive application, to online metaverses like SecondLife, and finally to immersive VR. For me VR is Immersive Virtual Reality, the ultimate alternate reality we can get ! The terms ‘Immersion’ and ‘Presence’, which for me are essential for VR, are also now confusing, so let’s start by defining some fundamental concepts. - Fred Brooks asking the question, IEEE VR 2010 - Definitions Reality We could start be defining reality. Presence Then let’s define presence. The place illusion (PI) implies that your perception is fooled. The plausibility illusion (Psi) implies that your cognition is fooled. Immersion Immersive VR
Physics Solver v1.2
Ranked as 43 on our all-time top downloads list with 92456 downloads. Ranked as 58 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 190 downloads. Ranked as 568 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.80. ( ) Physics Solver v1.2 Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! 234,809 bytes Mon Sep 8 22:17:21 2003 Yes (requires a free ) (requires an account; or you may directly) If you have downloaded and tried this program, please rate it on the scale below Archive Contents Name Size Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.89p Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.92p Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.9xp Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.html Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.v2p Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Acceleration.html Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Atom.html Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Circuits.html Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Currents.html Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Diffraction.html Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Electric.html Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Work.html
The Ultimate TI-89 FAQ & Manual
This FAQ should detail many of the frequently asked TI-89 questions and related issues that are posted on our TI-89 Forum . If you have another question not answered here or that you want more detail about, simply start a new thread in the support section of our TI-89 Forum . If you're looking for a TI-89 manual, you can view the PDF here . 1.0: Getting programs to your calculator 2.0: TI-Graph Link software (Windows version) 3.0: Using programs on your TI-89 4.0: Programming Languages: 5.0: Assembly Program Issues 6.0: Different AMS and HW versions 7.0: Hardware 8.0: Miscellaneous Q1.1: Could you give me an overview on how to transfer files from my computer to my calculator? A1.1: First, of course, you must download them to your computer by clicking on them, and then you must unzip them (see Q1.3 ). Q1.2: What hardware do I need to transfer programs to my calculator? You can find a list of vendors from the Open Directory Project here , or buy one directly from TI . 4.0: Programming Languages